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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : Weekend Task
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Weekend Task

Posted: 17 October 2012 - 03:42 PM
YEA! Gaby!!!
Great job! :D
Posted: 17 October 2012 - 01:04 PM
ok i have done this chore and await other ones i see it is well past do. my kitchen came next on my list getting rid of those things i did not use in a long time or parting with duplicates.
Posted: 26 August 2012 - 01:05 PM
Removed all items from the bathroom medicine cabinet, cleaned the cabinet shelves and orderly put things back in.
All my OTC remedies are currently up to date. :D
I don't have any prescription meds so no worry about old ones laying around.
"He" has prescription meds in his desk drawer that he needs to take daily and they are all current.
He keeps all the empty pill bottles in a huge box out in the garage but recently talked about tossing most of them. :D
Posted: 24 August 2012 - 01:45 PM
O.K. :)

I will clean the bathroom medicine cabinet and since I keep all my OTC medicines & ointments in a box in the pantry, I will sort through that too.
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 24 August 2012 - 10:09 AM

Ok, so this might not make huge progress in your house, but it is probably something you haven't done in a while. Lets open up that medicine cabinet and clear out everything you do not use. Old perfumes, cosmetics, medications, soaps, that tootbrush from get the idea. Lets take 20 minutes and make our medicine cabinet useful. And while you are emptying it out, get some rags and cleaning solution and clean it real good too! This is a very small area that you can definitely see through to completion. Don't forget to remove your name or black it our with a Sharpie pen before you discard of them. Don't want your private information out there for others to see :)
Posted: 18 August 2012 - 11:17 PM
Hi Flopz :)

Since you two have discussed his big clothes & he agreed to donating them but he does not want to do the actual sorting and bagging up it would be fine if you did the work.
Once you have the clothes all gathered have him take a moment to look through the bags before you take them out to donate.

A few years ago I did this for Steven. He was in the room at the time.
He had final say on what I could donate.
Together we filled two HUGE trash bags full of donatable items and another bag of rags/trash.

Good luck with your projects! :)
Posted: 18 August 2012 - 11:03 PM
I really like the idea of this weekly task and look forward to trying what is given each week :) In regards to this weekend task, will it still count if the clothes are not my own? I spent all summer getting rid of all the clothes I had that didn't fit/ would never fit me again.
My husband has 4 bins worth of clothes all different sizes (handed to him after his father had a gastric bypass surgery). My husband has kept them all fearing that he would eventually get that big himself and would be too embarrassed to shop for clothes then/ didn't see anything wrong with the clothes his father no longer needed.
My husband will be having the same surgery in two days. He and I have talked about him getting rid of everything larger than the 3X/4X he wears now. He has said it's a good idea and wishes to donate them but he is not motivated to do all of the work himself. (I'm having a hard enough time getting him to do his chore of the dishes prior to the big day.)
Would it be crossing the line if I did the work? I do wish to be helpful but my biggest motive is to clear out the 8ft by 6ft area so that I can move a bookcase (that only holds my books) from his study into the space. His parents are selling their cabin and I've arranged with them to bring down my husband's chess table and favorite arm chair (that belonged to his grandfather). With the bookcase moved I can put the arm chair where the book case was (to the side of the window) and place the chess table next to the chair (in front of the window). Having separate offices is a new thing for us (less than a year) and now that I have almost 1/3 of my hoarded rooms picked up and decluttered I'd really like to help make the office we once shared really his own personal space.
Thanks for your help/ advice.
Posted: 18 August 2012 - 10:39 PM
Way To Go! Cory :)

Sometimes an item looks like it will be worn often until we get it home and wear it for a few hours and find out that something about it just doesn't work for us.
Best to just let it go to someone who will really enjoy wearing it.
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 18 August 2012 - 08:40 PM
Nice work Tillie! I actually did this exercise myself, and filled up a bag. I didn't think I had that much stuff, but I wasn't really wearding it so it went bye bye :)
Posted: 18 August 2012 - 07:17 PM
O.K. :D
I found one pair of shoes, two blouses and one nightgown for the donation bag!
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 18 August 2012 - 11:08 AM
Ok, so you have 2 days and probably don't do well with clutter. I will try to post a few assignments a week that are both easy and able to be completed. This weekends task is clothing. Get one trash bag and fill it with clothing that can go to the donation center. We all have clothes that we don't wear any more, perhaps they are too small or too big and we are waiting (endlessly) to fit into them again. Maybe they aren't our style any more? For whatever reason, there are truly needy people that can use them out there. This is not a difficult task by any means, but you MUST not only fill it, but it has to be dropped off at a local charity. Come on all, you can do this. Please post your progress and let's make a small dent in our clutter. It doesn't matter if it seems like a drop in the bucket compared to the big mess you will still be left with, it is a move in the right direction! Have a great weekend and remember, more needs to go out of the house then comes in or you are never going to achieve your goal of a clutter free home! Best wishes from all of us at :)
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