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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Facing Eviction
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Facing Eviction

Posted: 31 May 2015 - 09:09 PM
Your landlord can't do a surprise inspection. At least not here. They have to give you 25 hours notice. My landlord breaks in when I'm not here and takes pictures he sends to child services. I've had them come a few times. Especially since I have a kid who was expelled (in the 3rd grade).

I'm glad I read your message. I'm not being evicted, but my landlord is not renewing my lease. I have 3 months to be out. It's expensive in my town so I may have to move away. I hate taking my son who is doing well in school away from his friends.

I didn't think I was a hoarder. I also don't have an emotional attachment to the trash. I have graves disease, a thyroid issue. It comes with severe exhaustion. The exhaustion leads to mess which leads to depression and anxiety. I can't even have my mother babysit so I can go out. I'm to embarrassed by the mess.

It takes months before they evict you. Keep at it. Put as much trash as the town lets you out to the curb. If it does get to court take pictures of any really clean areas. Chances are your landlord didn't take pictures. It'll be your work against his and pictures can tip the case in your direction.

Don't let him push you out until a court tells you , you have to leave or until you decide to leave yourself

IF you lived in CT or around CT I'd offer to trade helping. I'd probably be more likely to clean if I had help from someone in the same circumstances.
Posted: 11 May 2015 - 12:56 AM
My landlord made an unannounced inspection of my apartment this past week and threatened to evict me. I am also behind in rent April & May. I am a single mom to three boys and this has been a huge blow to me. I am ashamed about the condition of my apartment and van. I just don't feel like a hoarder but not sure where to turn. I feel no connection to the stuff. It's like the mess creeps up on me and then I drown. I had started cleaning and had trash outside which the landlord saw and was upset about. I had been putting a little out to curb each week. I am trying to get the pkace cleaned but feeling very depressed and overwhelmed. I alternate between giving up and doing everything I can to fight to keep this apartment.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Facing Eviction

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