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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : 'A hard day at the office'
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'A hard day at the office'

Posted: 30 May 2013 - 11:47 AM
I was just setting an example how de-hoarding can be easier than other parts of our lives. If we don't look at our mis-haps we can't enjoy our achievements. Have a laugh.

Post here and get it off your chest.
Posted: 30 May 2013 - 08:10 AM
Oh, Kara, of course I have days like that. Some days just brushing my teeth feels like a major accomplishment. And sometimes even that doesn't get done. Then my cats make their donations. Dust accumulates. Mail piles up. The To Do list gets longer.

Post here as needed.
Posted: 29 May 2013 - 10:45 AM
Hahaha Kara you are absolutely right! :)

When I get a bit of the hoard cleaned it feels great. But oh the rest of the day's issues!

Sometimes I can stay on top of bills, sometimes they just don't get paid and then there's a finance charge. My cats puke too or the dogs have had fun chewing up stinky clothes.

After daily animal chores (we have 16) sometimes I just veg out the rest of the day because I plain don't feel like dealing with even a shower.

My kids are grown but time spent babysitting the grandkids at their house can wear me out for the next 24 hours. I miss having all the energy they do!

Each person's available time and energy level is different but sometimes working on the hoard in small blocks of time can be good. Like 5 - 15 minutes. Or one specific area. Then there's maintaining all you have accomplished.

It's going to be an ongoing process kind of like a recovering alcoholic. We will have ups and downs but we keep pushing for the daily successes.

Posted: 28 May 2013 - 10:39 PM
Sometimes De-hoarding is the best part of life. The rest of life probs can get you down, like actually paying the electric bills that has been sitting on the corner ready for you to go and pay.

A 'hard day at the office' can be when the vacumm cleaner is full and you just can't be bothered to empty it and the cat was sick on the carpet, your kids are hyper and you sit down and you realise that you sorted through 1 box of your hoard.

Who's has days like that?
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : 'A hard day at the office'

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