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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Trapped Behind the Walls
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Trapped Behind the Walls

Posted: 27 September 2012 - 04:46 PM
Hello All, glad to read your responses, yes i've made it to this site, and yes I'm just peeking out from under, sitting on top, literally. Such an idiot, such a smart, savvy, share with others like i'm some kind of counselor idiot, I can greatly help others, I can't help myself ? that's what agitates me. I have the answers, I can clean and clear up other people. Duh,,? I so need to get off this pitypot. My in the house brain is frozen stiff. There's nothing i can do about the past. Found a church I like 2 weeks ago, they provide transpo so there's no excuse. I'm so looking forward to changing my mindset.
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 06 September 2012 - 01:20 AM
Hi New Life!
So glad you joined us. I would love to speak to you again, but for now happy to see you posting. Just talking about it with others that can help support you is a great step. I just want you to know it is not impossible to overcome this. A little over a year ago, my wife and I worked with a rape victim that was so traumatized. She moved out of state after the attack, moved into a high rise apartment building so nobody could come throug her back door. It was a studio so she could see her front door from anywhere in the apartment. She hoarded her apartment so if someone did break in, in her mind they would turn and run for the hills. And finally she became morbidly obese so in her mind nobody would find her attractive enough to even want to attempt a sexual assault on her again. She finally came to the realization that her attacker had one. She had given up on life and wasn't living any longer. She stared at herself in the mirror, sobbing, asking herself how she could let her life come to this. She allowed my wife and I to help her, and we did. We completely cleaned her small home and under the clutter was a truly beatiful space and an even more beautiful person. She emailed me on July 5th, exactly one year after we helped her get her life back to say thank you. You can't live in fear. The clutter, while acting like a security blanket is not protecting you from bad things happening. The only thing it is doing is preventing you from living. Don't let your attacker win. You are a good person, and yes something bad happened that I can never relate to but you are allowing this person to continue to victimize you by giving up. Show him you are stronger than this. Give yourself life, love and happiness. Allow yourself to trust again and allow yourself a second chance. You are great, and you deserve great things. Call me any time you need support. You know how to reach me :)

Cory Chalmers
Posted: 05 September 2012 - 09:14 PM
Hi NewLife, I know exactly how you feel. I am not a hoarder but I was raped a few years ago and I know how a trauma like that can change a person. Have you thought about maybe going to see a therapist or some sort of counselor? I recently started seeing a therapist for my issues and it has helped me a lot; and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Posted: 05 September 2012 - 08:31 PM
Welcome, NewLife. :D

(((hugs))), Tillie
Posted: 05 September 2012 - 07:26 PM
I really need to come out behind this ... i run, i cower, i hide, i hold it all in ... This is robbing me of life, I know, i just can't open my hand and breathe,.. I called a rape counsel hotline, it has shut me down, i've been in the house every since. Covered by my things... quiet... if no one knows i'm here. i can't be hurt, or taken advantage of, I know this is not right, yet i can't correct it... it hurts so bad, it was soo long ago, it shouldn't still affect me... but all the news, and all the current violence against women, shut me down. I am at wit's end. I am, hiding ... I am not free
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Trapped Behind the Walls

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