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Posted: 01 August 2013 - 10:58 PM
2533 total items!
Fantastic job everybody!
Posted: 01 August 2013 - 02:46 PM
Haha, Mare!
I think adding ourselves to the take out list is a great idea. Sometimes I get bogged down inside and am just too lazy to get out and enjoy some sunshine.
Posted: 01 August 2013 - 02:06 AM
I am going to add a new item - me - to the list hehehehehe. I have a hard time getting out of the house so it should totally count(not really)!
I think I have made a great start, fueled by reading in here. Its such a blessing to be able to talk to others who understand and have experience, encouragement and knowledge that they are so willing to freely share, I am so grateful.
Posted: 01 August 2013 - 02:02 AM
Hey Mare, YAY! I'm glad to hear that you'll be participating in the August challenge. :)
Posted: 01 August 2013 - 01:41 AM
I know this is probably closed now, but I just wanted to say what a great idea it is and I will be participating in the August one for sure.
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 10:50 PM
You're right, Diane, it feels really good to know your good clothes are going to be used to help other women move forward in their lives.
How is Molly?
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 10:28 PM
Here is the list of everyone's July challenge grand totals:
AnneW-1063 Diane-1114 Dianne-14 Kara-5 Sally-140 Tillie-197
Our combined grand total for the July challenge is 2533. :)
We didn't beat our combined June challenge grand total, but everyone still did an AWESOME JOB! :)
CONGRATULATIONS AnneW for beating your individual June challenge total. :)
Hope you all participate in the August challenge.
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 05:54 PM
Thanks for the kind comments, and yes Dianne, it is so difficult giving away jackets that cost over $100 each, even though I no longer need so many. Told my friend I wanted them to go to an organization that helps women get back in work force. She asked at her exercise class and found the organization. She came back today and loaded up all the good clothes and delivered to the organization, made me feel so good to think of those really nice clothes helping women find jobs and feel good about themselves. Today: 6 pairs gloves 2 bars soap 1 purse 1 massage roller 2 boxes 1 stool 1 cushion 1 wood heart on stand 6 plastic bags 12 plastic hangers 3 cushioned hangers 13 crocheted covered hangers 1 pair sunglasses and case 7 dog toys 1 pottery clock 1 candy dish 2 shelf brackets 1 shelf 1 magazine 1 tv antenna 1 jumping frog 1 wash cloth 1 pink t shirt 1 quilted wall hanging 1 neck warmer 1 notebook 1 magnetic picture frame total 71 1043 + 71 = 1114 Grand Total for July my goal this week was to get rid of 10 clothing items, I reached my goal with extras!!
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 03:52 PM
Diane -- really excellent work & so cool that you have a good friend to support/work with you as you win your life back from the clutter!!!
Tillie - glad your headache is gone & gotta love trash day!
MayMay -- Thanks for all of your tallying & encouragement! :)
To Dianne, Roxie, Sally, Janie, Kara, Karl, Ali, & everybody else who got stuff out this month: YAAAAAAY!!! (Sorry if I forgot some names!)
My psyche is now officially fried for July -- I plan to take a day or two off ;) 07.31.2013 (Wednesday) 1 bag of opened 2-yr-old birdseed (scattered in local wooded underbrush for birds &/or natural decomp) 1 box of old caked up cascade 1 empty pizza box 3 empty 2L Soda Bottles 2 empty rolls+boxes from kitchen aluminum foil 2 children's books 1 outdated car repair manual (for car I no longer own) 1 lace-up ankle brace 2 outdated Ikea catalogs 3 old electronics adapter cords (for electronics no longer here) 1 replica old fashioned style telephone 1 seagrass tote basket - too long in garage (I'm sure it's mite-ridden) 1 pair of hole-ridden men's suit pants 6 sweaters: pink t-neck angora sweater, abstract muted stone tone cotton sweater, lilac heather wool sweater, blue cowl-neck sweater (shoulder pads included;), burgundy knit low button vest, & fuschia+white cotton knit sweater === 26 items 1037(prevT)+26= 1063 July Total: 1063
Ok -- I've done what I could for July. I'm going to drop off donations now & set out garbage/recycling for early a.m. pick-up.
And, I need to think about how I want to "frame" August for myself. I need to change up this next month's challenge a little -- b/c it feels like too much pressure & monotony for me to try to top my monthly total again -- I'm thinking I may focus on seeing how much of 1 particular item I have in excess I can get rid of for August, i.e. - books, clothes, music/entertainment(LP's, CD's, DVD's, Tapes). Or, I may try to map out a room by room plan for August, with the goal of each time topping the previous room's items out. Just thinking aloud... Once I decide, I'll post it under August Challenge.
To One & All: Great Job for July 2013!!!
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 02:19 PM
Today is trash pick up day! YEA!!!!! :D
So I tossed...
2 bags of garbage 1 pair of jeans
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 11:30 AM
Tonight I will add up everyone's grand totals to see what our combined grand total is this month. :)
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 10:53 AM
(((hugs))) Diane for doing all that very hard decision making! :)
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 10:46 AM
OMG, Diane that is REALLY nice stuff!!
That gets you MAJOR extra props!
It's easier to let go of the extras or worn out junk we have but the really good things? That was amazing!!
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 01:21 AM
WOW! GREAT JOB diane! :D
You got passed 1000. :)
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 01:13 AM
867 + 176 = 1043
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 01:08 AM
was stuck, so friend came and took notes and encouraged me to let go of expensive clothes, which are difficult for me. 3 t shirts 1 Australian wool coat flannel lining 2 athletic pants 1 black and white jacket 7 wool Jones of New York blazers 1 sweater 1 heavy wool jacket 1 leather coat 11 tops 1 designer really cute jacket 1 silk coat 1 sweater 3 piece dressy outfit 2 blue jeans 2 Carole Little dresses 1 satin pink top 9 wool jackets, Jones New York, Ralph lauren, Gloria Vanderbilt 11 pants, Jones New York, Ralph Lauren 4 skirts, Carole Little 1 designer leather purse 1 creative cloth carrying bag 1 pair sox 67 +109 from saturday = 176 to be added to total
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 01:05 AM
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 01:04 AM
GREAT JOB diane! :D
Your grand total is now 976. :)
I have a feeling that tomorrow your grand total will be over 1000. :)
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 12:52 AM
total 109, not 93
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 12:51 AM
Saturday: 15 yarn 1 wash cloth 1 painting design sponge 1 pair overalls 3 tshirts 4 ceramic decoratins 2wood shelves 6 books 1 pair new crocs 1 pair flip flops 2 pair shoes 6 plates 2 bowls 2 table cloths 3 stuffed animals 6 hair clips 2 necklaces 1 ring 14 wood suit hangers 12 framed needle point decorations 1 bag carrots 1 pkg celery exp.. 5 dog toys 1 exercise roller 3 bags trash 2 boxes 2 sponge paint pads 5 plastic containers with lids 2 zucchini rotten 1 cucumber, rotten 1 bag chopped spinich, rotten total 93
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 12:50 AM
GREAT JOB Tillie! :D
Your grand total is now 194. :)
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 12:48 AM
You beat your June total! :D
I knew you could do it! :D
Posted: 30 July 2013 - 09:04 PM
YEA! Ali :D
My headache left on Monday. :)
Posted: 30 July 2013 - 08:27 PM
I waiting to hear that Tillie has gotten rid of her headache.
Monday - 2 surgical drains removed & permission to drive.
Woo Hoo!
Posted: 30 July 2013 - 03:49 PM
WOW! Very impressive everybody! :D
My recent tossings...
4 bags of household trash 2 small boxes of assorted rubbish
Posted: 30 July 2013 - 12:32 PM
07.30.2013 (Tuesday) 24 old catalogs 14 glass/cans out to recycling 1 piece styrofoam 2 appliance boxes (kitchen sink+dehumidifier) 5 medium cardboard boxes 2 rolls of bubble wrap (Hi, MayMay+Diane ;) 1 yellow plastic magazine holder 1 yellow broken plastic shelf bin 13 condiment packets 3 used zip-top baggies 1 small bin of kitchen scraps composted 1 bag of old mail 3 old paper bags emptied+recycled 5 plastic bags out 1 Bottle of Vitamins (exp. + unopened) 2 Skin Serums (exp. + unopened) 1 shriveled odor-absorbing gel 1 Carbon Monoxide Detector (Exp.) 1 VHS tape 1 Wild Turkey novelty pitcher 1 Paul Revere reproduction bottle 2 pairs of workmen's gloves 1 pair of women's winter knit gloves 1 pair old sandals (red platform) 1 picnic hamper 4 NFL lowball glasses (passed fwd to nfl fan) 1 NFL insulated travel cup (passed fwd to nfl fan) 2 college basketball team novelty cans of soda (both leaking!) 5 Books (3 mystery novels, 1 travel guide, 1 art book?returned to father) === 101 936(PrevT)+101= 1037 New Total: 1037
Posted: 29 July 2013 - 02:00 AM
WAY TO GO Sally! :D
Your grand total is now 140. :)
Posted: 29 July 2013 - 01:56 AM
Thank you so much AnneW! :D
You are so sweet for saying that. :D
You can totally top your June total! :)
Posted: 29 July 2013 - 01:53 AM
Hey Tillie, I think continuing the challenge in August is a great idea! I think we should have a challenge every month. :)
Your grand total is now 188. :)
Posted: 28 July 2013 - 11:45 PM
3 boxes to recycling 1 bag of garbage out 1 package chocolate pancake mix to friend 1 pkg steel cut oats to friend 1 pkg barley to friend 1 bottle cherry lemonade to friend 1 pkg instant mashed potatoes, but might be too old, have a bunch more
Posted: 28 July 2013 - 07:10 PM
I would like the challenge continued in August. I know I am not the biggest decutter, but would like it continued. Also was off line for a few days as my modem went out during a storm and had to get another this weekend.
Posted: 28 July 2013 - 03:32 PM
Thanks, MayMay! :) I loved reading about your senior photo session ~ & fyi: You are totally a celebrity in my book!!! =D
I'm trying to top my June Total by at least 1 item (which means I have to reach 1,006 by July 31st)--that's why I've been trying to push myself last week & this wkend. If I keep at it, I should be on track to reach it...
Here's my update -- 07.28.2013 (Sunday) 20 more Wire Hangers 6 cans/jars recycled 1 old McCall's Skirt Pattern pack 1 belt 1 crystal candy dish 1 HUGE old wine jug w/ old wine still in it (blek!) 1 old Wheaties novelty box 1 basket 6" diameter 1 bin to compost 1 "fishing reel" game 1 handful of small fabric scraps 2 bolts of old fabric 1 large container of plastic packaging 1 old roll of door insulating strip 3 cardboard boxes 3 paper bags 4 old catalogs 6 small childhood creations made of old homemade playdough 1 garden hose 1 passport travel purse 1 set of cymbals === 58 items 878(prevT)+58= 936
Posted: 28 July 2013 - 03:25 PM
Since I last posted I have tossed.....
8 bags of household trash. :)
Taking a poll now... Do you want to continue this challenge in August?
I think this thread has been very helpful for us all to see our accomplishments on getting the clutter out and reading everybody's posts is very inspirational. ;D
Posted: 28 July 2013 - 01:19 AM
You're almost at 900. :)
I totally agree with your mom. I always hated the way my yearbook photos looked too. Except for my senior year photos; because they were professionally done. And when I went to get them taken, I went to a professional studio. It was so much fun getting my senior year photos taken. The photographer was totally awesome and he let me pose for the photos anyway I wanted to. I totally felt like a celebrity. Lol. ;)
Posted: 27 July 2013 - 05:10 PM
It's me, again. I'm posting what I got bagged up. Working to clear out 2 closets in the house which my father has filled with clothes he can't fit into anymore or ridden with moth holes(much of it purchased 15+yrs ago). He's agreed to take the wire hangers to recycle at his cleaners -- but I decided to count them individually b/c I had to go through all the pockets of all of the clothes he had hung on them b/c he's known for leaving things in the pockets: cash, coins, receipts, toothpicks, penknives, etc. -- so it took me a looong time & today I did find a couple of items I knew he'd want to keep;)
07.27.2013 (Saturday) 53 Wire Hangers 17 pairs of men's suit pants 2 men's suit jackets 1 white oxford men's button down shirt 1 pair men's Levi's jeans 1 handful of old receipts 1 bag of mail === 76 802(prevT)+76 = 878 New Total: 878
Hope everybody is hanging in there!
Posted: 27 July 2013 - 02:37 PM
Thank you, Dianne -- I really appreciate your support!=) Especially right now... I hate that I've fallen behind on these Boards again (It makes me feel like I'm being selfish when I don't keep up with responding to people's posts!) I am sorry & hope to "catch up" in the next few days... And, thank you MayMay :) The yearbooks were actually from the high school my mom worked at as a registrar back in the 1980's & my mom always hated those "mugshot"-style pictures of herself -- not so emotionally taxing - It was just weird b/c I didn't realize those kind of items were still 'lurking' in the house ;)
Friday's Items Ou: 2 Posters - Sheep+Wool; Anna Karininna 1 cardboard box 1 set of rubber stamps 1 old toothbrush 1 audio tape 1 cd 1 pair of knee highs 1 child's race car 1 Book on Bonsai 24 Plastic Party Cups 6 Glass Recycle Items 1 tote bag craft kit 1 "Story of the Sand Dollar" Wall Hanging === 42 760(prevT)+42= 802 New Total: 802
Posted: 27 July 2013 - 01:07 AM
Thanks diane, I will definitely let you know about all the crazy things that I do this weekend. I actually have something that's pretty crazy planned for tomorrow. So hopefully everything will go good tomorrow and my crazy plan will be a success. ;)
Posted: 26 July 2013 - 02:06 PM
Thanks MayMay, sounds like you are back to your fiesty self, very happy you feel better. Last day of 97 degrees so will fill some bags to donate this weekend. Let us know what wild things you are doing this weekend.
Posted: 26 July 2013 - 12:55 AM
WOW! GREAT JOB diane! :D
Your grand total is now 867. :)
You're almost at 900. :)
Posted: 26 July 2013 - 12:53 AM
You're almost at 800. :)
What made you decide to get rid of your yearbooks?
Posted: 25 July 2013 - 05:44 PM
Haven't written down everything I tossed, too dirty and disgusting to stop and write, but will now write what I did write down. 2 shirts 2 towels 7 bags trash 3 boxes 73 large tiles 6 long stem silk roses 1 flower arrangement, silk 2 bowls metal candle holder 1 work top 3 rags 2 empty paint cans and lids 5 pieces wood
Total 108
Posted: 25 July 2013 - 02:12 PM
Anne W, you are amazing! What a list!
Posted: 25 July 2013 - 09:20 AM
I need to catch-up on reading/posting on rest Boards, but I'm finally catching up on posting here my de-hoading work (last Saturday - this morn): 07.20.2013 (Saturday) 1 knit round chair cushion cover 1 lamp (returned to father) 2 wool blankets (1 solid yllw; 1 red+black plaid) 2 yllw flat sheets 1 floral top sheet 2 pillow cases (from childhood) 2 bath towels 1 red knit vest 1 cardboard box 1 rolling travel bag 3 books 2 dvds 1 "Healing Vibes" card set 4 bottles of spoiled scented body oil: desert sage; meadowfoam; balancing; herbal 1 used-up zip-top baggie 2 pairs of pants 1 small bin to compost 25 plastic/glass items to recycle 2 old newspapers 1 exp. bottle of eye drops 1 "learn piano" for kids computer game === 57
07.21.2013 (Sunday) 6 donation bags 1 box full of cardboard/paper recycling 1 old lime 2 vases of wilting flowers 1 dead plant 2 small bins to compost 2 pinecones 21 plastic bags recycled === 36
07.23/24.2013 (Tues+Wed) 3 small bags of trash 1 large bin Yard Trim 8 glass jars 2 old containers 7 small plastic plant seedling pots 1 black+pink overnight bag 1 pair of plaid fleece pants 1 decorative pillow zip on/off cover 1 knit sweater 1 white window drape 1 yard sign 1 cat litter box 1 old lawn chair 3 cardboard boxes 3 newspapers 5 catalogs ==== 40
07.25.2013 (Thursday) 2 large garbage bags 1 bin of plastic recycling 4 high school reports 2 old yearbooks 9 old National Geographic magazines 7 books === 25
57 + 36 + 40 + 25 = 158 602(prevT)+158= 760 New Total: 760
Posted: 24 July 2013 - 11:53 AM
Oh Tillie, please don't throw out hope for your kitty to return. That's too sad. Which one was it? How long has he been gone?
Posted: 24 July 2013 - 02:07 AM
Your grand total is now 180. :)
You are almost at 200. WAY TO GO! :D
Sorry to hear that your cat hasn't returned. :(
WOW! You got rid of a lot of vinyl records. Those are something that I would keep as a collection. Of course I'm a collector. Lol. ;)
Posted: 24 July 2013 - 12:33 AM
Tillie, looks like you are feeling much better today ,all the items you listed!
Posted: 23 July 2013 - 11:22 PM
tossed out of the house... 3 bags of kitchen trash 1 glass powder box 63 vinyl LP record albums 9 DVDs 1 bluray movie 1 slip 7 blouses 3 skirts 1 dress 2 pair of shoes/sandals 1 osterizer blender 2 pair of jeans 4 nicknacks 1 prayer/wish/hope that my cat would return 1 bowl 1 ouija board with planchet 3 rocks 1 small curio shelf 2 cat brushes 1 necklace with matching bracelet 2 pair of socks 1 empty lotion bottle 1 empty peroxode bottle 1 spray bottle 1 coffee mug
Posted: 21 July 2013 - 02:36 PM
Thanks MayMay, well the styrafoam (sp) came from the air conditioner, just left it in bedroom when put ac in window, then realized it needed a home in garbage. Tillie, so happy Steven is willing to let go of some junk, and happy you are feeling a tad better. hugs
Posted: 21 July 2013 - 02:05 AM
GREAT JOB Tillie! :D
Your grand total is now 73 :)
YAY! I'm glad to hear that your hoarder decided to get rid of some stuff too. :D
Posted: 21 July 2013 - 02:02 AM
Your grand total is now 131 :)
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