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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : House access
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House access

Posted: 03 January 2021 - 11:32 PM
Hi Tom, I am not an expert but I know that the book Digging Out can be very helpful. What a shame and I am sure you are worried to death. See if the book can help you find a way to approach the situation, and please keep us posted.
Posted: 03 January 2021 - 04:50 PM
My 91 year old relative will not allow anyone to enter her house. I think that she is embarrassed by the condition of the house. She does not know that I entered when she was not there. I cannot let the situation continue, but I think that it will be a disaster if she loses trust in me. How do I communicate with her so that I can help?
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : House access

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