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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : a question for forum folks...
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a question for forum folks...

Posted: 28 August 2015 - 02:59 PM
CORRECTION: many...not my
Posted: 28 August 2015 - 02:58 PM
Yes! And even different homeopaths disagree on my things on homeopathics! I hadnt thought about the chronic vs accute thing till you brought it up. That does make sense! Thank you so much! Im looking forward to this new journey into this mysterious piece of natural healing! :D
Posted: 28 August 2015 - 02:38 PM
Great, let me know how it goes! The remedies you use with your cats are for ACUTE problems. You need consultations for yourself (a human) with CHRONIC problems. Chronic problems can often be resolved by working with a good homeopath, but chronic issues will resolve in small steps over a long period of time. Usually different remedies are needed as the cure progresses.

You are absolutely correct, no-one "knows" how or why homeopathic remedies work, only that they do. They work in a nonlinear way, like electricity. Even homeopaths readily admit that they do not understand why or how homeopathy works, only that it does work.
Posted: 28 August 2015 - 01:27 PM
Thank you, Joan! Youre right about focusing on my own treatment instead of trying to collect opinions about that group.leader's tactics!
Homeopathics continue to baffle me, but i have seen.the work instantly.with my cats, and ive known.humans that have been.helped by them, too. Even.tho they dont make sense all honesty, Voodoo makes more sense!) I have never gone to a professional and i am.totally behind
natural remedies, so i have an appointment with a long time established Homeopath on Thursday!!! :D YEA!!! Thank you!!! :D
Posted: 28 August 2015 - 01:27 PM
Thank you, Joan! Youre right about focusing on my own treatment instead of trying to collect opinions about that group.leader's tactics!
Homeopathics continue to baffle me, but i have seen.the work instantly.with my cats, and ive known.humans that have been.helped by them, too. Even.tho they dont make sense all honesty, Voodoo makes more sense!) I have never gone to a professional and i am.totally behind
natural remedies, so i have an appointment with a long time established Homeopath on Thursday!!! :D YEA!!! Thank you!!! :D
Posted: 28 August 2015 - 07:47 AM
One remedy will not help you much. To get results from homeopathy from a chronic imbalance, you have to work with a professional homeopath over a period of time.
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 11:51 PM
Yes, Joan! total agreement on the evils of the medical monopoly! Sometimes i dont trust might I found a tried just once a few years ago, but its 30cc(?), so im hesitant to try it as directed, which might be too much? Itd been.recommended by a homeopath at my farmers market, so i was gonna try it again, first?
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 11:51 PM
Yes, Joan! total agreement on the evils of the medical monopoly! Sometimes i dont trust might I found a tried just once a few years ago, but its 30cc(?), so im hesitant to try it as directed, which might be too much? Itd been.recommended by a homeopath at my farmers market, so i was gonna try it again, first?
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 09:53 PM
Hello, how did you make out with the homeopath you were going to call?

It is much more important to follow up on possible constructive approaches than to try to correct the system. The system is collapsing at present of its own abusive tactics, and will continue to do so. They lost a lot of their clients by killing them off with drugs. Eschew that reality, is my advice.
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 04:45 PM
Thanks Tillie! I think.i will! :D
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 04:26 PM
Texting your feedback would be good.
State your facts and leave it at that.
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 03:59 PM
Id planned to just text.her my 'feedback'
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 03:57 PM
Tillie, she also.leads the 'Buried In Treasures' group meetings! Im not gonna go to either of her meetings, but its a major disappointment cuz i felt it could Maybe its her military authoritarian.background? She also is super conventional about establishment and government, whereas i couldnt be further from that world. I just felt like i could help future people situation if i gave her feedback.about it. Maybe its just me.
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 03:57 PM
Tillie, she also.leads the 'Buried In Treasures' group meetings! Im not gonna go to either of her meetings, but its a major disappointment cuz i felt it could Maybe its her military authoritarian.background? She also is super conventional about establishment and government, whereas i couldnt be further from that world. I just felt like i could help future people situation if i gave her feedback.about it. Maybe its just me.
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 03:14 PM
From everything I have learned, threats never help and often make things worse.
When the authorities have threatened fines, jail time or removal of children if the house is not cleaned up that only gets the clean up done to avoid the difficulties, it never addresses the issues or helps/teaches the person how to keep things under control.
Spouses threatening separation or divorce never works either.
A person with a hoarding disorder has different thought processes than a person without the disorder.
Hoarders want things to be different, clear and clean and organized, family/friends happy and off their back, but have a hard time putting it into action.
Example; were to start, how to decide what to keep and where to keep it, how much of something should they keep, what are priorities.
Everything I have ever read in books or online or from professionals who work in the field is that threats and pressure are not the way to help.
Hostile confrontation is not the way to help.
Talking down to people is not the way to help.
Enabling is not the way to help.
"Buried In Treasures" "Digging Out" are books that explain how to help in ways that really do help.

P.S. why put yourself through the grief of going back to where you were treated so badly?

Posted: 27 August 2015 - 02:50 PM
Roxie, my reason for wanting to give her feedback is to help future clients or group members that go to her for needed support and help.
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 02:48 PM
Thank you Roxie! She doesnt directly 'threaten', but says things like, youd better fix things before authorities come down on you' and 'Do you have more than.the legal limit?' Shes in an.undergraduate program.for studying hoarding behavior, but she was a big deal in the military so i think she may be applying that discipline type thinking. I wish i had more options for affordable help. It seems messed up that the 'professionals' in this are legally required to report people?! That seems like the worst scenerio?!!
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 02:40 PM
PS I don't know where you live (state) but have you checked here (above) for other therapists you might consult. At this point you might do better with a non-MD therapist one-on-one. Just putting some thoughts out there for you.
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 02:26 PM
I'm a little surprised you'd have anything to do with her, even giving feedback. I wouldn't, myself.

However, for me the answer is absolutely not. Threats do nothing but drive me further into myself and away from other people, debilitating me. The self-esteem of most hoarders is such that we cannot withstand harsh handling and will fight back or disappear. Typically, hoarding begins with some kind of traumatic experience. Do you treat a PTSD person with threats?

Most of the hoarding cleanup companies that I've heard of and experienced are amazing in understanding, dealing with emotions, making one feel respected, cared about, even part of "the family" PLUS they get the work done. :)

I would not deal with a therapist who made threats. I think that is highly unprofessional.
Posted: 27 August 2015 - 09:41 AM
Im trying to decide whether this tactic works for others before i give some feedback to that hoarders grouo meeting leader and professional in this new field...personally, it did NOT help to 'encourage' me at all, but it may for others. She seemed to use that mode a lot with me. How would yall react? Would it gwt you moving faster?
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