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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Overwhelmed
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Posted: 07 April 2014 - 09:05 AM
The Daily Chat; What are you doing today; is a spot where you can post for both encouragement and accountability and have some level of daily contact totally outside of your current environment.
Posted: 07 April 2014 - 08:07 AM
Yes, welcome, Tracy! I understand the "overwhelmed" feeling. You've already dealt with an awful lot in your life! Wow! I'm glad you have found this group.

I have only been part of this group for a matter of weeks, but I'm getting a lot of help and benefits already from being in it. Not only do I get personal help, but I also get hope from seeing the progress that others have made.

I'll keep this post somewhat short for the moment. Looking forward to hearing more from you!
Posted: 06 April 2014 - 12:04 PM
Hey Tracy,

I haven't been posting regularly (going thru stuff) but I wanted to welcome you here. It's a great place where people like us are understood and supported. Even if you hit a stagnant spot it's still good to know there's a community here for you.

A good place to start is to read old posts ~ get to know people and their situations. You can do your reading when you are too frustrated and don't know what else to do in that moment. Or read as a reward when you break from working on some little pile.

Stick around. I've been here since January 2013. I knew my wreck of a life was decades in the making and change (mental even more than the physical) will be an ongoing process for the rest of my life. But don't give up. :)

take good care ~~ Dianne (ps ~ there are 2 Diane/Dianne's here ~ I'm the one with 2 n's)
Posted: 05 April 2014 - 03:48 PM
So happy I found this site today. I am 43 and am ready to admit I am a hoarder. I hate to even admit that much but I am so overwhelmed that I just want to run away and never look back.

I don't even know where to start and I have no one I can turn to because my family is extremely judgmental and I already have enough problems with them.

I have the normal daddy issues of the day (meaning my dad took off when I was 9 and only calls now when he needs something). He left my mother with 6 children. Then my mom married his best friend (who also had 6 children that I had grown up with and never liked). They had one more child together. I spent all of my time cooking, cleaning, and caring for everyone, because when I was 14, my mom broke her leg in a serious accident and was bed ridden for a year. There was a 1 yr old and a 3 yr old siblings that had to be cared for and my stepdad was drunk most of the time. We all lived in the same house for a while. I spent my teenage and young adult years drinking and sleeping around. I had my daughter when I was 26, and quit the drinking then. I didn't quit smoking until she was 8 and since then have continued to gain a lot of weight. I have gained about 100 extra pounds. I work a full time job at a family business and so the only people I see on a daily basis are brothers, uncles, cousins. I live in a small community surrounded by all of these people in a pretty rural area (15 miles from the nearest town).

I am so exhausted from dealing with family everyday and I come home and see my disgusting house and I just ignore it instead. I hate myself and am so depressed. I moved to a new house and it got as bad as the first (which I still haven't cleaned out yet). I am drowning and feel like I'm dragging my poor daughter down with me.

I won't let anyone in my house, it's too full of garbage. I don't know how I became this person. Sometimes I just want to burn the house down and start new somewhere else where no one knows me.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Overwhelmed

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