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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Want my life back.
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Want my life back.

queenie wahine
Posted: 27 July 2014 - 10:03 PM
I want to clean up the mess. I feel smothered and my efforts to declutter come with resistance from my partner.

This is costing the household in storage rent fees. It is a strain on my marriage. This situation has invaded my psyche so badly I frankly can't function without a little bit of rage and passive-agressive behavior...

The resentment that has built up within has altered every single thing I do and affected my demeanor. My health prohibits from constant repetitive movements, and my physical limitation have prevented me from finishing more than an hour's worth of deep cleaning.

Three questions:

1. I've logged into the live chat room tonight for the first time. Can I get credit for doing so if I am under court-orders to attend a self help group?

2. I checked your directory listings by state and area. Is there a fee expected for any of the contacts listed?

3. How do I provide verification of attending a self help group to assist in my completing my court mandate?

Thank you. Any private message directions would be appreciated.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Want my life back.

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