Hi I am in the same boat.. :( I am just coming to the realization that I may be suffering from a hoarding disorder... The funny part is I am a Mental Health Counselor myself so this is even more embarrassing... I have been told by family and friends for years that I am a hoarder and I don't throw things away... I keep things because I think I will need them at another point in time... But looking around my house today, I became sick and overwhelmed with worry... I have piles and piles of mail (unopened and opened), piles of magazines (read and unread), clean tupparware containers that I collect from Chinese takeout and other food establishments, and piles of books and clothing everywhere in every room... I keep all of these things because I truly believe that I will need something to fit in one of those containers one day, or I may need an article from one of those magazines or newspapers to use for work or for school, or perhaps for the groups that I do counseling with... I keep clothing whether it still fits me or not either because it was given to me by someone that was special to me, or because I think I may still wear it one day... I guess I have such a small home and although I appear to be hoarding these items we can still walk in our hallways... However its getting harder to find a place to sit, because I have a pile of paperwork on each chair in kitchen and every dresser in bedroom is covered on top with clothing... I also have piles of papers in my living room... ugh this is a difficult thing to come to terms with... And right now I should be cleaning up and organizing or throwing things out one pile at a time, but the truth is I am so tired that and overwhelmed by all of my stuff that I don't have any energy to even get started.. I don't know what to throw out or keep, I don't where to put things in my house... It's debilitating... Even my car is filled to the top with stuff, as well as a storage unit that I pay for... Help I feel like I am drowning!! and everyone is mad at me!!