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Posted: 04 April 2013 - 10:25 PM
I got the chimney cleaned, weeds pulled, sorted old paint to take to recycle. Gave a bath to the dog I have been dog sitting. visited with his owner when she picked him up. It didn't rain until late, so spent the day outside. Tomorrow I have to get studs off my car, keep procrastinating. Still not shopping, surprising how many more hours in the day when not cruising the thrift stores. Still lots of things to do. Have made progress daily, tempting to go shopping still, just do not go.
Posted: 03 April 2013 - 12:08 PM
When those negative thoughts creep in keep in mind that this is not a fast marathon get it all done in a day project.
You ARE making great progress one step at a time! :D
Posted: 03 April 2013 - 09:52 AM
it is so easy for me to look at what I still havent done and be negative, so today I am going to affirm "I am making great progress", so when start heading to negative will affirm progress. My thinking is one of my big problems to declutter!!!
Posted: 02 April 2013 - 08:08 PM
worked on clearing the squalor from the deck today. Worked for a few hours, made some progress, ran out of steam. Called a supportive friend, we had a good life about our hoarding and the work it takes to change our situations. I still have hope, just is slow going today. I love my area where I sit for coffee in am, I am so happy I put the time in to change it, now working on deck that I have to go on to get to clean area. so happy I have this place to report my progress!!!!!
Posted: 02 April 2013 - 10:52 AM
Sounds like you had another good day yesterday. :)
YEA! for all you did!
(((hugs))) :)
Posted: 01 April 2013 - 07:41 PM
Hugs for you Tillie. Thank you for the support, and I did enjoy my progress today. I sprayed more weeds then took a shower and washed my hair. A friend stopped by to drop off her dog for me to take care of this week. We went for a short walk. Nice visit. Didn't want her to come in though. Enjoyed my coffee this morning in my remodeled part of the yard. A new Goodwill opened, had to miss the grand opening, imagine the bargains I missedd!!! I have plenty of piles to shop in, save gas too! Wind has picked up so need to work on small area in here to see some progress in here. Tillie, hope your day got better. Hugs and warm thoughts
Posted: 01 April 2013 - 11:53 AM
Enjoy all your progress :D
Take time to look at the areas you have done and let that motivate you to keep on doing one small area at a time inside.
Your dream tells me that you are making positive changes in your thoughts and emotions about shopping.
Stay strong and stay away from the shops. :D
Posted: 01 April 2013 - 10:42 AM
great support group last night, really felt the support for each person Then-------I had a thrift store shopping dream!!!!!!!! I was shopping, thought about the group and whether I should fess up or not, decided shopping was more impt. I woke up wondering if I really shopped. If I ever wondered if shopping is an addiction, I know now, I am a shopaholic for sure. I am still feeling the pangs of blowing my progress and it was just a dream---yikes. I am committed to no shopping for 7 days, and calling one friend a day, since shopping replaces people and interactions with friends. Let dishes go for a few days so will do that first then start on deck piles. Thanks goodness for this website.
Posted: 31 March 2013 - 10:27 PM
so I was going to shower first thing this am, but started in the yard to finish project then shower. Neighbor came over for help carrying chicken coop, there I was in dirty clothes, dirty hair, dirty face. Finished yard, still haven't showered, read your posts and know I need to get into shower, but am tired, in chat room, and watching amazing race. Ok, off to the shower. So happy yard where I go in am is remodeled. Yesterday I worked 7am to 7pm, today 8am to 4:30pm, yard is so much better. Tomorrow start on piles on deck. Thanks all.
Posted: 31 March 2013 - 11:21 AM
WAY TO GO Diane!!!!! :D
What a wonderful way to start the day! Having coffee in your newly reclaimed space!
My hoarder also hoards all the over grown foliage dead or alive. Weeds, leaves, sticks & fallen branches. ;)
Your bonfire must have been so freeing too. All the yard clearings & rakings gone and out of your way.
Good luck with clearing the connecting area. :D
Posted: 31 March 2013 - 06:57 AM
diane congratulations on an amazing amount of work done!! Enjoy your extra space. :)
Tillie you are so right about taking care of ourselves. Over the past 7 years my daughter and I have gotten much worse. If we don't have someplace to go where we really need to be cleaned up we don't. :(
Over 10 years ago I really let my routine fall to pieces. Looking back I see the importance of healthy food, fresh air, good sleep habits, etc. When I meet a young woman in the first stages of a divorce I always tell her to please take care of herself. The long term consequences of bad habits just make the initial problems so much worse.
It would be nice if I could consistently follow my own advice. When things get too busy I fall right back into the soda, cookies, chips and fast food in the car.
I bought some fresh food yesterday and my daughter and I are trying yet again for better daily habits.
Posted: 30 March 2013 - 10:52 PM
Tillie you are so right. I have let my hygiene slide, thanks for the reminder. I forget that I will feel better if I take care of myself. I have been wearing the same old clothes for a few days while doing yard work, tomorrow I will shower and fix my hair and clean clothes. Thank you for all of your wisdom.
Posted: 30 March 2013 - 10:49 PM
71 degrees today, warmest day in months, worked in the yard all day, finally finished an area where I sit in am with coffee. Cleaned all the junk and weeds out and placed rocks in place. I have allowed things to grow and grow there, today I realized I hoard anything that is alive, even if it is a bush with lots of dead branches and bugs. I chopped and chopped and as Tillie would say, "reclaimed my space". Feels so much bigger with most of that bush and all of the weeds gone. I burned a mega pile of branches, roots, weeds and pieces of wood. Great day. Tomorrow I would like to finish the connecting area since it will be warm again tomorrow before the rain returns, rain is good for staying in and getting rid of sweaters!!
Posted: 30 March 2013 - 11:03 AM
About all those worn out clothes we keep for lazing around the house in...
When we take the time to take good care of ourselves we feel better about ourselves.
Regular bathing, hair & teeth brushing, eating & sleeping right and dressing better all contribute to having a better self image and it boosts out morale.
Keep a few older clothing items for when you are doing those nasty dirty jobs but don't waste your wardrobe space on keeping all clothing that is (still good enough to slob around in).
All this digging out in your home also involves working on the inner "YOU". :D
Posted: 30 March 2013 - 07:57 AM
Tillie that IS a great idea to lay the stuff out for comparison and let go of the least favorite.
diane even if my live-with-me daughter and I wear something out we always think, "oh we can wear that when we are doing a really dirty job or lazing around the house where nobody sees us".
But I bet we could lay out the worn out clothes and say which is the least favorite? :)
Posted: 29 March 2013 - 11:14 PM
Thank you Tillie, very helpful. I had not thought of letting just 1 go, was thinking I would have to let 10 or 15 go. Also really like the idea of putting sweaters from favorite to least favorite. It was also helpful hearing that it is normal to have to go back a few times to finally let go of enough stuff. I hope to learn to enjoy letting go of things that I still could use, not waiting until it is worn out, never seems to wear out!!!
Posted: 29 March 2013 - 10:13 PM
Hi Diane :)
Big WTG! getting outside today :D
When it comes to sorting and deciding what to let go of and what to keep nobody does it all at once.
We try but then always find more when we go back through it again later.
Letting go of one sweater is a step in the right direction. Try for more. Lay them all out favorite to least favorite. Let the least favorite go. Then if you can, let the next least favorite go and so on.
Since you like fleece better keep in mind what you have and what you prefer to wear. :D
Remember that baby steps will eventually get it done.
Posted: 29 March 2013 - 08:57 PM
I got rid of some junk in yard today. Really enjoyed being outside today. I am still finding it difficult to eliminate things in the house. I have been sorting and not getting rid of enough. Guess I will look at my storage bags and see what I can eliminate. Does anyone really need 38 sweaters? Especially if that person prefers to wear fleece?
Posted: 28 March 2013 - 04:21 PM
Thanks Tillie, now it sounds ridiculous to keep soup that I wouldn't eat. I filled one bag of giveaways, hard to celebrate that one bag when there is so much more to get rid of. I caught myself thinking of things I could use the stuff for, had to say no put it in the bag, so I guess I should appreciate that.
Posted: 28 March 2013 - 03:34 PM
WTG! Diane :D
So happy you let go of that soup even though it was expensive to make.
You ARE making progress with every little thing you do. ;)
Posted: 28 March 2013 - 11:36 AM
Thanks Dianne, funny thing, you inspired me when I read your post. It is cloudy and I am feeling overwhelmed with the amount I still have to do. You gave me hope and encouragement. I really see we are in this together and the importance of talking of our progress. I did dishes this morning and threw some stuff out of refrigerator. The soup in a huge pot was over two weeks old and I was afraid to eat it because I made it maybe even 3 weeks ago, but didn't want to trow it away because it had expensive ingredients. What a relief when I flushed it down the toilet and washed the pan!! Dianne, once again, I am aching a little over you loss of your furry companion. hugs, hugs, hugs
Posted: 28 March 2013 - 07:17 AM
diane you are inspiring me so much!!
Your conversation with Tillie is the first one I'm reading today and it is just what I needed.
This has been a stressful, very busy week. Last evening one of my precious fur babies died. I was able to make changes to my schedule and childcare and although there are things that must be taken care of today with my daughter and grandson arriving home I was getting ready for a big, depressed, my-life-sucks private party. That isn't true at all of course and reading about your accomplishments encourages me greatly. :)
I am so glad you are on this board also!! {{hugs}}
Posted: 27 March 2013 - 11:13 PM
Thanks Tillie, yes, I would rather shop than deal with financial things, that is for sure. I learned a hard lesson today on the results of my procrastination as well as not wanting to look at what is going on. My old behavior is to say that my day would have been fine if I wouldn't have made the calls, so why deal with things. Not logical, just what I have done for years. A new chapter has begun.
Posted: 27 March 2013 - 09:42 PM
Getting out and pulling weeds was a great way to wait out the urge.
One thing a lot of hoarders have in common is "financial squalor". Procrastination costing them needless fees and fines.
Checks tucked away and never cashed.
I am proud of you for taking care of that banking issue.
Posted: 27 March 2013 - 05:58 PM
thanks Tillie. I made 2 phone calls that I have been putting off. I found that, for 2 years, I have paid $150 a year for a checking acct. I don't use. I closed the acct today, will be charged for that too. I was angry at them, and frustrated with myself for procrastinating for so long and that it cost me so much money. I wanted to go shopping so bad. I called two friends that werent home, then went out and pulled weeds until the urgency to shop passed, and friend then called. Shopping is my drug of choice for sure. I am so happy I found this web site.
Posted: 27 March 2013 - 03:35 PM
YEA!!! WTG!!! :D
You have done a fantastic job today!
Yes, the internet can be a danger area, so much to read.
I limit myself to checking in here in the morning to report my plans while I drink my tea.
This is my lunch break. So I get a few minutes to catch up.
Then in the evenings I can come back online or do something else in my relaxing time.
Great that you figured out the best times for you to get moving. Nice thing about the internet is it will still be here when you are ready to sit for a spell. :D
Posted: 27 March 2013 - 01:10 PM
thanks Dianne and Tillie. Feels so good to read your messages. I was getting online first thing and staying on too long. Last night in support group I realized I am best first thing in am, so today I got up at 7:30 and worked in bedroom until now. I sorted mega piles of sweaters and scarves. All winter sweaters and scarves are now in space saver bags out of the way. Amazing how much stuff is left to do, needed a break so appreciate seeing your messages. I haven't been able to toss much, since all still stuff I wear. I will need to go through sweaters again later and see what I am willing to get rid of. Shoes are next and there is plenty that don't fit well that I can donate. How are you two doing today? Yes, I am so grateful I didn't bring any more st;uff home. I can shop in my closet!!!! Hope you both have a great day.
Posted: 27 March 2013 - 10:19 AM
diane that is so great!!
Even with a cloudy day and the temptation of 1/2 price day you put your focus on the better choices. Every time you do that you're building a little strength and good feelings about yourself.
What a great idea to set a goal of not shopping just for 7 days. It's attainable and a date with a definite end not far away. But it's long enough to give yourself major props when you get there.
Big cheers for diane!!!! :)
Posted: 26 March 2013 - 07:39 PM
Diane, Way To Go! for calling friends! :D
So happy you passed up that 1/2 price sale day! The high you get from acquiring doesn't last long. By the time my hoarder gets home from the thrift shop the thrill is already almost all gone.
He has no use or need for the stuff and most all of it just sits where ever he drops it.
Fill your non-shopping time with positive experiences. The good feelings will last so much longer. :D
Posted: 26 March 2013 - 07:23 PM
thanks for the encouragement, I sure do need the support, I have avoided people, and now starting to see the importance of friends
Posted: 26 March 2013 - 07:22 PM
Today was cloudy and was more difficult to keep going. I did get the craft stuff a little more organized, swept deck, threw a few things away. I actually called some women friends, since Cory said people need to fill the void created when not shopping. Today was 1/2 price day at thrift store and it is the first 1/2 price day I have missed in awhile. No shopping for 7 days is my goal this week. I see the high I get from bargain hunting.
Posted: 26 March 2013 - 12:05 PM
Good for you diane! This is a wonderful place to get your support. We hoard, we isolate and now we have found a place to make friends with people who understand our struggles.
I know your happiness getting started here. Some days it just fills me with energy. And on the days it doesn't....well, we bump along until it comes back.
take care :)
Posted: 25 March 2013 - 03:34 PM
Fantastic day you planned. Wonderful how much you have already accomplished.
So happy you are here with us. ;)
Posted: 25 March 2013 - 11:45 AM
Last night was my first meeting on here. I got up with a new attitude. My mind wanted to trick me into the familiar, but I went ahead, made to do list and got started. I did the dishes, paid the bills and now am going to exercise class. I have been putting off getting a haircut so will do that instead of going to thrift store!! When I come home I will clean kitchen counters. I am so happy to have a place to get support in changing from being a hoarder, and isolater.
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