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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : JULY 2014 Clean Up
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JULY 2014 Clean Up

Posted: 01 July 2014 - 11:09 AM
Hi Kat :)
Welcome to the message boards.
Let us know a little more about the situation and maybe one of us will have some suggestions to help you.
Many locations have a nearby scrap metal collector who will come gather & haul off metal items, weigh them and pay you for the the metal.

Number one priority is that you always wear proper clothing, shoes, gloves, face masks, etc when dealing with clutter.

Good luck and best wishes.
Posted: 30 June 2014 - 03:46 PM
I will continue with a blog perhaps and just post updates on what i do every month on here.

You all can post your progress for the months too if you think its a good idea.

June 29th
We evaluated my husbands inherited property with family and came to the conclusion that there is way to much for All of us to do alone. We will need heavy equipment and many dumpsters to clean up. With no way to afford this we are at a loss.

We have cleaned up 2 cars full of stuff and cleaned out a storage area of a friends house. The friend was holding stuff for my husband for 3 years.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : JULY 2014 Clean Up

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