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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : progress from Sunday chat 5/25
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progress from Sunday chat 5/25

Posted: 28 May 2014 - 07:50 AM
Great work! You are making good progress.
Two years ago I had a glut of clothing and my drawers were stuffed and I was having difficulty finding what I needed.
I sat down and figured out how much I actually needed. I decided that I needed 10 days worth of clean underwear, 7 days of work clothing, one set of painting clothes, etc. i chose the clothing that looked the best and that I really liked most. The rest was discarded or went to the thrift store for resale.
If I can set aside one day in the spring and another day in the fall to sort, pitch, and give away, it really helps.
Keep up the good work and you will get where you want to be!
Posted: 28 May 2014 - 06:46 AM
Hi, bluerthnu! Yea for resisting the urge to get more! Here is where you will find many of us posting:

It's the thread called "What are you doing today, phase two."

Good luck with your great plans!
Posted: 28 May 2014 - 12:32 AM
Hi all. I wasn't sure where to post. I joined in on the chat last Sunday, 5/25 for the first time. I want to thank everyone for their support. So far all I have done is a load of laundry, and am about to start another one.

If anyone was there, you may know my big issue is acquiring too much clothing! I learned on Sunday that one technique is that I need to get rid of a similar item every time I add one. (Of course, I'm trying not to add any more!) I had to go to the mall today, but I resisted the urge to buy any clothes, even though I tried some stuff on.

If I have the energy while I do my load of laundry, I am planning to start bagging up items from the closet, which is overflowing. Many have been peed on by my kitten, so I am hoping to be able to throw out at least one garbage bag of stuff. I wish I could donate it, but the chances of me washing the pee out then getting rid of it are really poor.

I am also going to take out one load of trash, including the dirty litter, ewww. LOL.

OK, here I go..... wish me luck!
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : progress from Sunday chat 5/25

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