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Posted: 20 September 2013 - 01:45 AM
Thanks Dianne, Yeah we took lots and lots of pictures while we were in L.A. Matt, Cory, and Snuggles were definitely very excited to see me when I got home from L.A... I remember when I walked through the door, they immediately knocked me to the ground and started jumping all over me. LOL. :D
Hi Karl, It kind of was. They didn't give us money for doing the clean-up, but they did pay for the hotel suite and the rental cars; which was really nice. :)
Posted: 18 September 2013 - 05:20 PM
Was this a paid gig? If so, do you mind saying how much you charged?
Posted: 18 September 2013 - 10:10 AM
Welcome home, MayMay!!
What a fun, successful trip you had! Did you take lots of pics of the hoard and clean-up?
I bet your babies went nuts when they saw you! hahaha
Posted: 17 September 2013 - 11:20 PM
Thanks Roxie! :)
Posted: 17 September 2013 - 02:20 AM
Welcome home, MayMay.
Posted: 17 September 2013 - 12:02 AM
Thanks Tillie! :)
Posted: 16 September 2013 - 10:25 AM
Welcome home MayMay :)
Posted: 16 September 2013 - 01:14 AM
Thanks diane, I'm so glad to be home. When Matt, Cory, and Snuggles saw me walk through the door, they practically attacked me. I actually have a few scratches from when they were jumping all over me. LOL. :)
Posted: 15 September 2013 - 05:22 PM
Welcome home MayMay!!
Posted: 15 September 2013 - 02:24 AM
Right now it's a little after midnight here in L.A. and we are FINALLY getting ready to fly home. Our plane was supposed to leave 3 hours ago; but it was an hour late arriving at LAX. And then after it finally arrived, we had to wait another 2 hours before we could even get on the plane. I can't wait to get home and see Matt, Cory, and Snuggles again. :)
Posted: 13 September 2013 - 01:37 AM
Today the guys and I visited the Griffith Observatory. It was really cool! I learned a lot about space and all of the planets and the sun and moon. :)
I'm so excited about tomorrow! Tomorrow the guys and I are going to go see "the Dodgers" play the "San Francisco Giants" at Dodgers Stadium. YAY! :D
Posted: 12 September 2013 - 01:46 AM
Hi Roxie, The guys and I will be heading back home on Saturday. I'm sad that I will be leaving, because I love L.A. so much; but I am excited about getting to see Matt, Cory, and Snuggles again. I love being in L.A., but I'm starting to really miss Matt, Cory, and Snuggles. :(
Posted: 11 September 2013 - 04:27 PM
So when are you and the guys returning home?
Posted: 11 September 2013 - 01:10 AM
Haha! That's hilarious! I love the video! :D
Posted: 10 September 2013 - 05:06 AM
Posted: 10 September 2013 - 01:03 AM
Today the guys and I went to Universal Studios. It was so much fun! We rode the Transformers ride, we went through the House of Horrors, we rode the Jurassic Park ride, we did the studio tour, and we also rode the Revenge of The Mummy ride. Today was AWESOME! :D
Posted: 09 September 2013 - 03:53 PM
Funny, Karl! :D
Posted: 09 September 2013 - 12:49 AM
Posted: 08 September 2013 - 01:46 AM
I was thinking about your firefighter friends and your love of pranks when I watched this video of a lunch break.
Posted: 08 September 2013 - 01:20 AM
Thanks Roxie and diane. :)
The house is officially finished. :)
Roxie, I would love to have a house that is as big as the hoarder's house. I can think of so many cool things that a house that big would be good for. If I had a house that big, I would let all the guys move in with me and I would also run my business from the house too. Kind of like the White House. (We would live in the house, but it would also be where we work too) :)
Posted: 07 September 2013 - 08:49 PM
Wow Maymay, 2 weeks of working daily, amazing that you all did this to the end, and now can really go have fun and sight seeing. This was a huge accomplishment, I am so impressed with you and your ability to stay focused.
Posted: 07 September 2013 - 03:27 AM
Thanks for the update. I was thinking that house would be the perfect size for a bed and breakfast.
Yeah on the job well done so far!
Posted: 07 September 2013 - 01:33 AM
Today and yesterday, we worked on cleaning out the basement. There was so much stuff in there. (A lot of old furniture and books) this was seriously the biggest clean-up I have ever done so far. The guys have been wonderful helpers. And the hoarder has been doing a great job with getting rid of stuff. Some parts of the clean-up were really hard for her; but overall she has been doing great. Tomorrow we just have to do some actual "cleaning-cleaning". (Like mopping the floors, vacuuming the carpets, washing the walls, etc.) then we will be totally done with the clean-up; and the rest of the time that we are in L.A. will be more like a vacation. :)
Hi Roxie, Yeah the house and the hoard were both huge! But we got it all cleaned out though. :)
Posted: 05 September 2013 - 06:37 PM
Hard to imagine a house with 10 bedrooms. Whoopeeee I'd love to look through the house.
Posted: 05 September 2013 - 01:29 AM
Thanks diane, It was great having Monday off. We had so much fun at the beach. :)
Today and yesterday we worked on cleaning out all of the bedrooms in the house. There are 10 bedrooms in the house that were filled with lots and lots of stuff. (Clothes, bags, shoes, etc.) the rooms kind of reminded me a little bit of my bedroom and closet before the guys cleaned my room and closet out; except the bedrooms were way worse then my room and closet was. Because there was so much stuff in all of the bedrooms, both today and yesterday were really hard on the hoarder. She did get rid of a lot of stuff though. I am very proud of her. :)
Posted: 03 September 2013 - 07:46 PM
Thanks Maymay, I am just so interested in all you do. Happy to hear you got to go to beach, wonderful beach to see all kinds of people. Co. 36 is a great name for your business. Did it feel good to have a day off? Bet you all really enjoyed it. Sure hope you all stop here on your way home!!!!
Posted: 03 September 2013 - 01:45 AM
Thanks diane, Yeah since today was a holiday, we all decided to take a little break from cleaning, and spent the day at Venice Beach instead. And then earlier this evening we went to a restaurant called "Sadie Kitchen and Lounge" for dinner. The guys are doing great. They aren't getting frustrated at all. Yeah it's funny because originally my boss didn't want me to do this clean-up because it's in California; and he was scared that if I went to California by myself and helped with the clean-up, I would end up getting lost in California trying to find Cory Chalmers. LOL. But then he was like, "I'll let you go to California. But only if we (my boss and the guys) can come with you and help with the clean-up too. They are definitely a great crew. And thanks to them I've already came up with a name for my future company. I'm going to call it "Company 36". The fire station that all the guys are from is called "Company 36"; so that's how I got the idea for the name. Yeah I'm telling them what to do during the clean-up. What I normally have them do is split into teams; and each team will focus on a certain area to clean. And yes, we are cleaning and organizing stuff too. :)
Posted: 02 September 2013 - 06:25 PM
MayMay, happy to hear the guys are hanging in there with you. Are you going out in the evening? Are the boys getting frustrated at all? Amazing they are willing to do this, guess when they retire with big benefits, it can be a second career thanks to you. I sure do appreciate your updates. If you have time, could you include more details of what exactly you are doing? Are you telling them what to do or are they just jumping in and doing it? Are you just getting rid of junk or are you cleaning and organizing everything? Love hearing from you.
Posted: 02 September 2013 - 01:13 PM
Hi Ali, Thanks! Well, I never really thought about becoming an extreme cleaner until I started watching "HOARDERS" a little over 2 years ago. After I started watching "HOARDERS" and found out about Cory and Matt, I started getting interested in becoming an extreme cleaner. I find the hoarding disorder to be a very interesting disorder; and that is one of the things that attracted me to wanting to be an extreme cleaner. Plus I also love traveling; and helping hoarders around the world gives me a reason to travel. One day I would love to help a hoarder that lives in another country; like England, or France, or Italy, or China (I would love to go to China one day.) or Australia; that would be so cool. The hoarder that I'm helping right now heard about me from a distant relative from my grandfather's side of the family that lives in California. Apparently my grandfather told the hoarder's son about me; and after he found out about me, he asked my grandfather to ask me if I could help clean out his mother's hoarded house. :)
Posted: 01 September 2013 - 04:13 AM
Thanks for taking us along on your adventure. Sounds like you are all doing a great job.
I am curious as to how you got into clearing out Hoarders homes & how this Hoarder heard about you. Just being Nosy.
Keep up the good work.
Posted: 01 September 2013 - 01:28 AM
Today we finished cleaning out the living room area and started cleaning out some of the hallways so that we will be able to get to all of the bedrooms that need to be cleaned out. Everybody did great today. :)
Posted: 31 August 2013 - 01:20 AM
Today went pretty well. We worked on cleaning out the living room area all day today. The hoarder struggled a little bit with wanting to get rid of items; (which didn't really shock me that much) but over all she did a great job today. :)
Thanks Barb! :D
Posted: 30 August 2013 - 05:02 PM
Hi MayMay, Your team is making great progress working on the house. I know I feel calmer and healthier when I have a clean kitchen and a clean bathroom. (Although I can't imagine trying to maintain five bathrooms--one can keep me busy enough). I feel as though I am getting affirmation that my own decision to try to keep those two rooms relatively clutter free in my own home was right. I am sure that your hoarder appreciates having those rooms done. Tomorrow will be hard, as you said. We'll be thinking of her and you who are on the team as she is faced with the stress of making those difficult decisions.
Posted: 30 August 2013 - 12:18 AM
Today we spent all day cleaning out all of the bathrooms. They were so filthy. Tomorrow, we are going to start cleaning out the living room area. Tomorrow is when the clean-up will start to get really hard for the hoarder. Because she is going to have to start making decisions on what she wants to keep, and what she wants to get rid of. So far most of the stuff that we have gotten rid of has been just trash and items that were totally ruined by the hoard.
Thanks Roxie, Yes, we are all wearing masks and gloves to protect us from all the dust and dirt and other nasty stuff that isn't good for us. :)
Thanks diane, No, I definitely did not wear my swimsuit while I was cleaning out the bathrooms today. LOL. The guys are doing great and the hoarder seems to really like them too. She even told me that she thinks they're sexy. LOL ;D
Posted: 29 August 2013 - 05:57 PM
Thanks Maymay for todays update. I can visualize you and all the firemen in a kitchen at once, dream come true, although not sure they think it is as much fun as you do!!! Bet you aren't wearing a swimsuit working in a filthy bathroom!!
Posted: 29 August 2013 - 08:38 AM
Thanks for keeping us posted. Please take all safety protections for you and the guys and the owner, of course. This would be a daunting task for us watching from the sidelines (well, vicariously, I guess) but it's cool to hear about your progress.
Posted: 29 August 2013 - 01:26 AM
Today was the first day of the clean-up, and things went really well. We mostly worked on cleaning out the kitchen all day. The kitchen was one of the worst rooms in the house. It had lots and lots of trash in it; and it was also covered in a lot of dust and dirt. It looks a lot better now though. Even though it still needs a lot of work done to it. Tomorrow we plan on cleaning out all of the bathrooms in the house. The house has 5 bathrooms in it; and they all look really bad. So we'll probably spend most of the day tomorrow working on the bathrooms. Depending on if we get done cleaning out all of the bathrooms tomorrow, we might also start cleaning out the living room area too. :)
Posted: 28 August 2013 - 01:34 AM
Thanks diane and Roxie! :D
Yes, the owner will be there throughout the whole entire clean-up process. After I saw the whole entire hoard and how much there is to do, I got a big smile on my face. My boyfriend said that I looked like a kid that just entered a candy store. LOL. The guys were in total shock. They've never been in a hoarded house before. (They've cleaned my room and closet before, but they've never seen anything like this hoard before.) I, on the other hand, have cleaned 2 hoarded houses before this one; so I was very excited once I saw the hoard. The guys are definitely up for the challenge though. We are all very excited to start the clean-up tomorrow. :)
Posted: 27 August 2013 - 05:40 PM
Hi MayMay, really appreciate the updates!! Good to hear how things are going and that you like your pad. The hoard will be interesting. Will the owner be there for the entire process? How did you feel when you saw how much there is to do? Thank goodness for all the guys.
Posted: 27 August 2013 - 05:07 PM
Thanks for the update, MayMay. Sounds like a humonbous job, but I know you like the challenge. Update us on fun stuff as well as the hoard work. We're all thinking of you and the guys.
Posted: 27 August 2013 - 01:41 AM
Today the guys and I met the hoarder that we will be helping and looked around her house to see what her hoard is like in person. We saw pictures of her hoard before we came out here to L.A. but today was the first time we got to see the hoard in person. The hoard is HUGE! So tomorrow we are going to come up with a plan for the clean-up. And then on Wednesday, we plan on starting the actual clean-up process. And if everything goes smoothly, then we will probably be done with the clean-up by next Wednesday. :)
Posted: 25 August 2013 - 08:18 PM
Today the guys and I visited Santa Monica Pier; and went to Pacific Park. Right now we are getting ready to go out for dinner. We are going to an Italian restaurant called "Rivabella" in West Hollywood. :)
Posted: 25 August 2013 - 08:13 PM
Thanks Barb! :)
Posted: 25 August 2013 - 08:37 AM
Hi MayMay, I am so excited for you that you get to go on this trip. I'm sure that after a week of cleaning, that you will be ready for a vacation. I used to visit my sister in LA and know that there is much to do and see. I'm glad you will have time to relax swell as work.
Posted: 25 August 2013 - 01:43 AM
The guys and I are all settled into the suite for the night. The suite is SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!! And it's really HUGE too. I feel like I'm in an episode of "The Real World" right now. I'm so EXCITED for tomorrow! I can't wait to go sight seeing. I LOVE L.A.! :D
Posted: 24 August 2013 - 10:52 PM
The guys and I have just arrived in Los Angeles. Right now we are waiting to get off the plane and go get our luggage. Then after we get all our luggage, we are going to get on a shuttle and go to the rental car place. We are renting 2 SUVs and one car. Then after we get all the vehicles from the rental car place, we are going to head to the hotel and check-in. We have a 30 minute drive to the hotel. Then after we check into the hotel, we are going to go to the nearest grocery store; and get snacks and stuff for the suite. We are probably just going to stay in the suite tonight. But tomorrow we plan on doing a lot of sight seeing. And then on Monday, we get to meet the hoarder that we will be helping. YAY! :)
Posted: 23 August 2013 - 07:17 PM
Thanks Mariana, Yes, there are 15 of us going on the trip, and I am the only female that is going. :D
Posted: 23 August 2013 - 05:39 PM
MayMay--sounds like you have an exciting trip coming up! Hoarding cleanup with some fun vacay stuff too. Are you the only lady going? Have a great time and make the guys do the heavy lifting.
Posted: 23 August 2013 - 02:16 AM
The guys and I just bought tickets to watch the "Los Angeles Dodgers" play the "San Francisco Giants" at "Dodgers Stadium" on September 13th while we are in Los Angeles. :)
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