If you don't hire the help you need someone like a neighbor, the school or even a relative or well meaning friend could call CPS. Then CPS would force you to hire the help you need to get the home straightened out and made to be a healthy and safe place for you and your child to live. You need help so please make a few phone calls and talk to the company you plan to hire and ask them what their policies are concerning reporting to CPS/APS.
Good luck and best wishes :)
Posted: 19 November 2017 - 07:05 PM
My daughter is 13. We're not hoarders like on the TV show, but my husband and I both suffer from depression and we have physical problems also that hinder our efforts at cleaning. We have lived in this apartment for 2 years and have yet to unpack everything. There is clutter everywhere. I need help from someone to get out of this situation but I'm terrified if I call for help with it, someone may report us to CPS.