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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Property Clean Up
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Property Clean Up

Property Clean Up
Posted: 30 June 2014 - 03:16 PM
I am writing as the wife of the man who has inherited property from his father. Approximately 90% of the property is covered in Hoarding. Approximates: 500 Tires, 20 Large mounds of wood, 4 hazardous structures once homes filled with stuff, many many piles of trash, mounds of sawdust, cars. My husband and I have no idea were to begin. We have cleaned out two of the cars and burnt some things. There was also a large amount of stuff in someone else's home that we recovered and cleaned out. This someone else recently called and said he found more. Its been slow going and Hard on my husband because he feels like this is someone else's stuff and he shouldn't be messing with it, and it also has memories. I feel like we have made a lot of progress though, however this project is to large for both of us to do alone.

Help in anyway is appreciated.
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