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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : End of my rope
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End of my rope

Posted: 10 October 2013 - 10:33 AM
Yes Roxie,

My husband is very supportive, especially after his first hand experience with mom Saturday.
I really feel bad, I can only imagine what people think who do not know the history with her when they hear comments that are made.

I know and have tried to discuss the fact with mom about my brother and I having the responsibility of cleaning up her apartment and storage unti when something happens to her. Her respopnse was "so". She has no concern for what she has and will put us through.

One day at a time!!! :)
Posted: 10 October 2013 - 09:27 AM
(((Tammy))) You know, it helps me to hear from "the other side"--the person who has to deal with a hoarder. It helps keep me on the right road, even as I make turns and stops here and there. So thank you.

You do sound better, and I am glad. Tough love, remember. Appropriate boundaries. Self-care a priority. And keep reaching out to your brother. Does he 'do' computer? LOL If so, perhaps send some good supportive websites. Talk to him. Talk to his wife. If he's not in counseling or getting medications, offer to accompany him. Whatever seems to be a lifeline to him.

At the same time, remember his life is his and yours is yours. You must take care of yourself first. Your husband is supportive of you? (Seems like it.)

Posted: 10 October 2013 - 07:32 AM
I have thought about the mess my brother and I will have to deal with when something happens to mom. We have also talked about it, I guess at this point we will just haev to deal with that when the time comes.

As for it being a quite week, I feel better this week, just not having the stress of dealing with her.

Looking forward to the weekend. My nephew's birthday party is this weekend and can't wait to see everyone, except mom. Because of her behavior, my sister-in-law refuses to allow her to participate. I do not blame her at all. No one can have a good time when she is around. We all just wait for her to make some kind of comment that is inappropriate. So, it is better that she is not there.

I am worried about my brother. I talked tohim yesterday and he was not himself. Not sure what is going through his head right now, but he is certainaly depressed about something.

I decided years ago, when I realized mom absolutely has a problem, I would not allow myself to be like her. Even when I am down, I refuse to let anyone know. Seems to help get past the problem at the time.

Thanks again for all your support. You guys are AWESOME!!!!
Posted: 09 October 2013 - 12:05 PM
Ask your counselor if you can call her for some reinforcement for when you start to get too scared. Your mom could be using silence as manipulation knowing you will break down, contact her and then she'll have even more to berate you about.

This is tough love.

You could think of this too ~ eventually your mom's hoard will be your mess to clean up after she passes. That will be punishment enough. Why take the abuse now on top of it?

Keep working on your own issues and develop your strength.
Posted: 09 October 2013 - 10:34 AM
Just a quick update. Everythign has been quite for the past couple of days. Kinda scares me in a way. Trying not to worry about it. She is just going to have to figure this out on her own.

Have a great day!!! :-)
Posted: 07 October 2013 - 11:40 AM
Roxie said it all best, Tammy,

take good care and keep posting
Posted: 07 October 2013 - 10:16 AM
Ah, Tammy, I can feel your sorrow, and I am sorry you have to experience this. BUT you have done what you could. I'm glad you could get a recording. Take that to the therapist and it may help you set and keep up boundaries for your life and sanity.

I think at this point I would let her know that you will not be available to her unless and until she gets therapy and gets cleanup help. That leaves a door for her to open, but on your terms. Of course, run that by the therapist first.

You can reach out a hand to your depressed brother to let him know what you are doing, and to offer to be there for him. He's probably at his wit's end, too.

I am proud of you, and your husband. And glad you did not get hit. No one should get hit. It was also great that you went outside to calm yourself!

Meanwhile, get all the support you can here and anywhere else it is available. Come over to the Daily board if you like, which is most active. There are people posting there who are not hoarders but are in relationship to one, too.

Posted: 07 October 2013 - 07:30 AM
Good morning,

So, my husband and I went to my mom's Saturday and it did not go well as I suspected. I did have my phone set to record and recorded about 40 minutes of the conversation until I finally had to go outside to calm down some.

It was the same story, everything is every one else's fault, nothing is her fault. Her apartment is as bad if not worse than April 2012 when my brother went to help clen it up. He toilet is black, the couch, loveseat, chair, coffe table and everything else is piled high with stuff. There are pills, trash, food, etc on the floor. Roaches crawling around.

The last straw was when I said something to her about loosing her car becuase she does not have the money to make the payments, but she is not under any terms willing to give up her storage unit, which costs her more than half her car payment, she drew back to hit me. I told her the storage unit can not take her to the doctor, store or anywhere else She got mad, stood up and drew her fist back. Then my husband said, he works in the sun all day, doesn't get many Saturdays off and drove 2 hours to listen to her scream and yell. Her response was "I don't care." At some point, she also drew back to hit him twice.

I just can not do it anymore. SHe does not think she needs help. Everyone who tells her she needs help are the ones that need help according to her. I just do not see any point anymore.
Posted: 04 October 2013 - 12:07 PM
It will take a lot of effort and some time to set appropriate boundaries between yourself and your mother. Try googling "active listening" and "dealing with toxic mother" and there will be some good ideas.

Try to go with no expectations of how things will go except that you will make an effort to really listen and let her know you are listening. You may need to set a time limit for yourself and/or set some "times out" for yourself if you feel yourself getting upset. If you only visit 10 minutes, so be it.

IF at all possible, record the conversation so you can review it later, maybe with a therapist. There are all kinds of unobtrusive recording devices available.

I hope this helps.

Posted: 04 October 2013 - 07:41 AM
I did try what the counselor suggested. I had sent mo a positive quote saying " We are not given a good life or bad life, we are given a life and it is up to us to make it good or bad" Well, she called and managed to twist it completely around and missed my point all together. She started ranting and raving, said that my brother nor I will sit down and listen to what she has to say. With that, I said I had to go and hung up. She did not call me back. However, after thinking a while, I called her back and told her, I will rearrange my plans I have for Saturday and go down there ( 2 hour drive) to listen to what she has to say. I am pretty sure how it will turn out, but at least she can not say I never listened to her. Plus, I want to see what kind of condition her apartment is in. I know she has inspection coming up within a week or two.

When I talked with her pastor he sounded like he was trying to make excuses for her and her behavior. I am not sure he is a good one to talk to. She is on the verge of having her car repoed, but she still has her storage unit full of stuff she obviously does not need or it would not be in storage. He said she "loves" these things. I understand that and I know it is part of the hoarding, but the storage unti is not going to take her to the doctor or to the grocery store. She has made it very clear, she will give up her car before she gives up the storage unit.
Posted: 03 October 2013 - 03:21 PM
I like Dianne's suggestion.

Are you planning to see the counselor again? Does the counselor have any experience regarding hoarding? Hugs
Posted: 02 October 2013 - 02:21 PM
Sounds like a good plan, Tammy.

You might want to talk with your mom's pastor and explain your situation. If your mom gets along so well with him maybe he can help her. At least he'll have a heads up on the rants against you that are sure to blast his ears.
Posted: 02 October 2013 - 09:33 AM
Good morning,

I went to the counselor yesterday. She said that based on what I told her it sounds like my mom is narcasistic, has histrionic personality disorder and egocentric. She also said that nothing has changed or helped her over the years and it is not likely to now.

Her pastor also called me and said she cracks him up and she has a good sense of humor. I can not rememeber the last time I seen mom smile or heard her laugh.

Anyways, the counselor said the best way to handle her for now, to save my sanity, is to only talk to her on my terms. If she starts yelling, screaming, whatever, for me to simply say I got to go and hang up.

I guess we will see how it goes.
Posted: 02 October 2013 - 08:16 AM
Roxie, that's a great site, thanks.

I never heard of the word metanoia. Not a very pretty sounding word but I do love the meaning. Thanks for the info!
Posted: 01 October 2013 - 10:45 AM
Roxie and Dianne:

I can not thank you enough for your support. I am not suicidal, if I was ever going to be, it would have been when my boys died.

Hopefully, the counselor will give me some direction this afternoon that I can use to either try to help my mother or at least not allow her to get me so upset.

She is a very selfish, unhappy, angry person who needs serious help. Not only with the hoarding, but with depression and possibly bi-polar disorder.

I have been through much worse, I will get through this also. I refuse to let bad things get the best of me.

You guys are awesome!!!! :-)
Posted: 01 October 2013 - 10:44 AM
Roxie and Dianne:

I can not thank you enough for your support. I am not suicidal, if I was ever going to be, it would have been when my boys died.

Hopefully, the counselor will give me some direction this afternoon that I can use to either try to help my mother or at least not allow her to get me so upset.

She is a very selfish, unhappy, angry person who needs serious help. Not only with the hoarding, but with depression and possibly bi-polar disorder.

I have been through much worse, I will get through this also. I refuse to let bad things get the best of me.

You guys are awesome!!!! :-)
Posted: 01 October 2013 - 06:07 AM
(((Tammy) I cannot imagine what you've been going through, but I can tell you that you deserve much, much better treatment. It is obvious to me that you care very much and that she is incapable of seeing or hearing that or, if she is capable, she cannot accept it as it is offered.

Since you cannot change a hoarder unless she wants to change, you must see to your own survival and to making a good life for yourself. We are here for you.

You are not responsible for anyone else's suicide, nor your father, etc. That is an individual's decision usually made at a breaking point. I don't want to see you going down that road. So, keep on reaching out and it WILL GET BETTER for you, if not for your mother.

Meanwhile, here is a site if you ever feel suicidal, for you to check out. I know it has saved a couple of my friends just reading it.

metanoia dot org/suicide/

Please let us know how you are today?
Posted: 30 September 2013 - 10:43 AM

I cannot imagine how you have continued to survive. You have a core of strength that will get you thru anything.

Your mother is very sick. Whatever it is cut her loose and protect yourself. That might not be the right choice for everyone but you have every right to heal and have as much happiness in life as you can find.

keep posting please
Posted: 30 September 2013 - 09:36 AM
I have to say that I am truly overwhelmed with the responses and support I have gotten from y'all. After dealing with her all week, by yesterday I was a basket case. I was having anxiety attacks and shaking I just felt like a time bomb getting ready to explode.

There is absolutely more to her illness than hoarding, I am just notsure what. Obviously, since I am not a doctor, I may never know. However, a cousin of mine suggested Schizophrenia. She does and says very hurtful things. Without going into a lot of detail, both of my biological boys commited suicide in 2001. She had the nerve to tell me Saturday that because of things my father allowed me to do when I was a kid, I need to think about where my boys are now. Their suicide was not my father's fault or her fault.

Hopefully I can make it until tomorrow to see the coounselr and listen to what she has to say.

Roxie, I will look at the website and video you have suggested.

Thank you all so much for the encouragement and support.
Posted: 29 September 2013 - 10:48 PM
Tammy, if you go to childrenofhoarders dot com, the video you can see by Jason is important. Jason is the son of one of the "worst" hoarders I have ever seen, in terms of abuse of her children, unwillingness to accept responsibility or help of any kind.

The rest of the site I hope will help you. You can google children of hoarders and lots of links come up, including some online group support sites.

Posted: 29 September 2013 - 10:40 PM
I agree with Dianne about making sure your counselor is a good fit for you, and that will have to do most of all with your comfort level after the initial meeting (or, sometimes, during the first meeting). It might also help to ask if they have any experience with or understanding of hoarding behavior and its fallout.

I know I shut people out of my life while at my worst, although I never lashed out at people or threatened any relationships. Mine was to withdraw and to not let people into my home. That has changed now, but it was a process years in the making.

Hoarding is often the result of a trauma or series of traumas. For someone with a "packrat" style I think it may be easier to false into the downward spiral of hoarding. For your own sanity and life, you may need to break off communication with your mom at least for now. You can always tell her when she's ready to see a doctor and/or see a therapist, you'll help, but not otherwise.

Please keep in touch. I care and so do others here.

Posted: 28 September 2013 - 10:14 AM
Tammy, if the first counselor doesn't work for you please try others. Sometimes finding the right counselor is like interviewing job applicants. It may take some time to find the right fit.

Your mom sounds like a toxic personality. Calling you 7 times within 10 minutes at work to rant at you is beyond unacceptable. That kind of interference in your work atmosphere can get you fired.

You can't worry about if she calls other people and they call you concerned about her. You could give a simple explanation of your strategy (refusing her calls for your own sanity) and eventually they will refuse her calls too. This sounds like a woman who cannot be helped by friends or relatives. She needs professional help and if she refuses then you need to move on with your life. A good counselor can help you do that.

I would guess that your brother will need to cut off contact too. His depression can only worsen being berated and in such a no win situation.
Posted: 27 September 2013 - 01:06 PM

I truly believe she has always been somewhat of a haorder; however, as a child, my dad tried to keep the clutter and stuff to a minimum as best he could.

I just got off the phone with her a short time ago and she was ranting and raving. She said she is going to give up her family and everything.

I tried to call her yesterday oon my way to work to ask her exactly what she wanted from my brother and I. She did not answer and I did not leqave a message, I did not think it was that important. She called me 7 times in less than 10 minutes after I got to work.

This morning, she called twice and then texted me saying GOd is going to punish the 4 of us, me, my husband, brother and sister-in-law.

I do have an appointment Tuesday with a counsleor, I guess I will see what she has to say. Thank you for the encouragement!! :)
Posted: 27 September 2013 - 10:46 AM
Tammy, I was glad to see you came back. I very much encourage you to get counseling for yourself, as your trying to deal with your mother is a very difficult position to be in. Also, you are welcome to visit these threads and post and/or read as much as you like. Most of us here are hoarders who have chosen to take steps to help ourselves. Others, like Tillie, are married to or in some kind of relationship with a hoarder.

You might also check on the internet to see if you can find any Adult Children of Hoarders, especially if your mother was a hoarder when you were a child. Do you know when the behavior began or what events might have come just before it? At any rate, there are online boards and even some online and occasionally offline support groups for others in your situation.

Hugs to you,
Posted: 25 September 2013 - 03:46 PM
I have tried to limit and even have no contact with her. When I do, she just aggravates my brother that much more or she calls friends or anyone who will listen to her and most of the time, that person will end up calling me telling me that they are concerned for her.

She will not provide her doctor's information and she is not going to see or even talk to a mental health care provider or any one else who is going to tell her what she does not want to hear.

She complains she needs help, but if someone tries to offer help and it is not on her terms, she doesn't want it. FOr example, she does not have enough money to pay her bills, when I tell her for me to try to help her, I need to see what she has going out and coming in. She wants the money now, but she does not want me going to her apartment because it isn't clean and she knows I will fuss at her.
Posted: 25 September 2013 - 11:24 AM
Tammy, I'm so sorry that you have to be in that situation.

It doesn't sound like your mother is anywhere near changing. And apparently it's not like she really wants to be left alone since she's calling you yelling that no one helps her. It doesn't sound like she is like a lot of hoarders who just want to be left alone with their stuff. Her actions sound abusive and belligerent and since you've been dealing with this for over 50 years it seems to be beyond anything you can do.

My advice would be to take care of yourself. Talk to a counselor and try to build some healthy boundaries. Maintain your relationship with your brother and give him support in his depression as well as you can.

It sounds very harsh but you may need to refuse contact with your mother until you are better able to protect yourself emotionally. If she has no other relatives she sounds feisty enough to complain to a neighbor or doctor about her ungrateful children, etc. They'll nod and say that's awful and she'll have her validation that's she's right which is probably what she really wants.

Her situation may worsen and you may have more of a mess to deal with later but you'll be stronger by then. For you to continue to try and deal with such an unreasonable person who fights you in everything does nothing but drain your energy.

Step back and start taking good care of Tammy. Good luck and let us know how things go.
Posted: 25 September 2013 - 11:12 AM
Hi Tammy :)
Sometimes all we can do is take care of ourselves.
Since she is an adult, even though she is not taking proper care of her life, there is not much you can do.
That's one reason why I am here at this website, because the hoarder in my life will not change.
We can only change ourselves.
Sometimes it is necessary to walk away.
I know you feel that you should be helping her but since she is refusing your help now is the time to think about you and your peace, health and happiness.
Posted: 25 September 2013 - 10:34 AM
She will not go to a counselor. She is on mediation; however, I do not know what she is on or exactly what kind, everything is a big secret.

Trying to have any kind of adult conversation with her is almost impossible. We end up in a yelling match and I end up making sarcastic comments that do not help matters,but she is just so difficult. Everything wrong in her life is everyone else's fault except hers. She will not accept any responsibility for anything.

I have tried Department of Children and Families and all I got is a nasty phone call from my mother yelling and screaming.

To make matters worse, my brother is going through some depression issues right now, so that leaves me to try to take care of this basically alone.

I have decided I am going to go to a counselor myself to try and get some answers.

Thank you so much for the responses, it does help.

Posted: 25 September 2013 - 05:31 AM
Hi, Tammy. I'm sorry you have had to continue to experience this distress. One thing we've learned is that cleaning out a hoarder's house without also having the hoarder alter their behavior just doesn't work. Would she be at all willing to go into counseling either on her own or as family counseling? When was the last time she had a complete physical examination by a doctor? Perhaps there are some medical issues going on. It would be good to at least eliminate that.

From there, Adult Protective Services might need to be involved. We don't know if she is capable of or willing to change, but putting the might of the government behind confrontation might change things, or at least get her moved to a situation where she has more structure in her life to prevent further hoarding? Just some thoughts.

You cannot change her, really. She needs to change or nothing changes. It's best you take care of yourself, maybne have a family meeting about an approach. Let us know.
Posted: 24 September 2013 - 02:26 PM
Hi Tammy :)
Sorry to hear you are having this difficulty.
Sad to say, unfortunately the elderly very rarely ever change their ways.
I understand about the twisting of peoples words and you having to walk around on egg shells to try to keep from setting her off.
From what you have written it looks to me that she should not live alone any more.
Maybe one of those retirement housing buildings where there is staff to keep her in check?
Sorry that I don't really have any answers for you. :(
Best wishes, Tillie
Posted: 24 September 2013 - 01:38 PM
I am at the end of my rope with my mother and do not know where or how to get help for her. She complains that no one will help her, which is not true. I traveled over an hour to help her "clean" her kitchen cabinets that took all of 20 minutes. I ended up calling DCF as her apartment was unhealthy and unsafe. My brother, sister-in-law, members of the local police department and Sertoma club helped her in April of 2012 to help clean her apartment. I understand that it is now right back the way it was. She calls yelling and screaming that no one will help her and no one wants to be around her. No one can be around her for fear something will get said that she will twist around to her benefit not to mention not knowing when she will say something inappropriate. I could go on and on as I have been dealing with this for 50 years. She is getting worse and I just do not know what to do. Any suggestions, she is driving me crazy.
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