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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : quick check-in
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quick check-in

Posted: 22 July 2014 - 06:27 PM
So glad to read an update from you, Dianne, and of your expediting things a bit. Miss you.
Posted: 17 July 2014 - 07:13 PM
so great to hear from you Dianne, wonderful those 2 helpers have helped you stay motivated
Posted: 16 July 2014 - 10:55 PM
Hi Dianne :)
Thank you so very much for posting. :D
Take care and know you are in our thoughts. (((HUGS)))
Posted: 16 July 2014 - 11:20 AM
Hi to old-timers and newbies. I've been off the computer except for business so not knowing what's been up I hope all of you are doing well.

Still taking care of family issues here but wanted to give a quick update. With the help of two guys who do outside work for me they have cleared five rooms ~ livingroom, diningroom, library, guest bedroom and familyroom. While I was out I let my daughter make decisions. Valuables were sold on ebay and my brother's family took what they wanted for a fundraiser for their church. Some stuff was donated some trashed. I won't list what was destroyed ~ I'm being strict with my thoughts and refusing to berate myself. Although I've given in to some nights of sobbing into my pillow.

There were various factors in flipping the switch to getting it done. Watching people's lives slip away was probably the most motivating.

I hope to continue the focus so won't be checking back in for awhile. Best to all of you.

Posted: 16 April 2014 - 10:45 AM
OK, say nice things to myself, nice things to myself, nice things to myself. It's OK that you posted your goals in this thread today instead of the thread you meant to post them on, LR2014. At least you made an effort, LR2014. Progress, not perfection. (Hugs to myself, right?)
Posted: 16 April 2014 - 10:41 AM
Goals for today:

Add to my gratitude list. Start the process of clearing out and/or reorganizing the items that are now in the back end of my vehicle. Get some paperwork ready for the mail. Check this week's to-do list I started on Monday. Take the items I bagged up yesterday to Goodwill. Say nice things to myself today.

Thinking nice thoughts about all of you! :)
Posted: 16 April 2014 - 09:46 AM
Hi Dianne :)
BIG (((HUGS)))
Posted: 16 April 2014 - 09:40 AM
Good to hear from you, Dianne. Sorry you're going through rough stuff right now. Hugs.
Posted: 15 April 2014 - 12:51 PM
Hello all,

Haven't been around much. Going thru some tough stuff here; nothing I want to talk about.

Roxie, I'll be praying for your surgery and recovery to go well.

Everybody else keep up the great work!!
Posted: 07 December 2013 - 09:58 AM
KARL!!! :D
Thanks so much for checking in!!! :D
Posted: 07 December 2013 - 02:17 AM
I'll try to have either myself or my housemate around for the Sunday chat.
Posted: 06 December 2013 - 03:05 AM
Good to see you post, Dianne. I have missed you.
Posted: 05 December 2013 - 01:14 PM
Thanks Dianne, I agree that computer wastes too much of my time too. I do appreciate hearing from you, was wondering about the shopping, and relieved to hear you are doing so well, hugs to you
Posted: 04 December 2013 - 06:29 PM
Hi Dianne :)
Thanks a million for checking in! :D
WTG! on keeping on keeping on.
Yes, the computer can become a great time waster. ;)
Haven't heard from Karl. :(
Posted: 04 December 2013 - 12:45 PM
Hey guys,

Not much going on here ~ the usual maintenance, animal care, trips to the dump, a little dejunking, no shopping except for basic groceries.

I'm trying to limit my computer time as it was becoming a huge time waster. I get caught up in useless sites and before I know it 2 hours have gone by.

WTG for everybody getting productive things done and building their reserve of feel-good feelings!

Has anyone heard how Karl is doing?
Posted: 27 November 2013 - 06:42 AM
Hi, Lynn. Never give up. Never give up!

Glad to see you posting. Have a good Thanksgiving.

Posted: 26 November 2013 - 01:20 PM
That is what the symbols on top of the numbers are for; or if all else scrambled letters on the keyboard,

like this: oaiwhergnoi, or (*^*&%(%*
Or just (Bleep) (Bleeping) as examples for fun.

I know you already this already but saves you others opinions on choice of words later so you can keep venting without stopping to correct language later.

just randomly works best hitting all the keys at once usually gets best results unless you want a particular symbol(s)

But my goal is to reapply in May take test, win an interview, then finish steps to win job.

Still applying for jobs in the meantime though.
Posted: 26 November 2013 - 11:19 AM
Ah I seem to be a step behind in everything today!

Sorry, I didn't realize it takes that long to reapply for a job. Not good.

It's nice of you to not want to cuss online. But the occasional f-bomb does seem to let out a little more steam. I've been known to do it here more than once. :)
Posted: 26 November 2013 - 11:13 AM
Lynn, I just saw what you and Tillie wrote. Tillie's right about bullies and threats. And if your mom has been supporting you and others since high school (even the help with the car) those were her choices.

What if you told her you do appreciate all the help she has given you, try to get a minimum wage job anywhere (nearby McDonald's, Walmart) and work out a budget for what you need for gas and car insurance with something for her as well? And drop discussions about her PTSD,OCD and hoard.

Only you know your complete situation but try to pick the one most important thing you can do to move yourself forward and focus on that.

Posted: 26 November 2013 - 11:04 AM
Yes it is necesary to have to wait til May, She said 6month before I can reapply.

I'm still looking for other employment but it's not easy getting a call from potential employers.

I am still trying and applying for other jobs and still getting dead ends.

Bleeping out words or symbols to words is the only way to keep venting words clean to vent.

Most employers or companies have a 6month, 3month waiting before reapplying.
Posted: 26 November 2013 - 10:56 AM
Hi Lynn, good to hear from you.

I don't think your mom could garnish your wages thru a court order unless you have some kind of legal financial arrangement with her. And I would think that debt collectors, hospital bills and student loans would have more legal standing for first payment.

As far as protection from her, all the protection you need is in her hoarding. To get in any kind of legal battle with you she would be exposing herself and the living situation you are both in to discovery ~ which she seems intent on hiding.

Is it really necessary to wait until May to search for a job? It might not be an ideal job but anything that will give you another focus would be helpful.

If you want to go to counseling do it with the intention of figuring out how you can be proactive in your own life; not to figure out your mom or to get her to go also.

I know how hard it is when you feel controlled by the situation or person around you. But you do have a little control. Even if it is something simple like self care. There are some things no one can do but you. Start with those little things and begin to feel a sense of power. Just a tiny spark at first. Then it builds. Try not to fear your mother's so-called power over you. She may indeed control much of the situation but you control your reactions to it.

Don't worry about venting here. It's a good place to do it.
Posted: 26 November 2013 - 10:55 AM
She's demanding money ever since we graduated High School and the same from our brother.
She made up a list ever since we became legal age.

I believe the only true money I really owe her is the amount she helped me get my car from the dealer. I was able to pay off the dealer by myself but to get it off the lot and make payments I needed her help to get it off the lot. Payments were all on my own. The car is completely mine. I have the title in my name only.

But as for the rest of the money, she's claiming for all the times we owe her for living from dead beat jobs that we couldn't pay anything with. Not even afford a tank of gas with the jobs that I had ever since I was 16. Now waiting to get called for work, money is very tight for me and need help paying for the car insurance to keep driving. She won't let me drive her other spare car, so I don't have a choice to keep it insured.
Posted: 26 November 2013 - 10:43 AM
Hi Lynn :)

Good therapists know when someone is not telling the truth.
They have many ways to ferret out the true story.
Anything you say to a therapist will never be repeated to anyone, ever.
Many many bullies threaten people with law suits.
They use these threats to control people.
It would be very hard for her to prove in a court of law that she is entitled to take away all your paychecks.
Even if she is entitled to a cash settlement it would be limited to a certain amount of money, not necessarily the amount she is demanding, and it would only be a one time payment to her, not forever, and she would not be allowed to take you back into court to demand more & more of what she thinks you still owe her.
Look up "free" legal advice in your area and find out exactly she could do.
I believe she has you worrying about stuff you need not worry about.
Good luck and best wishes. :)
Posted: 26 November 2013 - 10:12 AM
I just feel like it is very false hope for me, like digging in a quicksand pit.

All I can ever do here is vent, vent and vent some more.

I keep trying to get a job to keep for more than a few weeks, months even but now I finally have a chance to reapply in May.

The only scary thing is though I need to find protection for me from her, so that she doesn't garnish my checks in any way. As I said before she doesn't want anybody coming to the door and giving her a hastle with her "stuff" or she will come after me even if I'm out on my own.

How in the world can I report her and protect myself at the same time from her going to get a court order on me later.
That is the big question I really need an answer to.
She doesn't like me going to a counselor in fear someone will come to the door and start something with her. If that happens I'm up ****creek!

I have to find some kind of guarenteed protection from her if and when I can report her.
For her hoarding is heredity, she also suffers from PTSD, and OCD, fear of losing memories from her late mother,sister,father.

I'm just so curious to what she could possibly say to the counselor if she is alone to convince the counselor that she isn't mentally ill and try to put me in the wrong of false accusations.
Posted: 25 November 2013 - 08:48 PM
Hi Lynn :D
Thank you so very much for checking in with us.
We missed you and all hoped you were well.
Please don't be a stranger around here.
Posted: 25 November 2013 - 05:41 PM
Hello All!

I messed up my chance for getting a well paid job just minutes from where I live because I messed up in the interview holding back some information about the temp job agency that I'm currently with with no work to do now. Now I have to wait 6months to reapply again and try again. Gosh I'm so upset at myself!!

Still arguing with mother(the hoarder) and she said the only way she's going to see a counselor is if it's a legite one and seperately so she can tell her side of the story. I honestly don't know how the counseling thing goes but I did find a counselor very near by in the state I live in. Once I told her (mother) that she shows signs of PTSD, and OCD, she said "What else are you going to tell her that I do this: waving arms up in air and screaching in a normal tone voice" Which means that she thinks that she is going to tell her that she's mentally crazy. Which I will not.
I will tell the counselor that her mother and her mother's mother was also a hoarder and she has been a hoarder all her life too. Her plain reason for most of it is that she doesn't have sentimental stuff from her mother such as pictures or other items that she would like to have.
She said that when I'm off of probation for the job she was going to almost completely garnish my check by court order in order to start paying her back as she claims for all the money debt that I owe her. So far she said that as long as I start paying her she won't do that. I told her the debt collectors, hospital bills and student loans must come first. When they are taken care of then I'll figure out how to deal with her. I'm still trying to find out how to get protection from her once I am able to move out and finally out of the cluttered nest. Oh it would be so awesome!
But until then I just have to wait until I can reapply.
Posted: 17 September 2013 - 04:18 PM
Dianne, welcome back. Good to see you posting again!
Posted: 17 September 2013 - 11:11 AM
Hi Dianne :)
Glad you enjoyed the down time solitude at the beach.
Hope your back is feeling better.
Yes that is very sad news. :(
What the *&%$ is wrong with people.
I live very near a Naval Air Station (Top Gun) so it hit close to home here too.
Looking forward to when all your "have tos" get finished and you can post more regularly. :)
Posted: 17 September 2013 - 10:54 AM
Hi Guys,

Got back from beach this morning at 3:00 a.m. Back went out there, haven't felt such pain in a long time. No computer and forgot cell phone charger. The enforced solitude/downtime was good.

Now back to craziness. As soon as I get thru this round of have-to-do's I am seriously going to practice balance in my life in all things.

Was very discouraged to hear of Navy Yard shooting in the truck last night. Hits close to home.

Looking forward to reading and posting soon.
Posted: 14 September 2013 - 11:22 PM
Whoa, that would freak me out, too, the lady with her hand in her purse. Write down your description, plus time and day. Sketch her if you can. You can report it later, particularly if you hear anything.

Hugs all around.

Posted: 14 September 2013 - 06:55 PM
Just had a freaky encounter tonight! I was going to close the back door to mother's van after putting groceries up and a lady approached me with her hand in her open purse and asked me if I had a charger for a phone. I told her no but just at that time too Katie (sis) was also approaching me from behind. Mother's van is near the end of the drive way due to three cars, one, mine the other two she owns, but after I responded to saying no I didn't she still had her hand in her open purse about waist high and walking away. Just now I feel the flags or fear of something but I didn't as she had approached me. Not so sure if contacting the police of suspicious activity is a good idea or not. I can remember what she looked like but mainly my focus was on her hands. WHat would you do in this situation?
Posted: 14 September 2013 - 06:08 PM
HI!!!!! LYNN!!!!! :D
Really been missing you! So happy you posted! :D
Wishing you all the best of luck with your employment!!!
Posted: 14 September 2013 - 03:42 PM
Hello everyone,
So sorry for not posting lately at all. I've been so busy searching and applying online for either cleaning jobs or factory jobs. I finally got one that is just a few miles from home. So far I'm able to work from Mon-Thurs from 6am-6pm on first shift. My first day was on Thurs. I am so hoping this job will last more than a month unlike the last two jobs that I tried to hold. I hope and pray that I can finally be able to move out at least after a few months praying that I can stay there long term, but learned I must take one day at a time hoping I can still work there the next day and the following Monday through Thurs. This is the first time of employment since July 17 of this year.
Posted: 13 September 2013 - 10:06 AM
Hi Dianne :)
Hoping that getting out to the beach can help chase those fears and depression away.
It is hard trying to balance decluttering/cleaning along with general daily maintenance.
We can only do just so much in a day.
Take care and keep posting for us.
Posted: 13 September 2013 - 08:39 AM
I've been sliding back a little here. It seems that when I do a large amount the satisfied feeling doesn't last long. I only have enough energy to maintain or clean hoard not both. So something suffers in choosing what to do.

Those old companions. depression and fear, have been lurking around too.

I have to get to the beach this weekend and get things prepped for what I hope will be winter rentals. This summer was the first time in years I was booked every week into September. I hope to get some income during the off season as the town offers so many festivals and attractions during the fall and winter now.

Welcome back Janie and {{{hugs}}} to all ~~~
Posted: 24 August 2013 - 05:21 AM
Just a quick checkin for myself, too.

Kara, despite your sleep issues, it sounds to me like you are making dehoarding progress. Good for you!

Dianne, I'm glad to hear from you. How are things today?

As for myself, I've been without a functioning computer since August 17 and it has been a stressful week. I'll post more in daily thread. I'm just getting back to "normal" if that includes being up at this ungodly hour.

Posted: 24 August 2013 - 03:48 AM
HI everyone,

Sorry for not posting lately. Had a bad nightmare a couple of night ago and so my sleeping arrangements went askew. I actually at night. WOW. (without alcohol or meds.)

On the De-Hoaqrding side of things, I have been picking up items and putting them down in the correct place. The odd book, wooden stick,and finding homes for a mirror, I had made back in '96, some old books that I had needed to research with. AT the end of all of this random home finding excercise I had cleared a surface. Feeling good.

I hope MayMay enjoys her trip to LA.It's good to have some time off (for good behaviour. lol).

Take care all.
Posted: 23 August 2013 - 02:32 PM
Not much new here, the usual maintenance.

Had a toilet fixed today. Had a car *fixed* 2 days ago and it needs to go back on Monday.

I would love to get into some real dejunking this weekend.

I hope everybody with fire/smoke issues stays safe!
Posted: 03 August 2013 - 04:38 PM
Hello Dianne, I just came in to see what you were posting, I have read a lot of your posts they are so helpful and encouraging.

A bed is one of my goals as well, I am sleeping on an air mattress at the moment which isn't that bad its just... not a real bed hahaha.

I have trouble getting out but I have a friend who frequents the thrift and consignment shoppes so I have asked her to keep an eye open. I have a truck so if she finds one I can get it moved, too.

I heard about that washing machine part hang in there I know that's a tough one!
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 10:45 AM
New mattresses are a GREAT goal to strive for.
Get the areas ready now so in the future if new mattresses come your way you will be all ready for them. :D
Posted: 31 July 2013 - 08:06 AM
Hi guys,

General busyness around here. A lady came to talk about water treatments. I'm having a system installed late next week.

AC seems to be not functioning well again. Washer still not fixed. Waiting on a part. In the meantime outdoor washing is losing its appeal.

I would love to have decent mattresses for me and for Laura. We've decided to work harder on clearing the areas around our beds. My brother and nephew can get the old ones out for us and new ones in. It's a bit of a dream right now as the other expenses are priority.

Have a fresh, new day and a fresh, new attitude. :)
Posted: 16 July 2013 - 09:57 AM
Kara -- Are you doing okay? If you're still reading the posts here, will you let us know.
Thinking of you & hoping you are doing ok!
Posted: 26 June 2013 - 09:46 AM
Thanks for checking in...I've been wondering about you. It's okay to post even if you have no progress to report. Hugs.
Posted: 25 June 2013 - 07:25 PM
HI Dianne :)

Thank you for checking in. :D
You are so lucky getting that water filtration system!
Wish I had one. Only have unfiltered well water so I buy my drinking water. :(

Take care and don't be a stranger.
(((hugs))) :)
Posted: 25 June 2013 - 05:15 PM
Not sure when I last posted. Things are pretty much the same here. Keeping up with daily maintenance, animals first.

I've had some repairs done and today took water for testing at a lab. In a few weeks will have a new water treatment system for the whole house installed.

Going to prediabetes classes. I am very pissy about having to pay attention to what I eat counting carbs, etc. So right now I'm not.

Babysitting a lot.

Not much dejunking going on, hence no posts.

thinking of everyone, take care all :)
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