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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : To the 1,562 non-posters passing thru today.
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To the 1,562 non-posters passing thru today.

Posted: 17 March 2015 - 04:10 AM
Some of that figure will be from people who do post regularly, but didn't see anything in the latest refresh that required a reply. (Which is good -- if everybody responded to every message, the exponential behavior would be catastrophic.)
Two Dogs Humping
Posted: 10 March 2015 - 06:37 AM
If you can't think of a username, look out the window and name an object from your yard.

Well, OK.
Posted: 06 March 2015 - 08:37 AM
Sometime yesterday afternoon or evening, the visitor count was at 4630088. (I remember because it was so close to an even number.) It is now at 4632079 (and has increased to 4632154 as I have been thinking about whether I should do this).

That has allowed me to develop a highly precise number for people who stop by and read only. :)

Please take a minute and make a brief post, saying something about what the site has meant to you, or even just Hi. You can just add a Hi post to this thread. Or you can make a thread of your own.

That could be meaningful to the people posting here in two ways:
If you've been here before, but not for awhile, there is an interest in where your life has taken you since we've last talked.

If you've never been here before, it is an encouragement to both the posters and the site owner to hear voices and stories rather than just seeing numbers.

This site does not require registration. You don't have to dream up a password. If you can't think of a username, use the name of your 3rd cousin twice removed. If that's not secret enough, transpose a couple of letters. :)
(Or look out the window and name an object from your yard.)

A hoarder named Dave.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : To the 1,562 non-posters passing thru today.

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