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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : depression
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Posted: 14 August 2013 - 09:50 PM
Roxie Said... Mare, hi back to your psychiatrist! LOL Was he suitably impressed by the fact you got yourself down there by yourself? He ought to be!

And congrats on making sure you went over again what needed clarifying. Write down what you need to write down, and continue to ask for what you need.

In the short time I've known you online, you've definitely grown and, my, what a lot of stuff you've been able to toss (August challenge). That is a lot of work and I think you can be proud of that.

Thank you Roxie! I did tell him yes and he knew more about it than I expected which was good for me. AND proud I had made it alone yes, quite a positive accomplishment for me.

I am getting better about writing things down and I am reading Buried in Treasure which is helping, too.

I am proud of the tossing and the yard cleaning yes, thank you again... being here is a definite plus and very motivating between the different wheres... a could range of subjects every day... and also being able to chat with people during the day and night.

I am still in a slump physically but I am taking things one day at a time and doing what I can even if it mostly just thinking and reading.
Posted: 14 August 2013 - 04:37 PM
Mare, hi back to your psychiatrist! LOL Was he suitably impressed by the fact you got yourself down there by yourself? He ought to be!

And congrats on making sure you went over again what needed clarifying. Write down what you need to write down, and continue to ask for what you need.

In the short time I've known you online, you've definitely grown and, my, what a lot of stuff you've been able to toss (August challenge). That is a lot of work and I think you can be proud of that.

Posted: 11 August 2013 - 04:31 PM
Gosh Dianne... thank you for that!

Posted: 11 August 2013 - 12:17 PM

You are like a sweet, little flower that just needed water and sunlight to bloom. You have been so thirsty for it and I am so glad you are finding what you need here!!

Those bright blossoms of trust, enthusiasm, confidence and joy are popping out of you and it's so good to see! :)
Posted: 10 August 2013 - 08:55 PM
Thank you and that is so true... I find myself talking about anything and everything and my trust has definitely improved, you and the others are all so helpful, encouraging, and with a non-judgmental way which means so much.

Going alone was such a huge accomplishment for me... I can't even remember the last time I went somewhere without a friend or family member which makes me feel so grateful to have them even though I isolate so much, they are a phone call away and you are just a post away!

The chat has helped me too, usually I can find someone in there and its been so much fun getting to know others and feeling less alone.
Posted: 10 August 2013 - 02:48 PM
Mare, congrats on getting out to see the doctor and getting your meds straight!

We all come here looking for help with our hoarding problems and find we have other common issues too. It's all about being strong together. :)
Posted: 09 August 2013 - 05:41 PM
I'm posting here instead of saying all of this in the What are you Doing Today where because it all has to do with my depression and anxiety.

I have agoraphobic so I haven't left the house by myself in ages, but today I had an important appointment with my psychiatrist and guess what? I DID IT!!!

He explained my medications because I had forgotten what each one was for except the one, and was thinking - what do I need these for, I must not - and of course I was wrong and he got me back on track with explaining brain activity and what each one does, it was so great.

I have problems with cognitive thinking and memory so I really needed the update, and I told him all about these boards and support, he was very glad to hear about all of you and he sends his thanks!

So I am feeling much more positive, I had gotten in a real rut these past few weeks, and finding all of you has made me feel so grateful and hopeful, you are all so wonderful, thank you so very much again from the bottome of my heart!
Posted: 08 August 2013 - 08:51 PM
Hi Roxie,
THAT'S HILARIOUS! LOL. I met my boyfriend after having a seizure at work. He was one of the paramedics that responded to the call. It was one of the BEST/ FUN/ MOST EMBARRASSING days of my life. LOL. :)
Posted: 08 August 2013 - 04:33 PM
I enjoyed reading this hahaha! I am with a much younger man and have been with him for 14 years, we are an acception to the rule.

Thank you for sharing this it did my heart good!
Posted: 08 August 2013 - 03:25 PM
This is kind of off topic, and kinda not. I was fiddling around on the computer when I got an email from match dot com saying "look at these guys in your area."

So, I was curious and went to look. I had to type in some info, but finally stopped myself before actually joining (I am not actually looking, just was curious). Now I get emails from the site with pictures of guys in my area, and writeups.

It's just how I remembered it to be. Men who are less attractive than they think they are, men who look for women younger than they are, men who hunt and watch football, men who are coy about answering some questions (red flag), men who expect women to be better than they themselves are. And when I see a remotely attractive one, I don't qualify in his list, usually due to age, although he's with five years of my own age.

Statistically, the best relationships are with people within a five year age difference, EITHER way. Since my divorce, almost all of my relationships were with men younger than me. Didn't look for it, just happened.

Anyway, I found the whole thing humorous and thought I'd share.
Posted: 07 August 2013 - 10:19 PM
I know it wasn't supposed to be funny really but I did laugh about the baby doctor, have seen my share of those and have also used the N word (NO!!!).

I struggle with depression and anxiety like so many of us, and since finding all of you here some new things have surfaced which is not a bad thing as it has all been lurking just behind the eyes and heart... I had a good cry today and was in bed more than usual but that is alright too... saw my therapist today and she is so excited for me, finding this site and boards and chat!

Today I will be kind to myself, read and meditate... and now post. I fought my tendancy to hide out even here but feel much better for jumping back in.

Thank you all sososo very much.
Posted: 07 August 2013 - 03:44 PM
Kara, since the dancing is both exercise and fun, yes, I do believe it can alleviate depression, too. Dance on my friend!
Posted: 07 August 2013 - 09:41 AM
Sometime MUSIC can ease you out of depression. GO to Zumba classes then practice at home. Music works for me.
Posted: 04 July 2013 - 01:39 PM
Yes, my antidepressant causes dry mouth and low or no sex drive, but as Diane mentioned, those days are over, anyway, right.
Posted: 03 July 2013 - 08:15 PM
Posted: 03 July 2013 - 06:17 PM
Thank you Tillie, your hug felt so good, I visualized it, too bad about the hamburger juice on my back and mustard on my shoulder.
Posted: 03 July 2013 - 03:47 PM
Diane :)
So happy to hear you are feeling more up today. (((HUGS)))
Posted: 03 July 2013 - 02:37 PM
yes, I will be on Medicare this year too. My social security is low, but was only married 7 years. If married 10 years or more can get husbands higher amount, lucky you!!
I have been depressed all my life, do take antidepressants, no side affects from these, old ones caused dry mouth etc. Most do decrease sex drive, but those days are gone anyway. Most of the time I am not depressed now, just when miss sleep and too hot to do what I want, like this week, sorry I was diane downer last night on support group, feeling better today, so nice we feel free to talk about all things that affect our living situation.
Posted: 03 July 2013 - 01:25 AM
Hi Roxie,

Whether the doctor is male or female, I still don't think that I'll ever be comfortable going to the gynecologist. I'm really shy and picky about who I show my "Hoohoo-shoot" to. Lol. I'm so shy that I don't even like to look at myself naked.
Posted: 02 July 2013 - 05:14 PM
MayMay, I found that I feel better with a female gynecologist, and that let me be able to get examined regularly. Last time I was there she had this video so I could see the inside of my own body. That was way cool.

Going to the doctor and to the dentist are so important. Please do it regardless of your reluctance. You are worth it.

I don't have dental insurance, but I do the dental work, anyway. I only have Medicare for health insurance, but I do that anyway.

As for depression, I first got my prescription for antidepressants from my regular doctor. I was prescribed EffexorXR specifically for SAD, and learned I needed to take it year round to be effective. I also learned I needed to take it in the mornings to not disturb my sleep so much.

I figured I will be on antidepressants all my life, and that is okay by me. It must have something to do with brain chemistry and I accept it. The most recent doctor handling the prescription was my rheumatologist. But now he's leaving his practice and I have to make a decision. I have a general physician but his office is so far away that when I am most ill it is too much for me to go there, then wait for him. There are two buildings of doctors nearby that would work better for me if I like one of the doctors.

Since my private disability insurance will be ending next April (cutting my "income" almost in half), I no longer have to be so concerned with having a doctor who does no dismiss CFS, SAD or any such thing and will sign off on needed forms.

My social security disability will switch over into regular social security, I think, but I have to look into that. Also have to check into whether I need to tap into my ex's SS since he made so much more money than did I. I know we were married long enough for me to qualify to do so. Dragging my heals at focusing on that, though.

Anyway, do whatever your body needs. Just do it.
Posted: 01 July 2013 - 01:58 PM
I love massages. The lady that I always go to to get my massages is great. And it's really affordable too. An hour long "full body" massage from her only costs $60. And it's awesome. :)

Yes, a "Baby Doctor" is a newbie. Every time I go to the doctors office, I always tell myself that "this time I will tell the doctor that I don't want the "Baby Doctor" to be in the room with us." But then I always end up chickening out and telling him that it's okay. :(

I know this might sound really wierd, but I actually have a fear of ob/gyns. I hate having some doctor probing around near my "Hoohoo-shoot". Lol. I think it's even worse then going to the dentist.
Posted: 01 July 2013 - 10:39 AM
I figured the conversation MayMay and I were having could move to a new thread and we could all share what we deal with and what helps us here.

MayMay since having a massage every month helps you, keep it up. I actually thought about that. It would cost less than the shrink but the one massage I had many, many years ago felt awful. I was sore for days.

I didn't put in for insurance for depression treatment because I didn't want that stigma following me around. But it does anyway when the meds come out of insurance. When I was divorced I lost my insurance with my husband. In trying to get a new policy with the same company they turned me down based on depression. MF-er's.

Is a Baby Doctor a newbie? If so I had an experience with that one time. I had been waiting with my kids and left them in the kids' room with fish tanks, etc. When the dr came in and asked if the young guy could sit in I said, "Sure. I was just leaving anyway. I've been waiting for an hour and 20 minutes in your waiting room, left my kids out there and I've been freezing in this room for 40 minutes in a paper gown. So new dr, here's your lesson for today....don't make patients wait so long or they will F*&%#$@ FREAK OUT G-DDAMMIT!!!!!!!!!

I'm not usually that outspoken. :)

Next time the Baby Doctor is there maybe say to the main guy could I have a minute privately? Or try your ob/gyn. Any MD can prescribe meds. And ob/gyn's see some crazy ladies and get it.
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