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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Why Do You Hoard? (NEW!) : A family about to fall into crisis
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A family about to fall into crisis

Posted: 28 September 2020 - 12:25 AM

My boyfriends parents are hoarders and I am concerned by the state of their home. They seem to be in deep denial, not just them, but other family members who haven't been to the property in years. They have two bathrooms, one which hasn't worked or been fixed in 2 years. There are strange smells in the home, a room completely gutted, their kitchen floor has broken tiles, a dishwasher that doesn't work, and more recently my boyfriend has become concerned with the wood floor underneath their dirty carpeting.

Is there someone I can call that can assess the damage that had been done to the house? I'd like to get something in writing so that other family members will help. I'd also like his parents to start facing the reality of their situation and feel as though this might be a first good step. I'd be grateful for any advice. Thank you!
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Why Do You Hoard? (NEW!) : A family about to fall into crisis

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