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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : want my home back
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want my home back

Posted: 25 June 2014 - 10:11 PM
WAY TO GO!!! Lolo :D
Fantastic job you have been doing there!
Wonderful to hear all about your positive progress! :D
Posted: 25 June 2014 - 05:46 PM
Getting my home back! my ocd sister said she was coming to phila to see me. that was a good thing. the worst was my home piled high with unpacked boxes with mice feces from storage facility and my own mice feces that had accumulated since moving to phila from nyc. the second worst thing was the hate I felt for having to clean up this mess which discussed me so. but thank goodness I was rescued by her saying she's coming. I knew I would not let her in to see me in this regressed state. anyway, I found energy in some tea and a supplement and proceeded with scorn to tackle this herculean problem.(I thank Tillie and the online support group for my one and only session, two sunday nites ago.) (Tilly gave encouragement by saying: You have permission to throw it away!") this was so refreshing to hear. I started throwing away bits of papers(paper hoarder of my very lifelong inventions) I aslo set up boxes of detergents and cleaners to have everything right there to help eliminate the stress of going to get things so hard to walk across things) at the end of sunday, I felt refreshed and was so proud of my fight to the death! I got a little sad, because my struggle is just beginning. now I have to keep my half-cleaned house neat. this is the daunting part. But, I want Tillie and the group to know that I appreciated their trying to help me.-so- I will fight to go forward. I have no computer at home. I'm at the library, but I will keep posting progress or non often as I can.
Posted: 21 June 2014 - 07:47 PM
Hi Linda :)

You can join us here in "The Daily Chat" and we all can help you work on this daily.
And Please join us on the online support group meetings, just click the link to the right of this page.
We all start with baby steps, doing one tiny task at a time for only about 10 minutes.
Can you handle doing that?
Working slowly will eventually get things started and along the way maybe you can find someone to assist you. Someone who will help you sort and move things around and take stuff out, but only when you say so.
Linda West
Posted: 21 June 2014 - 02:10 PM
I am so tired of living this way but no way to do it by myself & anyone who's willing to help wants to throw it all away . It doesn't all need to be trashed. I can see what needs to be done but I just can't get started!
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : want my home back

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