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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Motivation Needed? : I'm my own worst enemy
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I'm my own worst enemy

Posted: 10 October 2017 - 07:30 PM
I think he's just gotten in the habit of spraying to mark territory even though he owns everything there already.
I know that some Veterinarians have special spray that you can spray around and that helps keep them from marking.
He now needs to re-learn not to pee on everything.
I taught Twinkles not to spray by keeping him shut in the bedroom where he felt secure and that he was the boss of the whole room.
He has slowly learned that the rest of the house belongs to all the other cats and if he sprays there he will be banished to the bedroom.
Also, if a cat smells another cat's pee on anything they will want to spray it down with their own pee to change the scent to their scent.
There are commercial cleaners that help remove the scent of cat pee.
Stray cats come up on my porch and pee on the door and my cats can smell it from inside the house.
Weekly, I spray the bottom on the door outside with "Odoban", it smells like eucalyptus and the cats don't like that and don't spray my door.
I get Odoban at Walmart and it's very inexpensive.
Hope I have given you some ideas that will help you and your kitty. :D
Posted: 10 October 2017 - 11:05 AM
The peeing started when my roommates can began coming into the space we rented in the house, and peeing on my things. I feel like my cat started marking things to let that cat know it was his. But now we moved and he's still doing it :(
Posted: 09 October 2017 - 12:12 AM
Thanks for answering my questions.
Happy to know you are a great cat Mama. :D
WAY TO GO! for all that you have gotten done.
True, when there is just too much stuff for the space it increases our anxiety and makes it even more difficult to make decisions.
I now understand the reason you want to store some things.

After I wrote my post here I read the other post you made on the message board.
About the cat peeing on things...
Yes it could be because he feels your stress.
Cats mostly spray to mark their territory and marking their territory is a simple way they try to keep their home safer from intruders.
Then they also just get into the habit of peeing on everything and that becomes a problem that can be re-trained out of them.
Posted: 08 October 2017 - 10:54 PM
My cat is really happy the only stress he has I believe is from me looking stressed. He is spoiled beyond belief and his litter box gets completely cleaned out 2 x a week, though my friend says that's too often to replace all the litter, I can't stand the germs,even with regular scoopings each day. I have germaphobia. I honestly just put it on the list to have something to check off that I know I will do. I feel like I'm treating him better than myself most days. He can tell when I'm upset and he head boops me.

I'm putting things in storage because I don't want them around me but I don't want to let them go because some are heirlooms and will go into my new home. But I have tossed a lot so far, I've made a lot of progress and sorted some of what I want to take to the new place. I just don't want to keep everything here while I sort anymore. It's easier when it's out of my home. I took things outside and just doing that made it so much easier. I tossed 70% of the items. I don't feel any of the overwhelming stress. I made a big mistake moving into a tiny apartment. I would have to toss almost everything just to live here. My last place was not safe for my cat (due to another cat there) and I moved quickly without time to find a more suitable place.
Posted: 08 October 2017 - 09:03 PM
Hello Nic :)

It does get very depressing looking at all you have to do.
The more you are able to throw out, the easier it would be for you.
That's something quick with little to think about.
Since my cats are here because I keep them here, innocent little prisoners,
I feel that keeping the litter boxes clean and always having food and fresh water available for them daily is my priority.
So I feel that filling your cat's litter box should be number one on the list.
May I ask why you will be putting boxes into storage?

Even though you have no motivation to do anything
if you start with something little or fast to finish that may inspire some motivation to do another little task.
Motivation often follows action.

Please come join us in the "Daily Chat" thread titled
"what are you doing today? :)

Posted: 08 October 2017 - 06:42 PM
I'm having trouble "getting going" anymore.

I just look at everything and get depressed.

What I did:
Today I cleaned the freezer out, a trash bag of bad food
Also cleaned out the trash can in the bathroom
and picked up a few things

What I need to do:
Refill the litter boxes
Do laundry
Bag up some things that are in the kitchen floor.
Clean the kitchen table off

Those are my "today" tasks

My week tasks:

Bag up everything that is laying loose so it's out of harms way and not so overwhelming
Stack all in back room
Move recliner into kitchen to haul away
Move at least ten boxes to storage per week
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Motivation Needed? : I'm my own worst enemy

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