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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : About to hoard
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About to hoard

Posted: 11 July 2014 - 09:52 AM
It's great you wrote, and I hope you're reading the posts in other places--just to get some hope.

I think the way to begin moving through our mess is to deal with the emotions along the way.

Fear of letting go, perhaps?

Sadness of saying goodbye to a person or a time in our lives?

Fear of not having something when we need it?

Fear of giving away the next "antiques roadshow treasure?"

Fear/Sadness of not being the person who has space for all the things?

I have a host of emotions when I'm working through my clutter/hoarding.

NONE of which are stupid.

Reading all I can, journaling and posting on these boards helped me get started...and stay started...and come back.

Also, on a practical note getting a timer that I set for 15 minutes and then declutter just for those 15 minutes helps, too.
AND making sure to have a plan in place for where the items will go.

You're in the right place.
Posted: 02 July 2014 - 09:27 PM
My mom is a neat freak. She hasnt seen my bedroom yet, so far its only my furniture covered with stuff i dont really need, but i have to prevent this from getting worse before she does see. I cant seem to be brave and clear my desk and dresser so i figured i just do something before the floor is covered. I have only 2 empty boxes on the floor right now that i am scared to get rid of cuz i know if i do i will need them. Another thing i noticed is every time my mom or dad want to donate or toss something, i give them a reason to keep it. They call my reasons stupid but i would have to disagree.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : About to hoard

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