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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : What will happen if they don't wseek help?
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What will happen if they don't wseek help?

Cory Chalmers
Posted: 04 May 2012 - 08:54 AM
Hi Pam,
Unfortunately, your friend is a hoarder and often will procrastinate until it is too late. Her management company will certainly not pay for a company to come help her cleanup, unless she has the best manager in the world. Not impossible, but not very likely. She needs to have a backup plan in place in case the more routine thing happens and they evict her. Can you tell me how old she is? I am assuming if you think she will be put in an assisted living center she must be elderly or close to it. Adult Protective Services should be contacted if she is evicted to assist her in placement, but keep in mind they can perform a mental evaluation on her and make decisions on her behalf if she is not deemed capable of caring for herself which may or may not be the case. APS also has resources available to help her if she needs them. Hopefully, whe will clean her place before this inspection happens or her world may entirely change very soon!
Posted: 03 May 2012 - 11:56 PM
I tried to help my friend clean up for an up coming inspection. There was a threat of eviction. I managed to throw out all the rotten bags of meat, but she stopped me from any more cleaning. She seems to think, they will let her satay there and pay someone to come in and clean her house the way she wants. I think they will put her in an assisted living situation, sell her stuff, and declared incapable of taking care of herself? What do they do with hoarders after eviction?
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : What will happen if they don't wseek help?

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