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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : the hard stuff
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the hard stuff

Posted: 08 May 2013 - 03:26 PM
This is so hard.
I am really slogging thru.

I got the washer fixed. Made the guy go thru the backyard, on the deck and into the laundryroom.

I chickened out and changed the repair man for the air conditioners and furnaces from yesterday to this Monday. Changed the date for the carpet man to measure stairs from yesterday to tomorrow. I care more about what they think then I thought I would. :(

I'm trying to get some things cleaned up that I have neglected for many months while I kept up with maintenance.

So far I got three bags of pure trash. I am so disgusted with myself. I keep taking mental breaks. Don't even want to come on this site I am so down.

Drink some water, get back to it.
Lynn S
Posted: 07 May 2013 - 08:22 PM
diane, that is exactly what my mother does. She buys stuff to organize more clutter but the containers,bins, etc. she buys to organize things takes up too much space. She will always be that way and there is nothing I can do to stop her. If I even suggest something, she gets very defensive about it.
I'm so glad that you see the light and don't want to buy stuff anymore without getting rid of something. It is a tough hard road but you are well on your way to greatness.

Trust me it takes time to heal. There is always a grieving process before healing.
Something clicked inside you and said "wait, I don't want to do this anymore".

You'll be making room for something great.
Keep up the good work. You can so do this!
Just a little at a time is all it takes and before too long you'll have a whole lot done. :)
Posted: 07 May 2013 - 07:54 PM
thanks Tillie and Lynn. Felt really good reading what you wrote. Today she called and wanted me to go to a museum and shopping, again I said no. It is hard to see her keep buying as she says she is getting rid of stuff. The cedar chest she bought yesterday to go with the new built in storage unit, was 1/2 inch too long. Does that sound familiar, get more storage areas rather than actually getting rid of stuff?
Posted: 07 May 2013 - 10:54 AM
I am so proud of you. :)
It is very difficult to overcome what we have been doing since birth. That is to always say yes to other peoples requests, even if that means sacrificing ourselves.
Please work through the feelings of guilt and realize that you are worthy of making yourself your number one priority.

Yes it does hurt to see negative qualities in our selves. But until we can see them for what they truly are we can not change them.
You have been doing a fantastic job working to get over the shopping addiction.
I am so proud of you. (((hugs)))
Lynn S
Posted: 06 May 2013 - 08:02 PM
diane, I'm sure that was a hard decision you made not to go with her but that is a major accomplishment! Good for you you didn't go. :)

That is a huge step in not wanting any more stuff for you realize there isn't any more space to put more stuff. I'm proud of you!

Just start small and be happy that you cleaned up a little area. There is no space requirement on how much you get done, just as long as you don't get too overwhelemed in doing it. When that happens, please just take a good break and do something else to get the anxiety off your mind.

Then some other time you can get back to it. Just set a time limit to no more than 5 minutes or 10. You'll work up to 15 minutes at a time but don't rush into it.
You Can Do It!
You can get through this!
We're here for you! Keep up the good work!
Posted: 06 May 2013 - 07:26 PM
I had a difficult day today. So much to do. Made some progress but still feel frustrated with the enormity of the tasks and the difficulty of actually finishing an area completely. My hoarder friend called and told me about the wonderful bargains she bought today, having a bad day, I said, you sound like an addict high on the buy. She wanted me to go to the store and help her move the big stuff she bought. I said no, as long as you still have a storage unit, it tells me you don;t need any more stuff, so can't help you bring new stuff home. She tried to convince me to go, I said I am having a bad day and do not want to help her acquire any more stuff. Of course now I feel guilty for saying no. She also bought 11 new plants that she has no room for, I wanted to get off the phone, but let her talk until I just couldn't listen to it anymore. She is a mirror to me, and I don't like what is reflected back to me.
Posted: 06 May 2013 - 04:22 PM
That is excellent Susan. :)
Posted: 06 May 2013 - 01:43 PM
How to deal with emotions is complicated. When I'm sorting and get overwhelmed it can help to take a break. If that doesn't do it, I leave that task and do another. There's always plenty to do. If I really don't feel like doing anything, or can't because of sick or injured, there's always taking the time to make a plan and assess progress to date. As long as you keep moving in the right direction, it will work eventually.
Posted: 06 May 2013 - 08:07 AM
Aw Diane that's so kind of you.

I've been feeling kind of down and withdrawn. I know I'll pull out of it but til then the best thing for me is to be a turtle. Focus on the path ahead, move slow and steady.

Instead of beating myself up about the downs I'm learning to try and be more still, not so much hyperness and being scattered, overwhelmed.
Posted: 05 May 2013 - 10:15 PM
Dianne I missed you at the support group tonight, always enjoy hearing from you
Posted: 05 May 2013 - 05:48 PM
Thanks, Susan.

How did you deal with the emotions? It's really slowing me down.
Posted: 03 May 2013 - 02:34 PM

I appreciated your comment about 'hidden timeline of my old life and I wanted it back'. There is a lot of postponed grieving in certain kinds of hoarding.

For a long time I just wasn't ready yet to face the emotions intertwined with all the stuff. That work can be as hard as the physical sorting.
Posted: 03 May 2013 - 11:03 AM
Spending some time emotionally adjusting to some things.

Set up appts for doctors, some repairs around house.

Going back to turtle ways ~ slow but steady. :)
Posted: 30 April 2013 - 12:10 PM
Dianne, sorry to hear you had a disaster day.
today is a new day, love yourself today inspite of yesterday, it can be so difficult when churning and no progress, I know that all too well. Are you writing to do list?
Even checking off one item is a success, take good care of yourself, hugs
Posted: 29 April 2013 - 10:20 AM
Yesterday was a disaster. All I did was shuffle. It wasted time, energy and just got me more upset.

That area (like all the hoard I guess) is a hidden timeline of my old life and I wanted it back. My happy little children, working with horses and riding, our big, family Christmases, all the work I did for my church making wreaths and decorating for the seasons.

I just buried all those things as I gave them up. I buried my life. I buried me.

I'm crashing again and I don't want to deal. I feel like I haven't made any mental progress at all when a normal stressor in a normal person's life flips me out. I swing to the other extreme and all of life seems black.

I'm very grateful for having this place to write out my feelings and fears.

Today I get the small dogs back from the vet kennel in different trips. I'm leaving Jack and Kota in til Friday evening. That gives me a little more time to get a different setup here.

I have to pick up Kota for an afternoon eye doctor appt. That vet has a special machine to see if Kota really has SARDS. Then I'll take my big boy for cheeseburgers and back to the vet kennel.

The rest of the day, in bits and pieces, I'm going to tackle that familyroom area again. But this time to give some things away or throw away. Buffy can come this week and get her dresses and stuff from college. I can take the Christmas things down to the furnace room and deal with organizing them in the summer. I have to stop there for the day or I'm going to freeze again.

Posted: 29 April 2013 - 09:10 AM
Hi Dianne :)

I got dizzy just reading all you have to tackle!

How is it going? Sounds extremely stressful.

I was so busy yesterday from the time I woke up till late afternoon that I didn't even get to read the message board.
Will write more later as to what I did to help Windy adjust.

Posted: 28 April 2013 - 09:13 PM
Hi Dianne,

OMG! Dakota and Jackson look a lot like Cory and Matt. :)

Normally when it's time for bed, Cory and Matt always sleep right next to me in my bed; and when I'm at my boyfriend's house they like to sleep right between me and my boyfriend. Luckily my boyfriend has a huge bed that all of us can fit in. Lol. :)
Posted: 28 April 2013 - 11:39 AM
I'm not tech savvy enough to do my own pics but I found some AMAZING computer wallpaper I use.

To see a pic of my boys (not really mine but these dogs are the EXACT images!!!) go to ~

Dakota is in the foreground and Jackson behind him. I love them SOO much!!!
Posted: 28 April 2013 - 11:18 AM
Today I have to get a large area cleared in the familyroom.

I know there are two chairs and an ottoman. One upholstered and one leather with the side shredded from the cats. Not that I can see them anymore but they're there.

There's a huge treadmill covered in crafting supplies. Huge grapevine wreaths and a ton of flowers, greenery, ribbons etc. Finished wreaths are hanging from the tops of a set of three French doors. I need to move those to get more light in.

There's a huge freestanding thing ~ it is wood with a mirror and hooks that are covered in riding stuff ~ helmets, racing goggles, crops, boots. It has a brass bar for hanging and a storage part that has sports equipment in it. It was against a wall years ago but then I had to put 6 huge boxes of divorce papers against the wall and never put them away. So the wooden thing sits in the middle of a space (don't know why I moved it) and is surrounded by I don't know what.

My daughter dumped a huge metal trunk there when she came home from college (over 10 years ago) and there is a huge pile of prom dresses hanging over the back of the upholstered chair covered in a big comforter.

Wow all these *huge* things. I think it is more about my *huge* overwhelm than the actual size of stuff. :(

I think there are boxes of Christmas lights and ornaments. Stuff is piled above my waist in that area. Don't even know what all is there.

I have no idea where I'm going to move it. It just has to get done fast. Then clean the area and move Jackson's and Dakota's crates into that area. The crates are Great Dane size and I'm not even sure I can break them down and carry them anymore.

The crates are in the dog room in the basement. I was really proud of that area. The basement is a two bedroom walkout apartment. It has a full kitchen and bath, a large big hearth fireplace, built-in bookcases, tons of storage (maybe not such a good thing).

The dog room itself has a congoleum floor, so easy to keep clean, crates for each dog, towel sides on the crates to make them feel more den like, a big grooming table, air purifier, shelving for a ton of bedding, grooming supplies, potty pads, toys and clothes like winter coats and raincoats for the short-coated dogs.

They all know the night-time routine. Laura calls them down, they chew on their toys, lounge on the overstuffed sofas and chair, rough house a bit and she has *Story Time* with them. She swears Dakota pays special attention and is trying to figure out the Hardy Boys mysteries, his favorites. :)

It's a very relaxing time of day. Then she says, "Time for bed." and everybody runs in their crate and gets a treat. The dogs needing special attention stay in the kitchen for the night with their beds and potty pads. If necessary I'll sleep on the floor there. Hence the frequent hand washing of the floor.

So now I'll be like the tv hoarder forced into a crisis situation. I need to clean something fast and am not at all ready to make any decisions about sorting and getting rid of. All that junk in the back of the familyroom will just get shuffled and mess up some clean, good area I have.

Our routines will have to change and none of us are good with change at all. The cats are going to freak when their climbing mountains and hidey places are gone in the familyroom. Maybe I'll even find some dead mice who knows.

Poor Kota Bug it's not his fault of course but it's going to be a problem way beyond just adjusting to his blindness. :*(

Posted: 26 April 2013 - 04:08 PM
I am pondering what the doctor said, it is just stuff, don't waste your time trying to decide, just give it away, to have freedom. I see the emotional attachment I have to the possibility of what I might create. Fear of sadness when I give it away, and lost posibilities. Silly, I then say, since with less stuff, will have space to create with what is still here, tug of war going on here. Yes it is the "hard stuff" for me, to possibility of the next great invention
Posted: 26 April 2013 - 12:11 PM
Keep looking at what you HAVE done.
You have been doing a GREAT job there!
I know there is so much yet to do that it is overwhelming to think about.

How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time. ;)
Posted: 24 April 2013 - 11:23 PM
Thanks Tillie, I push myself until I am exhausted, think I need to finish it all in one day. then when I don't finish, I feel bad about myself. I am learning that I can count on myself keep working on it daily. Just so much stuff.
Posted: 24 April 2013 - 11:15 PM
Thanks Lynn. The crafter in me says I can create wonderful artsy scarves etc. out of the clothes I don;t wear anymore. As a hoarder, I see the potential in everything, just don't create beause I am buried in possibilities.
Lynn S
Posted: 24 April 2013 - 07:45 PM
Dianne and Diane,
Clothes are a hard process to sort but if most of the clothes are already in bags, then just simply donate. Don't be tempted to look because it'll just make your letting go decision that much harder.
Besides you won't have good bragging rights to letting go of all the great and wonderful decisions that you are already making. :)

As long as you follow the " if I haven't seen in within a year I can toss it rule" you'll be fine. :) There is always grief before relief and maybe some or alot of anxiety before relief of letting go of clothes.
But think of all the space you'll have or are making for yourself now. Totally awesome job!!

I'm so glad to hear of all the great progress everyone is making and only a little at a time (10-15 minute rule).

Keep up the good work!! :)
Posted: 24 April 2013 - 01:24 PM
Clothes are a hard process.
Don't worry about getting them all decided on, keep, donate, toss, in one session.
If you get 50% keep/donate at first that is a GREAT success.
Then later you can look through for more to let go. When there are fewer items to deal with.

You have been doing a FANTASTIC job on your closet! :D
Posted: 24 April 2013 - 01:19 PM
WTG! Dianne :D

So wonderful that you were able to make that donation.
You helped the charity but most of all you helped yourself.
Posted: 23 April 2013 - 06:20 PM
Thankks Dianne, you did make the correct decision. I worked all day and still haven't gotten rid of enough stuff, closet looks great but the floor looks like a hoarder lives here. I am so tired will try again tomorrow, I am best in morning. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
Posted: 23 April 2013 - 01:17 PM
Thanks Lynn!!

I've never done that before diane. So the only decision was don't look, can't regret. Having to choose something that I know I like will be much harder!!

You're doing the real muscle building hoarding decisions!
Posted: 23 April 2013 - 12:23 PM
So happy to read you were able to get rid of the clothes so quickly. I am going through all of my pants today, only have one bag of give aways so far, helpful to read you just keep what you like to wear, will have to see what else I can get rid of, now to the jeans, my favorite to wear, will keep maybe 7 pair. Really only need 3 or 4, but will feel 7 is a number to aim for today.
Lynn S
Posted: 22 April 2013 - 11:06 PM
Way to go Dianne!

If you don't see it for a year or more, chances are you don't need it.
Champion job!!
Keep up the good work!! :)

It is true though that if you wanted to see what was bagged you might have had mental blocks to keep them when you really want to rid them

:) Way to go!!
Posted: 22 April 2013 - 10:21 PM
I took two bags with new clothes and dropped them in the donation bin. Tags still on. I had glanced in, recognized some pretty tops not sure what else. What I did know is that we didn't need anything in there.

Sometimes I go in Kmart for something small and come out with a full cart of clothes. Just because they were pretty. And cheap. I haven't done that for months now so I knew the clothes were from last fall or summer.

If I had taken them out to see if I wanted some and get rid of older stuff it would have overwhelmed me with decisions. All I ever wear are t-shirts and jeans anyway.

I was kind of pissy today and just wanted stuff out of here.
Posted: 22 April 2013 - 06:39 PM
That would be wonderful if you could just take those bags, unopened, straight to the charity.
You must not have needed those items or they would have been taken out of the bags and used by now.

If you are able to do this it would show us just how far you have come in recovering from keeping extra things. :D
Posted: 22 April 2013 - 01:21 PM
Dianne, thanks for your post, yes, I am doing clothes today and it truly is the hard stuff, and sometimes it is better to let go of it if you can. Although if you have something you like more in the bag, perhaps you could exchange it with a less favorite. We are sure in this together, thank you for sharing your secrets, helps me not feel alone.
Posted: 22 April 2013 - 12:52 PM
Actually my thought was not to go thru those bags of new clothes ~ just take them straight to Salvation Army. :)
Posted: 22 April 2013 - 11:01 AM
WTG! on a job well done! :D
Sounds like it all worked out very well.

Now with the next part, it looks like you can have a bit of fun shopping in the hall, with all the new items you mentioned there. :)
Posted: 21 April 2013 - 06:38 PM
Oh dear. Laura got home before I finished with the back hall. She was stressing that I had messed up all her neatly stacked books. She actually did have them organized pretty well and they were surprisingly clean. I guess she's been dusting.

But I had taken everything apart to vacuum the carpet runner, clean the wood edges, clean under the carpet and clean all the shelves separately. I tried to tell her that yes she had done a great job of organizing but it needed some deeper cleaning. So we sat down and got some more books put together the way she wanted them.

I dusted every book all over. There are well over 900. And we reset the shelves so they are only on one side of the hall. I think it will be easier for me to keep clean that way and it doesn't look so crowded, closing in on both sides.

A big, nice surprise ~ no pee, no poop, no dried mud, no dead insects, no bad things at all. Just a tremendous amount of dust bunnies.

I still have the middle of the upper back hall to work on. There are sheets in the packaging, more books (mine), cardboard boxes, shoes still in boxes. I'll hit that tomorrow.

Right now I'm not going to stress us with decisions about getting rid of too much. I was able to set aside a stack of extra copies Laura had and she said she could easily donate those. Laura has always wanted to have a private lending library. She got the idea from some guy in Sweden. I'm just at the tip of the iceberg with books. She reads to the dogs every night, calls it *Story Time*. I'm pretty sure once we get more clean and organized I could take Laura to a local school who would love a big book donation for kids. She can be very generous as long as she knows what she has given will be genuinely needed and appreciated.

Posted: 21 April 2013 - 11:14 AM
Thanks Tillie and diane I really appreciate your support!! {{{HUGS}}}

I'm going to attack the rest of the upper back hall today. There are hundreds of books there. My live-in daughter is an avid reader. Although she is 33 her favorite books are Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Berenstain Bears and all animal stories. We ran out of room everywhere else so I got her some narrow shelving a few years ago and told her she could start building bookshelves in the hallway on one side. Meaning stacking them very carefully with the sturdy wood at intervals to keep a better balance.

So now books are stacked on both sides of the hall maybe 4 feet high and nothing has been cleaned there for about 1 1/2 years. I sure as hell hope no dogs decided to piss there!

The worst bedrooms are on either side of the hall with closed doors. There are level 4 hoards in there and I never wanted animals to get in there. They would get lost. So I have to get to another light fixture to get some light back there.

Laura is with her Dad today. When she goes out I can work without her getting stressed that I'm touching her stuff.
Posted: 20 April 2013 - 08:18 PM
Dianne, it is so great to read your posts. Last week I went through that shame when I moved the refrigerator and found a huge pile of filth. I cleaned it and don't have to let it get that bad again. By admitting the filth, cleaning it up, and staying in touch, we can prevent this from happening again. Your honesty is great, keep writing and cleaning, it is helpful to read so I don't feel alone in squalor awareness.
Posted: 20 April 2013 - 08:01 PM
Well done! :D

The thing about any hoard is that the hoard it's self prevents regular cleaning and hides so much.
There really is no such thing as a clean hoard.
The longer the hoard exists the worse the amount of dirt accumulated and there can be unseen mold, insects, rodents and structure damage.
All invisible till you start decluttering.

Don't worry about posting whatever comes into your head here.
We do not judge on any grounds. :)

Personally, I really love hearing your thoughts. :)
Posted: 20 April 2013 - 03:46 PM
I'm done for today.

Got the ladder again and took apart another fixture on the back stairs landing. As with the other one since it hasn't worked in over a year it was hard to take apart. Put one light bulb in. I don't fill them anymore because I try to save a little money with less bulbs. For whatever that's worth.

Filled another little vacuum cleaner bag. Lots of fur, little cat nails as they shed them from scratching and sharpening on the stairs. Lots of bits of cat litter that we have all tracked all over the place. Dried bits of mud from the dogs. I need to find the goggles in the garage to wear when doing these things that cause little bits to fly up in my face.

The back stairs are now basically clean. The only thing that most people wouldn't leave there are a huge stack of clean fleece dog beds hanging on the railing. The laundry room is on one side of the staircase so it's easy to hang the clean beds there. Then I don't have to go to the basement to the dog room when I need something for the kitchen. The other side of the back staircase opens to the familyroom. So the dog beds don't look great but from that angle but that's the least of my concerns right now.

I hated to think of myself as a dirty hoarder. It's so easy to ignore whole areas and say to myself well I keep these things clean and that's important. But I am a dirty hoarder. That is so shameful for me to admit. But how can I not admit it when I am getting into the real dirt and debris? Well at least the animals are in good shape.

So I'm going to take it easy the rest of the evening. It's been really helpful to keep typing on here and then plug thru some more. Have a good night everyone. :)
Posted: 20 April 2013 - 02:51 PM
I'm stuck. I can't make any more decisions about the back hall.

So rather than sit down and give up I started on the back staircase. Got off a ton of clothes that were at one time washed and folded. Threw the whole pile back into the laundry room.

Found a knife, more plastic hangers, a roller thing to get fur off and a warranty for the back door storm door. The German Shepherds already jammed that twice and I had to pay to have it fixed. Finally I just took out the window part and let them bodyslam the metal part all they want. So that warranty is useless now.

Moved a snow shovel from the landing back to the garage. Shouldn't have any more snow to shovel from the deck for awhile. :)

Those stairs weren't too bad. I'll get the little vacuum cleaner around there now and do the whole staircase ~ carpet runner with hardwood floors underneath so have to get those edges.

One thing I've been a little concerned about is posting exactly what I have to deal with here. I'm aware that I have much more space and resources and time than most people. I never want to flaunt that. So as I begin to talk about specifics in terms of rooms please know that I am the same as everyone else. Mental problems. fears, insecurities, shame, guilt ~ wealth doesn't fix that.

Thank you all so much for being here and being supportive and understanding of each other. There's nowhere else to go.
Posted: 20 April 2013 - 02:23 PM
I need the mental breaks more than the physical breaks.

Started to vacuum and remembered none of the outlets in the bathrooms upstairs work. Had to find an extension cord to plug in downstairs and run upstairs to the little vacuum cleaner.

Kept shutting my eyes so debris wouldn't snap up and fly into my eyes. Filled 2 little vacuum bags. Dug out as much dried on poop as I could.

I got about 6 feet of hallway, carpet and wood floor edges clear. And about another 4 feet of half hallway. There's maybe 20 more feet to go? I don't know. The animals are so confused.

When that is clear (maybe tomorrow) I'll try to use carpet cleaner and see if I can find some hardwood floor cleaners.

I've got all the supplies and all the good intentions. Just never got around to it.

Posted: 20 April 2013 - 01:58 PM
I need to post every small thing here....

Got the fixture off and got one light bulb in. The fixture was so tight. I'm not sure I want to put it back on.

Thank God for that window that opened!

Found another bag of new clothes. :(

Posted: 20 April 2013 - 01:34 PM
The t-shirt was no ordinary shirt. It was an Orioles Aubrey Huff #17. He doesn't play for the O's anymore.

So that sounds like a reasonable reason to keep the shirt and try to salvage it. Which it seems I have.

Is that mentality decent or is it so classic hoarder that I am bad? Not really bad you know but is it ok to try and save some things if I really can do it without too much trouble?

BTW I do have maybe 60 or more O's t-shirts. We get them for free on certain nights. Now you guys are starting to see the real hoarder in me. :(
Posted: 20 April 2013 - 01:27 PM
And thank you Tillie :)
Posted: 20 April 2013 - 01:26 PM
Load of clothes came out. The t-shirt is ok so are the 2 socks. The jeans had a mold stain I guess because that's just a big ol' blotch right on the butt. So the t-shirt and socks will get washed a couple more times and the jeans are trash.

I found some Christmas presents I wanted to give but had *lost*.

I found a bag of bags. I save plastic bags to put trash in. In my mind they don't make plastic like they used to. :) And in our county we have to pay 5 cents for them now. I'll keep those.

I dug out new (from a year ago) cardboard moving boxes I had planned to use for storage. Moved them to the upper front hall. >:(

Found a big bag of really good plastic hangers that I didn't want to get rid of. But most of my clothes are in piles since all the hanging space is taken so what will I use these hangers for? They are too good to throw out. >:(

Got it! I will take them to the Salvation Army. I bet they can always use more hangers since they get donated clothes that need to be hung for sale.

And I can get a ladder up there now. I have a 75 watt light bulb to put in the fixture that has been out for a year. It will force me to see just what's there and try to clean that carpet and floor.
Posted: 20 April 2013 - 11:55 AM

We are all here for you.

Toss, toss, toss. Do not waste your time and energy trying to save things that are so soiled they may never come clean.
Some things may look clean but to others may still retain the smell of cat urine.

Be tough on yourself but also remember you are a person deserving of love and tenderness and a healthy home.
Posted: 20 April 2013 - 11:38 AM
I had to walk away and decided to start a new topic.

The cleaning is now getting to the hard stuff for me. Not just tossing obvious trash. Not just sorting and getting some things put away.

Now I'm getting to the real deal ~ stuff that has been really damaged. I was going thru a pile in the upper hall. Laundry that I had tossed to do in no hurry. Well the cats have used it as a litter box. Really bugs me because we keep their boxes clean and bugs me even more that my sense of smell is obviously gone.

I threw it into a garbage bag and took it to the laundry room. I started to go thru and pull off dried poop and shake out dust and fur. I did throw away 2 shower curtains that were over 30 years old.

Other stuff is badly stained. Towels, shorts, t-shirts. This conversation started in my head. These things are so badly stained it will never come out. But you could try. But even with the hottest water and stain remover it won't. Do you really want to spend all that effort to get out stains and use up time you could be doing regular laundry? But it's good stuff. But do you really want to wear that against your skin even after you wash it? But I love these towels. If you loved them you would have taken care of them. But I can't replace those, they're part of a set and some of the others are clean in the linen closet. Some of these towels are Laura Ashley and they remind you of when Buffy was little and used them in her bathroom. You can't ever replace those. Well you just threw out the matching shower curtains.

It was like I was outside myself and I was the person in one of the hoarding shows saying but I can still use that while the rational person holds up the disgusting thing and says throw it out.

So I'm throwing 90% out. I'll try washing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and one pair of socks that don't look too bad.

The carpet runner underneath has pee smells and dried poop. When I lifted it the smell was beyond rank and the hardwood floor is ruined.

Now I'm facing the mental things that I always try to push under. I'm an asshole, no wonder my husband left, how could I let this happen, I'm beyond irresponsible, I'm not a grown-up, I'm stupid, I have to hide, why the hell can't I take care of things, if the neighbors knew that the outside looks so nice but the inside is so gross I'd be like one of those people on tv..."oh she seemed so nice, we never thought that could happen here...". Two houses in the neighborhood are for sale, I saw the pics and they are gorgeous. So I think why the hell couldn't I have kept up my home? When I sell it will have to be as something to gut and remodel. I've blown the money that was supposed to come from the sale by destroying the house. Who does that except a total loser? Everybody was right about me growing up. I was different, didn't fit in, blah, blah, blah.

Shit I hate myself and that is just one little area.

Ok so that is my rant. It's gonna get ugly ladies. Every time I need a break from the really bad stuff I will post it here. I'm embarrassed, I'm disgusted, I'm pissed. But I'd rather be pissed than crying. Anger gives me energy.

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