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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : My Home
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My Home

Posted: 16 June 2019 - 09:05 PM
Hi Ooodles

Sometimes all we can do is to try.

WAY TO GO! getting the back lawn mowed!

Is there any way you could hire a kid to help with the yard?

About your home...
Just do a little something whenever you can.
Gather up a small bag of obvious trash and get it out of the house.
Wash a few dishes now & then.
Gather up dirty laundry and wash a load.
Wipe off a little section of counter space or table top.

Little bits of cleaning will eventually start to come together and you will notice a difference.

Good luck and best wishes.
Posted: 16 June 2019 - 08:34 PM

Haven't been out here for awhile but I should be. Now diagnosed with Lymphedema and about to lose my job because I told them I had it. I can't walk very well and need to have a clean enviroment. I don't know how I am going to get there. My daughter is now in Assisted living but after she destroyed my home. I don't have physical strength to fix it. Any suggestions? I am here in MN. I did get the back yard mowed but it took all day with lots of breaks. I got bit by a mosquito and my entire hand from the wrist swelled up. I also did some laundry. I am going to try.
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