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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Hoarding Studies - Help Find Answers! : Pretty safe to say hoarding an indicator of other issues
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Pretty safe to say hoarding an indicator of other issues

Posted: 16 March 2019 - 05:23 PM
After the hoarding program
the person who has a problem with hoarding is supposed to continue with a therapist.
Therapy services are provided.
Unfortunately, many times the people refuse to do this follow up therapy.

Without learning new ways of thinking about the objects they do go back to hoarding.
Posted: 16 March 2019 - 11:51 AM
In a follow up from The Hording show I just read that after a clean up, 4 out of 5 Horders went right back to their old ways. How devastating, for the blood sweat and tears, the family members put into the project. I don't believe the approach works as a cure because they never address the root problem.
Hording is a character issue.
Posted: 26 January 2019 - 08:03 AM
The hoarder here was always upity or abrasive at times among other things but after a successful clean up all their personality issues are coming out in full force. Their anger and resentment towards authorities is worse than before. You had better see things her way as well. She refuses to see a lawyer for legal issues or doctor for medical ones. But family, friends & neighbors must endure their diatribes on how the world is against them.

One reason the hoarder's situation got so bad(or was revealed) is that over the last few years if she got into an argument she felt she didn't win/get HER point across she would refuse to talk to you for weeks even after lecturing/screaming at you. She actually called back on the phone five minutes after hanging up on you in anger-"Another thing! #$*%(#Xo+! She did this to the people that were helping her on a regular basis. She refused to a see one friend for over 6 months, they'd talk but refuse a visit or help. She refused to call for help the day she got cited because 911 was needed to transport her. Our guess she was extremely combative and since her place was a mess the first responders turned her in for conditions.

I don't know how she did it, maybe she got pity or sympathy from her case worker but even though she was considered self reliant I can't believe authorities didn't detect signs of other issues. Or maybe she hasn't been forth right with others and has mandated counseling etc.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Hoarding Studies - Help Find Answers! : Pretty safe to say hoarding an indicator of other issues

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