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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Motivation Needed? : Dangerous Animal hoarding
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Dangerous Animal hoarding

Ashleigh Stratmann
Posted: 06 April 2020 - 04:06 PM
I been watching the show Fatal Attractions about people who keep dangerous animals for pets, and among the cases was a hoarder of fully grown Tigers. Reason she started it, to save tigers from extinction. I think many of us would agree in helping saving endanger species and the importance, but for of us who are hoarders, we need to consider that these animals are dangerous for a reason, and thus any hoarder that keeps such animal put themselves as well as the animals and others at greatest risk. So let's support saving these animals the right way and support proper zoos and wildlife preserves (which we can find out by doing research of such places as not every zoo or wildlife do a good job taking care of their animals) and let the trained professionals handle the rest, because at least if something happens to them on the job, their families can at least receive something to help them out with stuff like funeral arrangements, where as families of those who keep dangerous animals as pets get nothing but grief if something happens to them
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Motivation Needed? : Dangerous Animal hoarding

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