Dianne I am so grateful you are finally able to go into that room and make some progress, warms my heart, knowing how difficult it has been for you to get started, and here you are sharing your success with us. I am grateful the sun is out, grateful I will soon be warm enough to enjoy it. I am grateful I can sit in this comfy recliner chair and write, chair was not accessible for months, piled with clothes, usable for weeks now. Grateful for all the rock work I have finished, so pleasant now when I come in or out. Grateful I enjoy home repairs and can figure out most things. Grateful I am finally committed to making doctor appts. Grateful I have enough wood to warm trailer all winter, very cold winter. Grateful I have a view. Grateful I have you gals that post on here and that I truly care how your life is improving. I am grateful for all the support and suggestions I get on here.