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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Storage Units
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Storage Units

Posted: 16 May 2011 - 11:01 AM
Sure you know this already, but getting angry will most likely make matters worse.

If someone is not ready to change, there is not much anyone can do.

Have you identified possible professionals? Perhaps do the ground work; have names and numbers; and see what happens. Then it is a matter of you deciding if and when you have had enough. If you are prepared to make big changes in your life, I would bring that into the discussion CALMLY.
Posted: 13 May 2011 - 08:45 PM
My husband has 3 storage units costing well over 450.00 dollars a month. I have tried everything to get him to go through them and he is unable.
I know he is a hoarder of sorts. He knows he needs counsiling and maybe even medication?? but will just not make the move. He has many of the classic signs of a hoarder... I just dont know where to go to from here. I am frustrated and becoming angry about it. It is "managed" at this time. and was much worse in the past. He just wont get rid of ANYTHING!! What do I do????????
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Storage Units

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