I deal with physical exhaustion whenever I try to tackle a big project or large area. I have found it helpful to do small increments, even though normally I feel a fail if I don't complete in full. I pop onto the chat group during off hours and others are on there also. We often do the buddy system, just chatting first, then set a 15 min. window, and come back after. We talk about what we got done or what we didn't, and laugh and support as needed. The friends and support have helped me to tackle small things I didn't think possible. Maybe that may help with the exhaustion, if doing small time frames? You can use a timer, or use the buddy system. My mother suffered from Fibromyalgia through my teenage years and currently. It definately sets you back physically, but the emotional that goes along dehoarding can certainly add to that. YOu aren't alone! Hugs!