To make a long story short, I have a hoarding problem that I managed to keep concealed. Now I made so many progresses in my personal life. I started loving myself, accepting me, I started taking care of my body, lost 40 pounds. I found a job and there's someone really special in my life. I'm a brand new person, I'm happy with myself, I'm proud of everything I've accomplished through hard work. The only thing I need to tackle now is the cleaning up of the mess I created around me, physically. For the past week I've been filling up my car with stuff and dumping it. I've been dumping everything. I'm only really keeping what I need and I hope there will be very little remaining in my house after I'm done. After a week, I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. As embarrassing as it is to admit the state my house was in... I can see floor everywhere now. That is huge for me. I don't think it will take long until I can just start washing and put things in their places, but I'm at that point where I don't know where to turn. After so much throwing away I think I expected I'd be done already and now I just keep grabbing things and putting them back down because I can't decide what to do with it. It's the small things now and I guess I'm getting a bit frustrated at the realization of what I've done with my house. I think what I'm asking for is for some sort of method advice to deal with the final stages of clearing up this place and how to go about deciding what stays and what goes.