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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : My worst nightmare came true
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My worst nightmare came true

Posted: 23 August 2015 - 03:26 PM
I am sooo sorry this happened to you! Ive been trying to id handle something like that...even.tho i rarely ever lie about anything, i consider coming up with some sort of fabricated 'explanation' for to place is like this? In the meantime, hopefully it can.also maybe help get you motivated to get it in better shape? I really do feel for you. Ive had 3 somewhat traumatic events concerning my mess in.less than.a month, involving other people knowing about it. You are not alone!
Posted: 23 August 2015 - 10:59 AM
We are here for you, Finite. We will be your support system. And you can be yourself with us--we understand and we are here for you. Please check in when you can.
Posted: 22 August 2015 - 03:56 PM
Welcome, Finite. You can post on the daily threads and get lots of support. One of more of us, have similar experiences, so you are not along.

Since my heart attacks and COPD troubles over the past year, I have experienced anxiety with regard to not being able to breathe, and I've learned first-hand about anxiety and attack and, worse, panic attacks. They are SO awful and I've only learned slowly how to try to deal with them without ending up in the hospital. Work with a doctor on it and get some help. Breathing techniques help, calming techniques help, and I have found that for me a single Xanax tablet can ward off the panic pretty well. But it is a terrible struggle, so I understand.

What can we do to support and help you?
Posted: 22 August 2015 - 01:14 PM
Hi Finite :)

You definitely are not alone and what happened to you has been the same fear many others have had.
So very sorry that this has happened.
Posted: 22 August 2015 - 01:04 PM
I'm was searching for a support group for this and found this forum. I've been stuck in an anxiety attack. I didn't think I was a hoarder but I've alway been embarrassed to have people over. I know I'm messy. Yesterday a pipe burst in my apartment while I was at work and when the landlady opened it for the plumber they went all through everything. It's just my worst nightmare. I feel so ashamed. I've got to clean and every time I go to stand I think of them seeing it and I get physically ill. I am just so disgusted with myself and I feel totally false and useless. I've just been sitting trying to catch my breath and slow my heart. I've got no family support, I just really desperately need to feel less alone in this.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : My worst nightmare came true

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