perhaps people are hoping you will look at your life as choices you have made, and not what has happened to you without looking at your part in it. At 34 to live at home and have no savings to fall back on, is odd to some of us who have worked and taken care of ourselves for years. It sounds like you are not taking any advice you are given, just make excuses why it won't work. did you apply for unemployment? Did you go to small business association for help and advice to start your own business? Did you go to employment office to get help finding a job, any job so you can be self sufficient. Have you applied at all schools, hospitals, offices, businesses for cleaning jobs? Food service? I think people are tired of listening to you say what is wrong with the job market, your mother, your sister. It is abuse if your mother destroyed your relationship with your boyfriend, is mean and nasty to you etc. Negativity is abuse. Your posts never say what you are doing daily to do chores around the house, and don't say your mother won't let you wash dishes, prepare meals, vacuum etc. Or tell us what you do each day to look for work or start your own business. You can advertise to clean for donation only, then can get started without worrying about license, taxes etc. You don't tell what you do for self care. Are you clean, healthy appearing, teeth in good shape, healthy weight, clean attractive hair, so you present your self well in an interview.