Hi :) Yes, we all make mistakes and regret that we can't go back and edit our posts here. :)
You can't do much to change your husbands behavior but you can change your own and that may make him change his ways. You working to clear up the home and set up routines may cause him to see where he is contributing to the chaos.
Even small children can be taught a routine to put their toys in a box, clothes in a hamper and trash in the can. As they get older they can learn to make their beds and tidy up their rooms.
Where to begin... Here we begin by getting a trash bag and going around for 5, 10 or 15 minutes bagging up all and any trash we see. Food wrappers, junk mail, broken things, litter, etc. Then take the bag out to the trash can. Congratulate yourself for a job well done. :D
Another timed round could be to gather up all dirty dishes and get them to the kitchen. Then go again to gather up all dirty laundry and get that to the hamper.
Once the litter, dishes and laundry have been gathered up and out of the way it makes it easier to move around and see where the actual clutter is.
Often we say to start with the bathroom because it is usually a small room and can be completed in a shorter amount of time. First, put all loose items in boxes or containers. Clean the sink, tub, toilet and floor. Then reevaluate the items when you put them back in the room. Do they belong in the bathroom? Do we use/need this item or can I toss/donate it? Is it worn out/broken/all used up?
Try very hard not to shuffle items from room to room. As you pick up items try right then to make the decision to keep/toss/donate it or does it belong in another location in the house. After you have cleared and cleaned an area defend it daily by routinely tidying it up. This takes just a few minutes and helps to keep things from getting too overwhelming.
Other rooms are usually done area by area rather than emptying it out completely.
A good book to read is "Buried In Treasures".
Hope I have answered your question. :)