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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Motivation Needed? : Please help me get motivated
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Please help me get motivated

Posted: 23 January 2018 - 10:23 AM
Hi Renee :)
Welcome to the board.
The very first step is acknowledging you have a problem.
The second step is seeking out answers and solutions.
CONGRATUATIONS for taking the first two steps! :D

A great book is "Buried In Treasures".
A very good program is the "HOARD NO MORE" rescue kit featured on the left side of this page.

There are some very wise and knowledgeable people who post regularly in the thread here named "The Daily Chat".
There we post questions, suggestions and plans.
We cheer each other on and give lots of support.
Please feel free to join us there :)
Posted: 23 January 2018 - 01:12 AM
Hi, I'm new to this site. I'm just getting started. I started hoarding after a bad breakup 13 years ago, and am just coming up for air. In the years since, no one has been in my house for about 7.5 years, and I need some home repairs done but can't stand the thought of someone seeing inside. I'm a retired law enforcement officer and am well respected in my town. I fear being found out. I know the stuff is also related to my weight; I've gained 90 pounds since the breakup.
Now, I have a big place to take care of, plus being gone about 3-4 days a week to help my aging parents ( my 3 brothers do nothing to help) which I resent a lot.
Anyway, I am surrendering that I need help and acknowledge I am in fact, a hoarder. Hard to admit, but it's true. Thanks for listening😇
Posted: 06 April 2017 - 04:04 PM
I know that feeling .
You are not alone.
Sometimes we can do it ourselves. Sometimes we need help. I started simply posting in one of the daily chats. I focused more , so I kept doing it.
Especially with depression. Get started and then determine a pace that keep doing.

Tell us more about your apartment?
Posted: 28 March 2017 - 06:28 PM
Hello Michelle :)

Here we like to start with "baby steps" to get going.
We also find that motivation follows action.
Meaning once we get started we are more motivated to continue.

When you get home from work do one little thing.
Maybe pick up and toss a few bits of trash or put one thing away where it belongs.
Perhaps spend just 5 minutes washing a few dishes or cleaning the bathroom.

We like to post daily what we are doing in
"The Daily Chat" thread.
There we give each other encouragement and support.
Posted: 28 March 2017 - 04:23 PM
I am looking for encouragement and someone to motivate me. I am very depressed, and I know my apartment does not help. I hate the way it is and fear someone finding out. When I am at work, I think about what I'm going to do when I get home and get stuff done. But then I get home and feel so overwhelmed, I don't start anything. And it just keeps getting worse. I can't afford therapy at this time so hoping I can get some help this way!
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Motivation Needed? : Please help me get motivated

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