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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Where to Start?
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Where to Start?

Posted: 10 August 2013 - 03:22 PM
Hi, Will. Boy, do you fit right in here with us! Pull up a chair and read/post and share.

What do you think would be the more important thing to achieve first?

Do you have family or friends who could help you at times?

Do NOT throw out the photos! I'd give anything to have photos like that in my own family, since I am working on a family ancestry tree. Do you have children or younger relatives (nieces, nephews, grandkids, etc.)? There is a good chance that one or more would be thrilled to eventually get the pictures and/or help you work with them.

If not, there are historical societies and researchers who would be interested.

The pictures can be your "fun" time you can work on at your leisure. Label the pictures with whatever information you can: date, names, place, relationships, event, etc.

Posted: 10 August 2013 - 02:42 PM
Hi Will, welcome!

First of all do not throw out those old family photos!!! What a treasure, especially the ones from the 1800's.

Come over to the Daily Chat section. You'll find lots of good people here. I think most of us are older, with health problems and the same issues with nostalgia and *what if I need it* thoughts.

Are you under pressure to get the hoard cleared fast? Like for an inspection from a landlord? If not you can begin the process at the pace you choose to set.

For now start with getting trash in bags. Empty food containers, junk mail, etc. Are you able to prepare food, have a usable bathroom, a fairly good place to sleep?

With the daily basics under control it's easier to handle the harder stuff.

Post often, we are all working towards the same goals.
Posted: 10 August 2013 - 12:54 PM
Hi Clueless,

Welcome to the board! :D

Maybe you could take pictures of the items that you are emotionally attached to. And then after you take the pictures, get rid of the items. And then you can take all of the family photos and the photos of the items that you got rid of, and organize all of them and put them into scrapbooks. :)
Clueless in Seattle
Posted: 10 August 2013 - 11:16 AM
Hi, I just found this forum and it appears that I don't have to register or create an I.D. so I'm posting my introduction.

I'm seventy, in poor health and have a life time accumulation of stuff piled up in the back bedroom of a small apartment.

I recognize that I need to get rid of the better part of it but I feel so emotionally attached to it that every time I sit down to sort it I get caught up in waves of nostalgia that carry me away in daydreaming about the past.

I also have this "you never know when you might need one (or ten or a hundred) of these done day" habit. So I have boxes, and shelves filled with extras of everything that I've bought on sale.

That doesn't begin to cover all the kinds of things I've got piled up in there. For example a floor to ceiling shelf unit filled with boxes of family photos going back to Norway in the late 1800s. It's so hard to just toss this stuff in the recycling bin.

So, here I am. That's my story.

Now, where do I go from here?

Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Where to Start?

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