Hi June, First, congratulations on making the decision to deal with this situation. I can assure you that handled the right way, you will come out of this feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted off of you! With that being said, I would like to tell you a little about my company. My name is Cory Chalmers, and I built this website, HoardingCleanup.com, the message boards and the online support group for one reason...because I know people can find a better way. I love helping people and is probably the reason I have spent my entire life doing just that, a paramedic, a firefighter, a cleaner of death and traumatic injury scenes, and a hoarding expert. Steri-Clean is my company that I have owned now for 21 years. I have successfully cleaned over 10,000 hoarding homes and helped them maintain the clutter free lifestyle. We now have offices, both corporate and franchise throughout the United States. The particular office you would be working with is run by Tony and Gary, and both of them are great. I would never have hired them, unless they were people that can be kind, caring, supportive and non judgmental. If you have any questions for me about our company, our services, or anything hoarding related, just let me know. You can reach me at cchalmers@1800HOARDERS.com. I wish you the best of success in your soon to be new life!!