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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : Cyber Bullying
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Cyber Bullying

Posted: 13 July 2015 - 04:56 PM
Have you all heard back from Cory? I know he truly cares about folks who post here
Posted: 12 July 2015 - 11:10 PM
please don't allow her to make you leave G. I know of what you speak. I no longer go into chat (except for meetings )because of that specific person, I am pretty sure it is the same person since I know of others who have been attacked by her.

I am at work most of the time and so decided this chat was not worth my time. I know last time you mentioned it in support of some of us who had been attacked, you were then attacked on the message board by moderators/owners of the boards and I am sorry for that also.

I think there are unwritten rules that make you an acceptable member of this community, but I am not sure what they are, so I don't need company while I clean or don't clean.
Posted: 08 July 2015 - 11:28 AM
I hope each and every person who has experienced this or observed it will let Cory know. If you have emails or particular boards you can point to, let him know. If you go to chat and can "capture" the board when you do, copy it to Cory if it shows the bullying.

Yes, cyber bullying has no place here, and I've had no clue about who has left or why. :(
Posted: 07 July 2015 - 01:20 PM
Wow, I'm fairly new so had no idea. All I saw so far was some spam. I wondered though, with this being a board where registration isn't required, if there would be vulnerabilities such as this.

I agree with the idea of reporting to admin. We shouldn't have to put up with trolls like that. Hope no one who's sincere will allow themselves to be intimidated by their BS. Let's make a pledge to one another that we won't be cowed, and that we'll stick up for one another!
Posted: 06 July 2015 - 02:07 PM
Thank you Roxie.... I appreciate the hugs and yes it is time to inform Cory.

Glad you have not experienced it yourself. Sad many here have and it has gone on for so long, although hopefully it can be addressed and others will not be afraid to share about their experiences(those still here) as comfortable....especially should it continue. People are afraid to speak here and the bully(s) take advantage of it...

Cory email is:
For when and if anyone has an experience they would like to share with Cory about it now or in the future.....

Posted: 06 July 2015 - 01:53 PM
Please contact Cory directly with this information. I would but I have not personally encountered the type behavior you describe. Any others who have ought to also report directly to Cory. Hugs.
Posted: 06 July 2015 - 01:43 PM
there has been a member or more who has been cyber bullying for a long time and is getting worse.

i am being targeting in chat by this bully and have heard of others who were targeted long before i knew of this website(as well as some other new members such as myself since they have been here), who did not share of their discomfort until they felt safe.

we have lost members due to this cyber bullying both from forums and chat, although the bully seems to be very angry at not controlling chat or whatever else might be their goal.

some have been reporting not feeling as safe any longer in the chat room due to lurking and presence of what feels like the bully once again. some have already left message boards.

if your not here to support and be kind while working with others, please leave this vulnerable population alone and go do your own thing as our goal is to have a positive supportive community. one that welcomes new people along with those that have been around longer alike...with support and encouragement.

as silly as it has seemed in the past to get the owner involved, it has come time to share that information as there is someone very much trying to intimidate me and tell me to leave.

the bullying was going on long before i got here and will continue whether i stay or go, although it concerns me why anyone here is behaving so poorly instead of taking advantage of what the website has been set up to address and be for. i do not have any plans to leave by the way bully, although others have been asked for these concerns be shared for the benefit of all of us here who use and want to continue to use this website for good.

while it is an anonymous site, cyber bullying is illegal and IP addressed are logged. it is important no one be caught off guard as well as time to confront it and make this place safe like we all want, deserve and need it to be. i am just one person, so have very little say in the outcome....although have a voice i am using today to share what i have experienced as well as heard from others.

we all have issues, although there are certain lines crossed that are not ok and have not been.

Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : Cyber Bullying

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