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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : How can I/You find help for change
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How can I/You find help for change

Posted: 07 November 2014 - 10:40 AM

So you are in the pit of hell and despair and have found this section of this message board.

Many years ago I was in a job with what could be a challenging company to work for. There was a man who always seemed to keep an even keel through the challenges, changes and disruptions. One day, while doing something to his computer, I asked him how he accomplished that. He just laughed and said he always expected change! For some reason I happened to search his name a few weeks ago. He has hit the last change.

Change IS coming your way. I saw a TV commercial where the guy asked the genie for a thousand bucks. Break to the yard covered with deer. Change IS coming. It may not be what you want or expect at the moment. It may not be what you fear at the moment. But it is coming.

I have spent a good portion of my morning scanning threads in this section of the board. Here are some by and about people like you. Maybe there will be something in one that will be helpful to you.

Hoarding Help Message Boards: Cleanup Help

Encouragement from seeing someone that succeeded in overcoming an extremely difficult situation:
Facing eviction. Started by Kassie

Examples of changing (or facing the necessity of changing) the way you think and dealing with yourself:
Who should be doing the throwing out? Started by Turning in Circles
Help. Started by Staci.
my mom's home. Started by mamahoards.

Start small:
Helpless. Started by needhelp.
Need Referral for Inexpensive Clean-up Help. Started by Cynthia.
Ready to Clean Up. Started by Mommy.

Examples of creative ways of thinking about steps in the process:
Need help, how do I get rid of all this stuff? Started by Adam.
Would this help? Started by Adam, again.
Ashamed! My house is THE filthiest pit on earth. Started by Joanna.
Volunteer or Low Cost Cleanup Help Needed. Started by Susan.
Moving, disabled and don't want to repeat. Started by SMurphy70.

Facing the possibility that your home and/or possessions may be lost to you:
What did I get myself into? Started by MayMay
Need help for my mother. Started by Debbie.
Father is in hospital and a hoarder. Started by Tiffany.
dementia & hoarding. Started by Allison.

Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : How can I/You find help for change

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