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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : yardsale
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Posted: 17 October 2013 - 10:20 PM
When cleaning out a hoard the best and fastest way to get the job done is to toss everything not being kept.

That will get the home emptied of all the excess stuff and then cleaning the home will be so much easier.

Problem with hoarded items is that they tend to get dirty from being neglected for so long.
To donate them they would need to be properly cleaned first.
Items soiled with mold, insect, rodent, pet or human waste should never be donated or sold.
Simple washing of these items is not good enough to remove any dangerous bacteria or virus.
To sell them at a yard sale they would need to be cleaned, priced, sorted out and boxed up and stored somewhere till the sale will happen.
That is a lot of wasted energy and space.
Yard sales are a lot of hard work for very little profit.
And until the items are all sold, they are still around cluttering up the house.

I know this sounds harsh to many people but simply tossing all unwanted items is the fastest way to get clutter free.
plz help
Posted: 17 October 2013 - 05:18 PM
when cleaning out a home where someone has been hoarding is it better to just trash everything thst is not being kept (even good condition) or should you save for a yardsale- sorta like on clean house show
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : yardsale

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