We reside on the barrier Island in a small town just westof Long Beach, NY. While our damage is not as devastating as those pictures you have seen in the media, we did flood and most of us lost the contents of our first floor which most of us knew must been thrown out before the mold took over.
Our neighbor, however, has refused help, then asked for help and then again refused help. As a concerned neighbor we contacted FEMA as the woman's 88 yr old mother has returned to the home from a shelter. They contacted Red Cross who will be sending food for the elderly woman, but in the meanwhile, the mountain of contents is sitting and festering.
We have tried to appeal to her on numerous occassions and know her house is at risk. We are at the third week since the storm and she has not thrown out one item. The Red Cross determined that they can not just go in and remove the contents. She is refusing help from volunteers as she wants to save items, beyond saving.