You need to look out for yourself and not her treasures. I started at this site many, many years ago. My storage fees had ballooned to nearly 400 a month. I was at a work seminar and each person had to commit to something and I committed to getting rid of my storage by December 1st. And I was actually out by November 1. I kept nothing. Not the desk my grandfather made, nothing. And I was free. Free.
So, yes tell her that your finances only permit you to pay through end of March. Tell her this in January because whether you celebrate Christmas or not, this is a weird time to lay this on someone. New year, new financial control. You can be apologetic but firm. I won't be able to do this going forward. I can pay through end of March, only, and I'm sorry it has to be this way. Don't cave. If she cries or gets angry, tell her calmly that you understand but this is the situation.
My two cents, only. Others may have different and better ideas.
Be brave, be calm. Don't bring up how much you've paid in the past as you want to be future focused. If you are able, prepay it now and get your credit card or bank account off of the storage space. Here to support you.