I find it really helpful to team up with someone for 15 minute stints for doing a chore, picking things up, putting things away, cleaning, etc.
If I am here we can go to the chat area or just post, whichever is easier.
Even when no one is around I find that posting my goal and then my success can still work because I have it in black on white so to speak.
When I get up next time (from my chair that is) I will:
Put the groceries away.
Other tasks I need to do are:
Putting up the shower curtain including the rod and hooks. Eat something (ugh). Take the dog out periodically. Put the new vacuum together. Vacuum. Put down the new area rug!!! So happy I could get this today. Hang up new blouses. Unclog, with the stuff I bought to do it, the tub drain. Look at the boxes and bags I have in the second bedroom. Get someone to bring me the toaster oven microwave from the farm basement, hook it up, read the instructions.
I think that is enough and maybe too much to do in one day so I am not going to stress over it and just do what I honestly can.