Eric, A few things for you to consider.
"Extremely cluttered houses" could be Better Homes and Gardens photo ready compared to the situations some of the posters here find themselves in.
And they do not need false hope for help that does not really exist.
If this is a legitimate offer and you are really looking for a few people to help, I would suggest you consider doing two things: 1) exchanging some emails with Cory, convincing him that you are who and what you say you are and asking him to make a post here confirming that. 2) create a temporary email account for this project, which you can have one of your clerical people monitor, and post the account here( in a form robots wont pick up) along with some period of time-say a 6 to 12 month range, after which this request is no longer active and the account will be closed.
There is no way you are going to get a full name, address, phone number, email etc as an open post in an open unmoderated forum from any but a most stupid or desperate person. I would not want to see any poster here responding to you in that way and it is unreasonable of you to expect it.
Regards, Dave.