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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : Overwhelmed - puzzled why I can't make decisions, keep avoiding
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Overwhelmed - puzzled why I can't make decisions, keep avoiding

Posted: 08 February 2020 - 06:29 PM
Hi Betty,

Sometimes it really is hard to make decisions where to start. Do you need a method or structure? A buddy? Are you sad at the thought of parting with items, or sad about life in general?

Sometimes if you take the part of the puzzle that comes to mind first, and solve that, even in a small way, the next direction to go will become evident.
Posted: 23 January 2020 - 04:53 AM
Hi Betty,


Can you tell us a little more about your environment? Are you a reader? - there are good books to help you. Do you have any support? Do you live with people, or alone? Do you have any clear surfaces?

Do you have trash service?

Can you choose one thing to get rid of today? Just one small thing. It starts there.
Posted: 22 January 2020 - 08:13 AM

I wouldn t have thought I'd be like I am in a cluttered clumsy home.

I crave functionality and freedom to be creAtive, but drained by anxiety at where I am.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : Overwhelmed - puzzled why I can't make decisions, keep avoiding

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