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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : I feel I can't beat my hoarding
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I feel I can't beat my hoarding

Posted: 31 May 2022 - 06:18 PM
Reuse the bags as much as possible and recycle both
Posted: 31 May 2022 - 05:09 AM
So mar, what is the plan for the plastic bags and cardboard after you use them?
Posted: 30 May 2022 - 04:17 PM
Thank you CM and SubC!

I have made some advances,but they are sooo tiny when compared with all this stuff...

Part of the problem is I cant avoid to buy certain packed things -plastic bags, cardboard- and this is the never ending story.

Yes, pandemic worsened everything.

I will not give up, but it is frustrating that time runs -May is finishing- and my home looks so bad yet...

Thank you again
Posted: 30 May 2022 - 01:25 PM
Deep breaths...

I think during the pandemic, we all got off track. Maybe a few people here and there were able to make extra progress with the time. I'm not one of those. It's okay.

We just reboot from where we are, and keep going. And yeah, it's crazy at times, and frustrating. But don't give up.
Posted: 30 May 2022 - 11:03 AM
Hi mar.

Just set a little goal - any little goal you can accomplish.

Even if it's throw away one piece of trash - tada! You did it. Then set yourself a little larger goal. Keep going at whatever frequency you can, building on the sense of success to make progress.

Also, tge biggest party is stopping the inflow. And for tgat - all you need is to NOT do stuff - don't shop, don't accept free things, don't even touch stuff you don't need when you are out of the house.

You can do this!
Posted: 29 May 2022 - 11:07 PM
Hi all!

My home is worse than ever.
I get anxious when I try to clear surfaces or get rid of something and then I procrastinate. I feel guilty for losing time.
I feel like I'm not capable to clean all of this clutter. I'm overwhelmed. Help!
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : I feel I can't beat my hoarding

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