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Posted: 09 February 2015 - 10:25 AM
Good morning :)
Hi Tat & TY :) Wonderful that you went out visiting! :D It truly is amazing all we can accomplish when we play "Beat The Clock". And those quick little tasks really do add up. WAY TO GO!
Hi Diane & TY :) BIG WAY TO GO! for no shopping! :D It is so very very wonderful that after all the hard work you have done in your yard to know that this Spring you will be able to just enjoy the season! :D
Having kept the finger bound and iced has done wonders. Can now bend the joint a little without pain, so looks like I lucked out. :) Got the litter boxes all washed out yesterday and today I will be doing the usual weekly house cleaning. Bathroom, wash floors, vacuum & all that other stuff. We had some rain here yesterday. Was nice but didn't help with the drought. The snow pack is 80 percent below normal. This is the warmest and driest winter I have ever known since moving here back in the late 1970s.
Wishing everybody a great day! :D
Posted: 09 February 2015 - 09:54 AM
Ouch Tillie. Sounds like you are doing the right things so take care of your finger. Rest, ice, compression elevate. If joints bend and finger is straight, should be ok. Tat sounds like a wonderful day visiting. It is still warm here so rain not snow, 9" piled up made me laugh Tat. I was outside most of the day finishing some work. Wind helps me find lots of stuff to do. This will be the first Spring that I will have clean up done, and can just enjoy spring. Wish I had more accomplishments to report, of all the things in here completed. At .least no shopping, hooray for that
Posted: 08 February 2015 - 07:45 PM
Yikes on the finger Tillie--not good. Diane, what a lot you accomplished! Amazing! I spent today at my 97 year old friend's house then went to mom's to watch tv. She's slipping so I helped her out. Now I'm home and it's snowing, lightly but steadily.
Keep up the good work ladies! Because of you, I accomplish and sometimes I don't, but I'll always be supported. How great is that?
PS. Sometimes I find I tackle something when I have a small amount of time. Waiting for BF, for example, sometimes gets me motivated to empty (and refill) dishwasher, orayve I'm waiting for news to start, do I'll quick shred the mail. I then say look, that only took 15 minutes. It helps. Mind games. I'm tricking myself into doing stuff.
Posted: 08 February 2015 - 10:11 AM
Good morning :)
Hi Tatoulia :) WAY TO GO!!! fixing that slow bathroom sink! :D
Many times when I plan to do a task that I am dreading doing I find myself delaying it by accomplishing many other need-to-be-done tasks instead. ;)
Hi Diane :) Happy you got outside and WTG! for all you did out there. We all tend to not see things right in front of us year after year, until they are gone. Then we enjoy the newly exposed areas so much we wonder, "what took so long?"
I hate removing living plants too and the birds here plant a LOT of things around my garden area. Some of it is in an area where I don't mind but a lot of the plants are in the worst spots, so they have to either be transplanted or pulled out.
Yesterday I was holding onto the storm door with one hand and holding a squirming Scooter with the other while the winds were gusting. Ended up smashing my left index finger in the door. Hurts bad, is all black and blue and swollen. Have it immobilized and just hoping it isn't broken or if it is broken hoping it will mend properly. :(
Today I need to scrub, scour and sanitize the litter boxes, this should be interesting to see how I do. Scooter's eyes are responding quite well to the new eye medication. Already he is in less pain and playing more. :D
Posted: 07 February 2015 - 11:02 PM
Hi Tillie and Tat. Happy to hear you didn't get table cleared-----usually takes me two days to do a task I say I am going to do!! Did get all dishes done. Sun peaked out and outside I went. It was gusting to 48mph but worked outside anyway. I stacked all dry firewood and put new wood behind it and started making area stronger with bigger t'posts and more wire. Secured brown tarp better. I cut back a juniper shrub that I always have to walk around, talked myself in to getting rid of it, then put stepping stones down to the wood, soooooo much better and convenient. Then I dug up an area where grass and flowers were strangling a rose bush, I am throwing things away for practice. . yesterday my garbage can was full for pickup for the first time in awhile. I was happy today after a couple days not so happy. Sunshine, even for a few minutes makes life better, and a beautiful rainbow in between rain showers today. Yard looks better but I am still messy. Often do not see things that have been there for a long time. Once I cut some of that shrub off, it was obvious, I do not even like it, but if it grows, it has rights, more than I do, weird huh. Tomorrow I think I will chop some more stuff and throw more stuff away from house and garage, just for practice. Sure do appreciate you being here.
Posted: 07 February 2015 - 09:55 PM
Saturday night, almost 11:00 PM. I haven't touched the coffee table yet. But I did fix bathroom sink which was running really slow. Glad to hear scooter is going to be okay. Poor little thing.
Oh, it he snow piles by my house are nine FEET tall not nine inches. I'd feel foolish about that mistake if it weren't for feeling foolish about saying I'd work on coffee table!
Much love to all .
Posted: 07 February 2015 - 10:38 AM
Good Morning :)
Hi Diane :) Wind did a lot of damage here too. Power lines down, trees down, internet down. Worst was the black out dust storms blowing across the highways, causing accidents. WTG! for all you got done there! :D Nope, we can't take anything with us when we go. We leave this life the same way we entered it. ;)
Hi Tatoulia :) When we rescued Scooter he was a very sickly teeny tiny baby who's siblings and mother died of disease. With good nutrition and veterinarian care he has grown up to be a healthy energetic boy but his immune system was compromised. Doc said his eyes are weak and we need to give him vitamin supplements and a new eye ointment to boost his health. Doc said this will be an ongoing issue for him all his life. Scooter says that's ok, I am a happy boy. :D How is that coffee table coming along?
Hi Dave! :D
Saturday, again. Wonder what plans, if any, Mr. Hoarder has. Pookie cat has just thrown up her breakfast. Guess I better go clean that up. :(
Posted: 06 February 2015 - 08:22 PM
One can search up an article about a Rhode Island woman buried in her Corvair in the late 90's!
Posted: 06 February 2015 - 07:58 PM
Great song quote, Diane! Tillie I hope Scooter is okay. Any update ?
We have enough snow here to cute your drought, Tillie. Over 9" piles at the corner of my street. Really hard walking/cars can't see/pedestrians can't see.
I want the coffee table in the living room cleared this weekend. It is piled and piled and it is making me unhappy. Only then wi I feel worthy of cookies. I need to do this. It will make a huge difference.
I need to do taxes too, Diane. I bet while I'm cleaning coffee table I'll find most of the stuff I need.
Posted: 06 February 2015 - 06:14 PM
Windy, Windy, Windy!!!!!!!! Several trees down in town. No problems on my property. More wind and rain on the way. I cleaned up some debris in yard. Brought in laundry from line. Brought in firewood. Country song says, "never saw a hearse with a trailer hitch" meaning we cant take stuff with us when we die. Thought it might motivate me to load up more donations, just no energy today. Recovering from work yesterday. Happy floors are clean. Have a few dishes I plan to wash. Sorted all papers for taxes, now have to organize them and add up different things. Would like to get that done tonight if possible. Just a slow day.
Posted: 06 February 2015 - 10:01 AM
Good Morning :)
It would be fun baking and eating cookies together. :D
Good Nurses get burned out because they give and give of themselves to their patients. ;)
Been pushing my hoarder to get Scooter into the Vet and it has finally paid off. Scooter goes to the Veterinarian today. His left eye has been troubling him and nothing I know to do has made it all better, just relieved it somewhat. I applied warm moist cloths and ophthalmic ointment. I think he may have a cinder lodged under the lid. Will feel so relieved once Scooter has received medical care. :)
No rain or snow here yet just winds that are predicted to increase all day. Well, off to wash my hair now.
Posted: 05 February 2015 - 08:04 PM
Thanks Tat, yes, lets have a cookie together and talk about how great the weekend will be!!!! Tillie we are on our way, to cookie ville.
Posted: 05 February 2015 - 07:10 PM
Diane, that is a lot of patients to see. I know how exhausting it is to be "on" all the time. I'm always glad to get home to the kittycat where we talk about all we need is each other and a warm blanket. But now of course I need a warm cookie. Are you listening, Tillie?
Posted: 05 February 2015 - 06:54 PM
YUM, I WANT A COOKIE OR THREE!!!!!! Work was good, got home and felt exhausted and sad. It is exhausting seeing 30 patients and being "miss wonderful". I enjoy it at the time then feel drained after it is over. Seeing your posts saved the day, just thinking of us baking cookies together.
Posted: 05 February 2015 - 06:16 PM
I'm glad you got the sleep you needed. I baked brownies during the recent storm on the East Coast. Oatmeal cookies sound delicious!
Posted: 05 February 2015 - 12:14 PM
WAY TO GO!!!! Tatoulia and Diane :D
Managed to catch up on my sleep this time. :) Other night I was not able to get much rest. When I am tired I just can't think straight or make decisions. Have no plans for today so I will look around and see what I want to do. A big storm should be blowing into the area today and tomorrow. Hope it brings lots of snow and rain, we need it so badly. Also, I am all out of cookies and love baking them during cold wet storms. Makes the house so cozy. Have all the ingredients ready to make oatmeal cookies with raisins and nuts. :)
Posted: 05 February 2015 - 05:29 AM
Wow Diane! Congratulations!
Posted: 04 February 2015 - 09:48 PM
Great Tat, you got so much done, and completed tasks!!! Tillie you were a busy gal too, WTG. It was grey here today so I used my day wisely, finished kitchen, bathroom, floors vacuumed to edges, one load of laundry washed and hung. started a bag of toss and bag of donate, was proud of myself staying at it and making progress. I can once again live in living area!! Finally took chicken off bones and put vegetables in and soup is almost done. Just took shower and washed hair. Cleaned up kitchen again after making soup. Work all day tomorrow at clinic so was good to have things livable again. Your encouragement made all the difference, thanks ladies.
Posted: 04 February 2015 - 09:13 PM
Hello Diane and Tillie!
I straightened up the "library" area of my place. I took everything but the coaster off the small tables and picked up everything from the floor. I cleaned off the dining room table and hung up all coats and sweaters. Still more to go but shredded an entire box of receipts from many years ago and didn't look at any of them.
Yay! I'm back in the right direction! Thanks for helping orient me! Now I need to keep going!
Posted: 04 February 2015 - 11:12 AM
Good Morning :) All caught up on laundry and dishes. Cats have had their canned food breakfast. Litter boxes scooped, fresh water in their bowls. Did a quick clean on the bathroom. Floor needs vacuuming, that won't take long. Then the house will be "good enough". Sure, there are things that I could clean or dust but nothing is bad enough to worry about yet. I am not one of those people who tries to have everything immaculate every minute of every day. Good enough is good enough for me. :)
Posted: 03 February 2015 - 10:00 PM
Down in the "Television Shows Looking For Hoarders" is a post that "HOARDERS" is going back into production and they are looking for people.
Posted: 03 February 2015 - 09:39 PM
Hi Diane :) Yes I did enjoy today. Just hanging out here playing and even made popcorn and watched movies. :) WAY TO GO! for fixing the hole and starting fixing up your living space. :)
Hi Tat :) WAY TO GO!!! for finishing something! :D
Sometimes it is hard to stay focused on one thing through it's completion. I start doing something then I spot something else that needs doing and wander off and start on that and then see something else to do and wander off again, and so on and so on and so on........... Busy, busy, busy all day long with nothing to show for it. ;P
Posted: 03 February 2015 - 09:07 PM
Hi Tat, I appreciate your honesty. You just motivated me to start going through a bin of papers pulling out all the tax stuff. I did pay bills today. Curious what you tackled tonight.
Posted: 03 February 2015 - 08:23 PM
I am a mess of start then stop, Diane. I feel like all I do is come home from work and sleep. Not good.
Tillie, it's good to skip being an adult! It is a lot of work and you deserve some time off! For me, having grown up with a much younger and very ill brother, I sometimes think about how tough it is being the Well One. We all need a break! Glad you are taking yours.
I'm going to try to finish something, anything tonight,
Posted: 03 February 2015 - 06:10 PM
Good plan Tillie, hope you are enjoying day. I started cleaning up stuff and vacuuming this morning. Shook throw rugs, ran out of steam. I still have too much stuff, especially in winter with wood and kindling in living room for wood stove. I brought several things in from the garage to organize and then realized, not the right time to do this. Just trying to avoid housework. Thought of Tillie saying I micro organize, so need to put it all back in garage. When it stopped raining, I went out and finished working on area of fence that Max dug under. Here I sit, maybe sitting is ok. Have not taken chicken off bones for soup which frustrates me, I start then do not finish things. At least I have started cleaning up living space again.
Posted: 03 February 2015 - 10:49 AM
Good morning :)
Tatoulia I was cracking up too. :D
I have linens out on the clothes line this morning. Wishing it would rain or snow. We are experiencing a very bad drought and need water desperately. Thinking today I will get back to my latest sewing project. Yes, I know the house needs some cleaning but, but, but I don't wanna do that. My inner child wants to come out and play. Still need to get out there and clean up all the pruning clippings that I just left where they fell. Maybe tomorrow? I am tired of always being the grown up with a to-do chore list every day. Today I will be taking a vacation from myself. :D
Posted: 02 February 2015 - 08:56 PM
Tillie I couldn't stop laughing. The mayor played it really cool The way the news kept showing the bite made it look like the groundhog just kept taking chomp after chomp!
Posted: 02 February 2015 - 06:15 PM
What does it mean when the ground hog comes out of his nest and bites the mayor? Will it be 6 more weeks of winter or not? LOL :D
Posted: 02 February 2015 - 06:13 PM
OK Tatoulia and Dave, I will give the cats the benefit of the doubt as to what went on. :D
Posted: 02 February 2015 - 06:10 PM
WTG! LR2014 for working on your room and finding things! :D
I don't know if the cats are into football. I do know they enjoy hockey, soccer, golf, gardening, mountain and tree climbing and any and all blood sports like hunting. ;)
Posted: 02 February 2015 - 05:46 PM
Frankly, I think that Tillie's cats were having a Superbowl pre-game party. (But I don't have cats, so what do I know???)
Diane, I'm sorry to hear about your cousin passing away.
At this moment, "my" room here at my friends' nice and neat house looks like a wreck. I have a number of bags, suitcases, and such here in "my" room. Yesterday, I realized I was already missing several things that were definitely in the room "somewhere." (No, there are no kids and no animals to blame this on. There's just me.) I decided to take out some time this afternoon to go through some of my bags and start rearranging items and also to start making some notes on what bag contains what. Dave, I found a nice, black pair of dress gloves during this organizing process. Yes! A left glove and a right glove! They were in my, uh, well, uh, laptop case. (Doesn't everyone keep dress gloves in a laptop computer case???) I found a more logical place to put them (and I put them in a zipper-lock plastic bag to keep them together)!
After I finish this sorting/rearranging project, I hope to make the room look a little more tidy. Haven't worked on my vehicle today; too cold outside here!
Oh, and by now, I have no idea what I decided to do back in December for Tillie's end-of-year challenge. I don't think I posted it here. I do remember thinking about it, though! (Maybe I decided to exempt myself, considering I was in the process of packing things up for my move.) I'll cut myself some slack on that one.
OK, back to my sorting/rearranging project. (FYI, I found the main item this afternoon that I had been looking for.)
Happy Groundhog Day!
Posted: 02 February 2015 - 12:36 PM
LR it's good to hear of your progress living with someone who is neat. I know when my friend stayed here this summer she spent time teaching me good habits and she wasn't judgmental so I didn't have to make any excuses for myself. I find if I'm busily defending myself I can't hear what the other person is saying.
Tillie five cats means a lot of cat toys. Small price to pay. Plus I agree with Dave, although the cats are obvious suspects, some of the other toys may in fact be the true culprits!
Posted: 02 February 2015 - 10:49 AM
Good morning :)
Hi Diane :) Wonderful that you spent hours outside! I know you prefer to do yard work above all else. :D Sorry to hear of the sadness and loss. (((HUGS))) Please be extra kind to yourself as you deal with your grief.
Hi Tatoulia :) WAY TO GO!!! For all your progress and getting things accomplished. :D I do try to thin out all the cat toys but with five cats, all having their favorites, that is still a LOT of cat toys. LOL :D
Getting outside yesterday did help my head cold but I still have a nagging headache and runny nose and little energy to do much. All the pruning I did has my shoulder muscles achy now too. My house is a filthy mess. Kitchen and bathroom are disaster areas. Going to decide what my priorities are and only do that today. Think I will only get to washing my hair and washing dishes. The rest will have to wait.
Posted: 02 February 2015 - 10:18 AM
Diane, that is a lot of grief in your family right now. Do what you can to help and be sure to take care of yourself too.
My car trunk is almost cleared out, I had started it as Tillie's end of year challenge and I'm really happy with my progress. Yesterday I scrubbed kitchen counter (the one that was clear but dirty) and today I will out the stuff away on the other counters. I also am going to deal with the pile on the living room floor.
Tillie, I keep a little basket of cat toys and every so often I weed it the ones she no longer plays with. But everywhere I look there is a little bunny or pony to remind me that someone enjoys her little friends.
Wishing you all a wonderful day. We are having another snowstorm which brings panic to the people I check in on. I will not let on that today is a now day at work and will just proceed normally. There was a day where I would make myself sick with worry, but I've found some peace with the passage of time.
Posted: 01 February 2015 - 09:00 PM
Hello all. Uplifting reading all of your posts, thanks for all the insights. I have let clutter creep again. We had several warm dry days, so I spent hours cleaning yard leaves etc, and burning lots of stuff, well the rain is back, and cold wind. So today I am realizing it is .to clean inside. I have most of dishes done, soup started. Benny goes home tomorrow then plan to do a months worth of cleaning. I too have to clean my car out really well. Also need to clean RV and sell it. Thank goodness I have you to remind me that others let clutter creep, TAT, otherwise I would really feel bad. I have been watching superbowl, pregame show showed 6 finalist for a trip to game. Each contributed a lot to community, very heartwarming.. Tonight I plan to finish cleaning kitchen. Benny goes home at noon tomorrow then I go to class. Have to do homework tonight, then tomorrow or Tuesday will start major cleaning. Plan to get on chat to do buddy cleaning, to help me stay focused. Have to see some progress, so plan to clean one area at a time like I learned from you. My cousin died last week and her memorial was yesterday and her brothers pancreatic has returned with a fury, so my aunt will need to move into assisted living for the first time, she is in late 80's, so will have so much to grieve. I plan to drive over in a few weeks, weather permitting to help her deal with grief.
Posted: 01 February 2015 - 05:34 PM
LOL Dave :D That's exactly what Scooter has been telling me.
Had a GREAT time outside today and feeling better now too. Pruned the heck out of everything. Lilac hedge, roses, honey suckle, mountain laurels. Didn't gather up the clippings and get them to the side yard. Just left it all where it fell. I was on a roll and didn't want to slow down. Will clean it all up at some later date.
Whenever I wear a hole in one glove or one sock, I throw the whole pair away. Both of them.... But maybe I have been being too hasty. ;)
Posted: 01 February 2015 - 03:03 PM
Gloves: I have some left handed yard gloves. The right hand ones wore out. Except for the left handed one that had the thumb cut off, the right handed ones seem to go first.
Dishwashing gloves. I have 2 left handed ones of those I have been loathe to discard. The right handed ones got the fork or knife pokes.
Toys: Tillie, maybe the cats slept all night. It might have been the toys. It seems to me like I remember Raggedy Ann and Andy books discussing the behaviour of dolls when people are not around. Scooter and company may be getting a bum rap here.
Posted: 01 February 2015 - 10:41 AM
Happy February! :)
WTG! LR2014 for having some fun this weekend! :D Your plan sounds solid for clearing up the space in your vehicle. I know you need to have that stuff with you when out there so the vehicle has been the only place for it.
My plan for today is to get outside and do a bit of yard work. Will light the burn barrel and while that is going I want to remove some dead plant growth from my garden and prune some rose bushes & lilac bushes & honey suckle. Today's weather forecast is cloudy & temps in the upper 50s. Hoping the fresh air and some sunshine will help me get over this head cold.
Also need to have a stern talk with the cats. They have too many toys and after their partying last night the house is in shambles. Toys spread everywhere, throw rugs scrunched up into heaps. It is a real big trip hazard in here. ;)
Posted: 01 February 2015 - 06:08 AM
Happy February, everyone.
You asked about weekend plans, Tillie. I spent a lot of my evening yesterday in my hometown watching one of my younger loved ones performing in his high school musical. Sooooo much fun!
I made progress on my vehicle this weekend, but I'm probably the only one who would notice. Fortunately, much of what is in it at the moment is a set of supplies that I use out at that "rural area" I used to mention often and (once I find or create a suitable "home" for them there) are items that can be kept out there. Doing that transfer will clear up a lot of space in the vehicle.
It's great to hear from everyone, of course, but it's especially refreshing to be seeing "Roxie reports" again. Roxie, I'm glad you're regaining strength!
I am enjoying my temporary stay at my friends' home. As I might or might not have mentioned, they are definitely the non-clutter type and keep things very clean. Nice to see daily examples of what they do to keep things so nice and neat.
Have a great day, everyone.
Posted: 31 January 2015 - 07:02 PM
OOPS! sorry Meant to say brother's home ;)
Posted: 31 January 2015 - 07:00 PM
Hi Roxie :D
Wonderful to hear how you are doing. Keep up the great job you are doing regaining your strength. Don't worry about the house and plumbers and all that. Just enjoy the time you are spending recuperating at your Son's home.
(((hugs))) :)
Posted: 31 January 2015 - 12:45 PM
Tat, I think many of us have that bad habit of putting things down then forgetting about them rather than putting them away.
Since I am not at my house, I have limited "work" here at my brother's home. I will practice things like doing dishes, walking, exercises to regain strength and stamina, making coffee, maybe sweeping or vacuuming. It got to a point where I could barely lift myself from a prone position to sitting up and I feared I could not regain any strength or stamina. But I have made progress through the nursing home therapists (occupation OT, physical (PT). I am having some home health care.
Yesterday when the nurse was here my blood pressure was low enough to alarm her. They discontinued 4 of my meds and told me to stay off my feet for the day. Today my BP is okay so I don't know what to do about meds. There is a fine juggling act with my blood pressure and other issues. It's a full time job, I tell you.
Pipes broke this winter at my house so first thing upon return I'll have to have a plumber in. Then I need the septic tank cleaned out. Then plumbers inside. I don't know what to do about the dirty ceilings, walls and floors. Since I lost private disability insurance, my financial situation is dire. My son is handling it as best he can from a distance. I gave him power of attorney.
I hope to see many people posting. Hugs to all
Posted: 31 January 2015 - 11:48 AM
Tatoulia You have been doing FANTASTIC! It is hard to change those little habits that we have and never even think about what we are doing.
One way that I got my hoarder to stop just dropping stuff in areas like near the doorways was that once I cleared the area I placed a dragon fountain/statue on the floor there. Now when he sees the dragon placed in the empty area, he knows the big dragon (me) will be guarding that spot. :D
Posted: 31 January 2015 - 11:38 AM
Thanks Tilliie. I've been able to not add to my hoard and I'm continually reducing my stuff, but mail and bags etc still pile up. Very difficult habit to break. So while getting rid of stuff, even stuff with emotional attachments, has been a struggle, I don't know why the papers pile up. I don't know why the toilet paper I bought last Sundayis in my loving room.
Posted: 31 January 2015 - 11:08 AM
Hi Tatoulia :)
Good luck and best wishes for tackling that clutter area! :D
Washing the counters will give you great results you can admire.
Have fun while you are out and about. :)
Posted: 31 January 2015 - 10:56 AM
Hi Tillie!
I a waking up late today--had a very late night. Saturdays are usually spent taking care of family. My brother has been housebound since the storm earlier this week. I will take him out today. I'm going to have to dig out his car at some point. Normally my BF does it but he's working all weekend.
My house is messy. I have papers on the floor, on almost every table surface and my kitchen counters while not cluttered, need to be washed. I have been working on the trunk of my car. The interior of my car is not hoarded because I'm pretty good at cleaning out water bottles and coffee cups after taking my brother out.
I need to decide on a patch of clutter creep to work on. There's a patch on the floor between living room and dining room. It is a magnet for stuff. I think if I chose that it will have the most impact and motivate me the most to keep moving forward.
Posted: 31 January 2015 - 10:36 AM
Hello Anybody here?
Does anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend? I don't. Just going to the grocery store today and that's not very fun.
There are cotton tail bunnies all over my yard this morning. That's fun to watch :) I can tell there have been many bunnies in my yard this winter due to all the bunny poop out there.
All the vehicles here are totally hoarded. Stuff on the dashboard that always falls when he takes a corner. The passenger side floor completely filled with trash. Takes him over five minutes to clear the seat so I have a place to sit. Back seat and trunk so filled that it is hard to get the groceries in. It took him one and a half weeks to do this to the "new" used car he recently bought. He gets ants, spiders, wasps and other creepy crawlies living in the vehicles, making it very unpleasant to ride in them. At one time there was a desert pack rat living in his old abandoned VW beetle. It felt right at home in there.
Jessica K.
Posted: 30 January 2015 - 03:56 PM
LR : My car is stuffed too. My excuse is that I don't want to bring anything else into my stuffed house! Something has to give or go. Keep up the good work ...
Posted: 30 January 2015 - 03:23 PM
Hi, everyone. Just checkin' in.
Months and months and months ago, I mentioned on a Sunday night chat that I needed to work on clearing out and organizing my vehicle. For whatever reasons, I never really got that project fully underway. When I was trying to get the last bit of stuff moved out of my apartment a couple of weeks ago, my vehicle got even more stuffed and disorganized. Now I'm actually working on the "unstuffing" and organizing project. Been working on it off and on this week, but I've put extra time in on it today.
Dave, I haven't found any socks yet, but I have started finding a lot of right-hand work gloves. (For quite some time, every single time I tried to grab a pair of work gloves from my vehicle to get some outside work done, I would wind up with only two left-hand gloves.) Glad to finally end up with at least a couple of complete sets!
Happy afternoon. I'm going back to work on my vehicle now.
Posted: 30 January 2015 - 11:37 AM
Good Morning :)
Already the end of January, where does the time go?
Hi Dave :) WAY TO GO! getting some yard work done. I have LOTS of yard work waiting for me to get to. The dog would begin to show symptoms within 24 to 36 hours depending on the disease. ;)
I have cat blankets washed and hung out on the clothes line already today. Still not dressed, bed not made. Should make up a "To-Do" list and attempt to accomplish something but I am not motivated enough to even make a list. :D
Off to take a shower and maybe that will clear my head. :)
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