Hi Whew, I fully understand what you are going through. I have lost all four grandparents, both parents, two aunts, and my husband. Each loss was painful and I wanted to hang onto everything that reminded me of them. It felt like letting go of things meant that I was losing a part of them all over again. Here are some things I found helpful: 1. Deciding a few things that I knew I wanted to keep. I kept and slept in one of my husband's T shirts and often wore my grandmother's sweater when I wanted to feel her close to me. 2. Starting by giving away things that I knew were needed by others. My local Salvation Army needed warm winter coats and work boots for men working outside. I could donate those items first knowing someone else needed them. 3. Having a dear friend come in and help me sort items. We could talk and cry and share memories while we sorted. That was healing. I wish you well as you deal with your grief and work through letting go of things. I know the sheer volume of things can be overwhelming at first. Just take it a step at a time.